Protection Spells

Protection magic isn’t about keeping bad things from happening to you for the rest of your life, or assuming that a pile of salt outside your door will keep illness or hardship away. Protection magic can help you surf the vibrations that life throws your way a little more easily. And, in some cases, guide the right energies toward you and unnecessary energies away from you, helping you to work more in tandem with exactly what’s meant for you at this time.

Protection magic could:

  • Energetically protect a space or container, concentrating only the necessary energy inside.
  • Energetically protect you as you venture into charged or chaotic spaces or situations (even remotely, like on Zoom or over social media).
  • Lighten anxiety or obsession with a potential future outcome, or create mental, emotional protection.
  • Heal and strengthen relationships by giving you the boundaries you need to feel safe.

Magic is never supposed to make you feel scared or in scarcity. This could look like making a protection talisman and freaking out when you leave it at home because you’re suddenly “unprotected.” A few more signs you might want to skip protection magic are:

  • Finding yourself casting protection spells for loved ones all day instead of taking care of yourself.
  • Constantly thinking that you’re cursed or constantly under psychic attack.
  • Panicking if a spell didn’t go perfectly.

When to Invoke Protection Spells

There are no real rules when it comes to spell timing. Some people like to use electional astrology to find the best days and time for magic, others will simply time their spells with the moon cycle, or perform a spell whenever they feel like it.

If you’re unsure when to use protection magic, here are a few options:

  • Invoke protection after you’ve cleansed and cleared the energy of a space. You’ve gone to all the trouble of cleansing or purifying a space, now some protective measures are in order.
  • At the beginning and, or ending of every day.
  • Before or after a big social event or before being in a crowded space.
  • Before travel.
  • Before dropping your pet or children off at the sitter’s.
  • Before a big meeting or family gathering.
  • Before opening any social media app.

Other Ways to Invoke Protection

  • Place a protective stone or crystal in or around the space
  • Lay dried or fresh herbs, flowers, leaves, or bark on your altar or in a protective circle around your ritual space.
  • Position or draw a pentagram or other protective symbol in or around the space.
  • Sprinkle salt in a circle or place a bowl of salt at the four corners of your room.
  • Place bowls of salt water in the four corners of the room, or sprinkle salt water in a circle around you
  • String garlic cloves on top of doorways.
  • Create a protection amulet or witch’s bottle with some crystals, spices, and some of the herbs from the list above.

Protection spells from multiple traditions

A basic protection spell

This spell needs nothing but a candle, preferably white. This spell is powered by the Element of Fire.

(I also light incense with protective energies as well, just for the extra strength.)

Sit in front of the lit candle. Visualize the fire bathing you with glowing protective light. The fire creates a flaming, shimmering spell around you.

Once this is visualized, say:

“Craft the spell

in the fire,

craft it well,

weave it higher.

Weave it now

of shining flame,

none shall come

to hurt or maim.

None shall pass this fiery wall,

none shall pass

no, no one at all.”

Repeat this simple yet effective Ritual every day when needed.

House Protection Spell Bottle

Since the earliest spell bottles were created for protection, it seems fitting to begin with one made for this purpose. Ideally, such a bottle will be walled up in a new home under construction, or placed under the floorboards. If this is impossible, simply place it in a position of importance somewhere in the home.

Items needed:

  • 1 glass jar with cork stopper or lid (a small canning jar is fine)
  • 1/2 to 1 cup salt (depending on size of the jar)
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • 9 bay leaves
  • 7 TBS dried basil
  • 4 TBS dill seeds
  • 1 TBS sage
  • 1 TBS anise
  • 1 TBS black pepper
  • 1 TBS fennel
  • 1 bowl

In the morning, ideally on a bright and sunny day, assemble all items.

Place the salt into the bowl and say:

“Salt that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the cloves of garlic to the bowl and say:

“Garlic that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Crumble the bay leaves, place in the bowl and say:

“Bay that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the basil and say:

“Basil that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add dill and say:

“Dill that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the sage and say:

“Sage that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the anise and say:

“Anise that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the pepper and say:

“Pepper that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Add the fennel and say:

“Fennel that protects, protect my home and all within it.”

Mix together the herbs and the salt with your hands.

Through the movement of your hands and fingers, lend energy to the potent protective items.

Visualize your home as a shining, safe, guarded, secure place of sanctuary.

Pour the mixture into the jar.

Seal tightly and place in your home with the following words:

“Salt and herbs, nine times nine

Guard now this home of mine.

It is done.”

The Witch’s Bottle

Protection Against Enemies

It is possible for the nicest person to have enemies. Some people may be jealous of you; misunderstand you; just dislike the way you do your hair!

Many people have said, “I don’t need protection. I don’t have any enemies.”

But there are the above-type “enemies” that you wouldn’t even know about.

