Sabbat and Solstice Oil Recipes
Pagan Sabbat Oil Making
General tips for making:
- Add to 1/4 cup olive-oil.
- Heat slowly over low flame until the gums have melted into the oil.
- Cool and apply sparingly as you would any oil for the Pagan Sabbats.
Sabbat Oil #1
- 3 drops Frankincense
- 2 drops Myrrh
- 2 drops Sandalwood
- 1 drop Orange
- 1 drop Lemon
Add to an olive-oil base and wear to Sabbats.
Sabbat Oil #2
- 2 drops Pine
- 1 drop Ginger
- 1 drop Cinnamon
- 1 drop Sandalwood
Add to any base oil. Another like the above.
Sabbat Oil #3
- 1 tsp. Frankincense, powdered
- 1 tsp. Myrrh, powdered
- 1 tsp. Benzoin, powdered
Sabbat Oil #4
Equal parts frankincense, myrrh and sandalwood, and equal half parts cinnamon, lemon peel and orange peel mixed in with your favorite carrier oil.
Winter Solstice Oil
To make Winter Solstice Oil, use 1/8 Cup grapeseed oil or other base oil of your choice.
Add the following:
- 4 drops pine oil
- 2 drops orange oil
- 2 drops cedar oil
- 2 drops juniper oil
- 2 – 3 small lumps of frankincense, finely ground
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place. Use during your Yule celebrations to anoint participants or tools.
Spring Equinox Oil
- 4 drops lavender
- 2 drops each apple, pear, peach oil
- 1 drop each thyme, marjoram and elder oils.
Samhain Oil #1
- 4 drops Pine Oil
- 2 drops Frankincense oil
- 2 drops Patchouli oil
- 2 drops Lavender oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Samhain Oil #2
3 drops each :
- Rosemary
- Pine
- Bay
- Apple oil
- 2 drops Patchouli oil.
Yule Oil
- Almond oil
- Pine oil
- Cloves
- Applewood pieces
- Fir oil
- Cinnamon stick
- A drop of musk oil
Yule Oil #2
- 1 part Pine Oil
- 1 part Fir Oil
- 5 part Almond Oil
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 1 drop Musk Oil
- 4 Cloves
Mix in a bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Imbolc Oil
- 2 drops each jasmine, rose, chamomile, lemon, and lavender.
Imbolc Oil #2
This oil blend combines Ginger, Clove and Rosemary, representing the elements of fire, with Cypress, associated with the astrological sign of Aquarius.
To make Imbolc Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:
- 3 drops Ginger
- 2 drops Clove
- 1 drop Rosemary
- 1 drop Cypress
As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.
Ostara Oil
- 1 part Almond Oil
- 1 part Violet Oil
- 1 part Elder Oil
- 1 part Patchouli Oil
- 1 part Lavender Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Beltane Oil
- 4 drops Lily Of The Valley Oil
- 2 drops Violet Oil
- 2 drops Honeysuckle Oil
- Pinch of Lemon Balm
Mix with 2 oz olive oil and tightly bottle. Anoint your altar and candles.
Beltane Oil #2
- 5 drops rose oil,
- 2 drops Dragon’s blood,
- 3 drops coriander oil.
Use almond oil as a base.
Midsummer (Litha) Oil
- 4 drops lavender oil
- 3 drops Rosemary oil
- 1 drop Pine Oil
Use Sunflower oil as your base.
Midsummer (Litha) Oil #2
- 2 parts White Sandalwood
- 1 part Cinquefoil (Five Fingers)
- 1 part Galangal
- 1 part Mugwort
- a few drops Lavender oil
- a few drops Neroli oil
- a few drops Patchouli oil
Lughnassadh (Lammas) Oil #1
- 1 part Sunflower Oil
- 1 part Hazelnut Oil
- 1 part Heliotrope Oil
- 1 part Fir Oil
- 1 part Basil Oil
- 1 part Rose Oil
Mix in bottle. Anoint on altar and candles.
Lughnassadh (Lammas) Oil #2
- 2 drops peppermint oil
- 3 drops elder oil
- 1 drop fir oil
- 1 drop hazelnut oil
Use corn oil as a base.
Mabon Oil #1
- 1 part Hazelnut Oil
- 1 part Almond Oil
- 1 part Crushed Walnut Shell
- Tsp of Marigold Leaves
Add small Yellow Agate or golden crystal (optional). Anoint your altar and candles.
Mabon Oil #2
- 4 drops each Rosemary and Frankincense oil
- 2 drops apple oil
- 1 drop chamomile oil.
Use almond oil as a base and add oils.