Botanicals for Magical Protection

Basic Botanicals of Magical Protection

Many botanicals weave an aura of protection, including the ones that follow. Create your own protection spells by incorporating them in any magical style.

Try betony, black cohosh, calamus/sweet flag, five-finger grass/cinquefoil, hyssop, lavender, mugwort, peppermint, roses, rue, Saint John’s Wort, snake root, stinging nettles, tormentil, vervain, wormwood, and yarrow.

The following nine herbs allegedly withstand and protect against all spiritual and magical dangers:

  1. Eyebright
  2. Mallow
  3. Mugwort
  4. Saint John’s Wort
  5. Vervain
  6. Wormwood
  7. Yarrow
  8. Rue
  9. Nettle

Plant them around the perimeter of the area needing protection, ideally in a circle. Maintain living plants in pots that may be arranged in a circle, if and when necessary. In times of spiritual danger, sit within that circle.

Basic Magical Protection

Anti-bewitchment spells create a protective shield, an aura of invulnerability against malevolent magic. They prevent the casting of enchantment against you, however they may not remove a hex already cast. Hex-antidotes or reversing spells are required instead.

Botanical Guardian Spell 

Allegedly, evil and malevolent forces cannot exist in the presence of the following botanicals:

Hyssop, Lavender, Patchouli , Rue

  1. Their power is exponentially increased where they are maintained together. Maintain living plants for maximum power.
  2. For portable protection, take a sprig of each plant with you.
  3. Braid or weave them together, focusing on your desires.
  4. Place in a red mojo and carry with you

Aloe Vera Protection 

Aloe vera’s leaves, filled with healing, soothing gel, are shaped like spears. Maintain living plants on your altar for spiritual protection, especially if working with volatile entities or dangerous spirits.

Bay Leaf Protection 

According to myth, the bay laurel tree offered the Delphic pythoness Daphne an avenue of escape when fleeing rape. Place at least one bay leaf in each corner of every room to create an aura of protection.

Asperging with Herbs (spatter with liquid)

  1. Dissolve saltpeter in water.
  2. Sprinkle over the thresholds of your home and on people to repel malevolent magic, as well as anywhere you perceive vulnerability.
  3. For maximum benefit, use protective botanicals as asperging tools, such as rue, rosemary, or rowan.

Devil’s Shoestrings for Protection

The root, devil’s shoestrings, is used to provide magical protection. The following two spells are most effective if cast in conjunction with each other.

Ideas for use:

  • Nine roots of equal length are required; they can’t be cut to size. Knot them into a bracelet, blessing, affirming, and petitioning with each knot.
  • Grind up devil’s shoestrings and blend them with arrowroot powder. Sprinkle the powder in your clothing drawers, around your bed, and over your thresholds for round-the-clock protection.

Gemstone Protection 

Strategically arrange blue crystal gemstones around the home or area you wish to protect, creating a magical boundary to keep out evil.

Protection Stone Oil

This formula from ancient Mesopotamia to protect against malevolent magic is particularly beneficial if a future personal encounter with evil sorcery is anticipated.

  1. Choose five different stones, including hematite and a lodestone.
  2. Crush the rocks (or use small pieces as best you can)
  3. Blend olive and castor oil and add essential oil of cypress.
  4. Let this mixture stand outside overnight, exposed to moon and starlight, absorbing their power.Simultaneously there should be spiritual petition, magical ritual, and fasting to bolster the effects.
  5. At sunrise, massage the body with the oil.