They may well be as sweet as pie to you, to your face, but be bitterly jealous, or whatever it may be, behind your back.

How do you protect yourself against their negativity? How do you protect yourself against a warped individual who decides to work magick against you? You don’t want to hurt them, but you certainly want to protect yourself.

The best way to deal with this is a “Witch’s Bottle”.

This is an ancient defense, known throughout folklore. It is made on an individual basis. The idea is to protect yourself and at the same time, send back whatever is being sent at you. You should never be the originator of harm, nor seek revenge, but you can protect yourself.

To make a Witch’s Bottle, take a regular jar such as a 6 oz instant-coffee jar.

Half fill it with sharp objects such as broken glass, old razor blades, rusty nails and screws, pins, needles, etc.

When the jar is half-filled with these objects, urinate in it to fill it. If a woman is preparing her bottle, she might also want to get some menstrual blood into it.

Now put the top on the jar and seal it with tape. It should then be buried in the ground, at least twelve inches deep, in an isolated spot where it can remain undisturbed.

If you live in a city, then it will be worth a trip out of town to find some remote spot to bury it.

So long as the bottle remains buried and unbroken, it will protect you from any evil directed against you.

This applies whether the evil is directed by an individual or a group of people. Not only will it protect you, but it will reflect back that evil on the sender(s). So the more he/she tries to harm you, the more he/she will be harmed her/himself.

Such a bottle should last almost indefinitely, but to be on the safe side, I’d recommend redoing the ritual once a year. With the present rate of housing development you never know when your bottle may be dug up or inadvertently smashed.

(I have done this one also. I felt a lot of relief and at ease afterwards)

Mirror Spell to send back negativity

Tools needed:

  • Mirror

First, bless and consecrate the mirror to be used only in positive magick.

In quiet meditation, on your altar, repeat:

“Mirror, Mirror, do as I say,
Turn all negativity back away.
Send it back from where it did come,
Send it back, an it harm none!
So mote it be!”

Spell to clear up bad luck and accidents around the house

You will need handfuls of dried:

  • mint
  • rosemary
  • thyme
  • sea salt

In a big bucket, mix equal quantities of all of the above during the waxing moon. As you do you this chant:

“Herbs of luck sublime
cleanse this home of mine
Good fortune bless this place
so we dwell with happy face”

In the morning before you go to work sprinkle the mixture all over the floors of the house. When you get home sweep it all up (or if you vacuum use a brand new bag).

The herbs will have absorbed the negative energy so take the mixture outside and burn it and then turn earth over it.

Burning is important, don’t just bury or throw in the garbage.

A Protection Spell for your Book of Shadows

“Whom-so-ever views this tome,
Power’s ebb and flow be known.
Bespeak to none the scribed marks here
Or know the meaning true of fear.

Aloud, the cast is set in stone;
No pleas recanting will atone.
Silent caution be thy guide.
Choose not these words to set aside.

Invited shall the blessing be;
Threefold thrice as three times three.
In knowledge sought and wisdom gained
The Learned Way is thus maintained.

If theft of Power be thy goal
Then cease thy wandering through my soul,
For cursed will thy person be.
Threefold thrice, so mote it be.”

A Magickal Protection Barrier

This is a very simple little meditation thing. Just sit in a circle and meditate for a while.

Then, visualize a wall of energy rising from under you, and that energy wall is your protection from any evil and harm.

This energy can be anything, balloons, balls, hats, etc.

Meditation, sleep and food will keep this energy barrier strong.

Protection During Casting Spells

Say this chant before doing your spells:

“Ancient gods hear my call
circling arms rise a wall”

say this after your spells
“Ancient gods hear my plea,
bring down the wall protecting me”

“By the dragons light,
on this (month) night,
I call to thee to give me your might,
by the power of three,
I conjure thee,
to protect all that surrounds me,
so mote it be!!”

Here is a protection chant to protect you from evil, you should do this before and after doing spells

Visualize yourself sitting in the middle of a pentagram facing upwards with 3 circles of purple light around you and say:


say it 3 times then end with “SO MOTE IT BE”

another version of the same spell just different words is:


say it 3 times and end it with “SO MOTE IT BE”

Protection chant for out-door spells

Before attempting spells at night, out-doors, take up a blessed object (wand for instance) and draw a pentagram in the air.

Imagine the pentagram glowing and the evil around being trapped inside until after your spells, chant:

“Hail fair moon, Ruler of the night, Guard me and mine, Until the light”

Protection from Evil Spell

A spell for protection against any evil, or those who wish to do you harm

You will need:

  • Your staff/wand.
  • Silver or blue shiny glitter.
  • A quiet place- best outdoors.

You will need your staff (or wand) for this spell. It is best if the staff used is blue, white or silver. The easiest way to achieve this is to bind a ribbon, or ribbons, of the colour around it for the spell. This means you can remove them afterwards.

Step 1-It is best to go outside for this spell, as the air movement will help disperse the glitter, and the magick.

Step 2- Cast a circle, or a sacred space.

Step 3- Go to each quarter in turn (start with the West, the North, East and south), and pound or tap the ground with your staff/wand chanting:

I call thee, you who guard the watchtowers of the (direction) to guide me through the darkness and ensure my safety

Do this for all 4 quarters.

Step 4- Stand in the center and say:

“In the shadows, evil hide, ready to draw me from love’s side, but with your help I shall be strong, and banish all that do me wrong, send them away, send them astray, never again to pass my way, so mote it be.”

as you say the last 3 lines, scatter the glitter in a circle around you.

Step 5-Close the circle, and have something to eat to restore your energies!

A Spell for Psychic Protection

This Spell is not about Aggression, it is one of Protection and Reflection.

If you believe that you have been the victim of a Curse, it follows that you believe in Curses and the Power of Magick.

It is therefore perfectly reasonable to believe that you can protect yourself from Evil Forces with similar Powers.

Similarly, if you believe you have been Cursed, then you have! Even if you haven’t actually been cursed, your belief in the Curse will be reinforced with every turn of Bad Luck.

The purest form of Protection is to have faith in your actions and deeds therefore minimising the eventuality of another person wanting to afflict you by Cursing. Sometimes though, even a Good person will attract jealousy and resentment…

Words are audible statements of intent and as such are important ingredients to any Spell Castings. Choose your words carefully taking the time to incorporate reason and rhyme and Chant repeatedly whilst Casting your Protective Circle and Spell.

A Pentacle in the form of a Necklace can be worn for protection. Protection will be enhanced by wearing additional Symbolic jewellery such as Finger/Thumb Rings, Ear-Rings, Wrist & Ankle Bracelets, in fact, any adornment that has a Religious significance such as Crystals, Gems or fashioned metal, stone, wood or bone symbols of significance.

Protect your home and work-places by Sprinkling a Circle of Blessed Salt and Water completely around the property. Consecration should take place under a Full Moon.

Offer the Salt to the Full Moon and say,

“I cleanse and bless thee element of Salt
your powers of purity i reverently exalt
bad energies be gone and only good remain
the forces of right and just, I ordain
bless this salt accordingly
this is my will, so mote it be”

Offer the Water to the Full Moon and say,

“I cleanse and bless thee element of Water
alexia of life and great dissipater
bad energies dissolve and only good remain
the forces of right and just, I ordain
bless this water accordingly
this is my will, so mote it be”

Now mix the 2 elements together in a large open container such as a Cauldron or Metal Bucket and introduce the 3rd element of Fire by heating from below. (Not too hot )

Stir with a Wand of Willow and Chant…

“I offer Salt of the Earth to Cleanse and Deny
I bring forth Water, Transient of Land and Sky
I call forth Fire to Cure through Heat
With Words I call to Air, my Alchemy complete.”

Now, using your Hallowed Chalice, pour the Solution from the Cauldron to form a complete Circle around the place of Sanctity and Protection.~


“Circle of Magick, Protect with Concern
Bad Vibes Resolve, Reflect and Return “


Visualize A Dome Shaped force Field around your home
Visualize a personal total exclusion Zone around yourself
No-one, or No-thing may enter without your consent

Draw a Pentagram on the Gates and External Doors of your home using Oil of Frankinsence.

Draw a Pentagram on a piece of Paper or Card and place them under the Doormats in your home.

Anti-Stalker Spell

This is a very simple spell that is bound to get rid of any stalker, anyone who causes harassment, or someone who is simply being a pain in the ass.

All you need is a picture of that person. If that’s not available then anything that belongs to him/her. Or you can even choose a place where he spends most of his time, like his chair, couch or even the door of his house. For the sake of reference we will call the door, the picture or whatever is chosen, the “dummy”.

Summon all your hate
All your anger,
All of your emotions!
Let all that has been bothering you as a result of this person be replayed in your mind!

Then just SPIT!!! on the “dummy”.

Bad luck is sure to visit this person shortly and will occupy his mind in such a way that he will no longer be a bother to you.

The curses like these are very easy to cast. They have an instant effect. But, if the curses are misused, they will backfire!

Whatever you send out, you get back. And you get it back times three!

To protect oneself from a stalker Ingredients

  • 1 opal stone
  • 1 smoky quartz crystal
  • Faith

Description This spell will make sure that no one follows you with bad intent.

Spell Casting Chant this spell while holding an opal in one hand and a smoky quartz crystal in the other:

“Knowledge and reverence gained,
So my piece of mind I can reclaim.
Goddess be cloak me with your charm
From all who wish to do me so much harm. “