Wealth Spells
Try these free wealth spells, suitable for the person who is new to casting spells.
Best Day: Thursday
Best Time: During the hour of Jupiter
Charge your money talisman to the Sun God or even Sorath!
Wealth Talisman
Everyone should have a wealth or money drawing talisman. If you can’t afford to buy one, then I have the solution for you – let’s make one!
The following talisman is ideal for bringing you material comforts of all kinds. When charging it keep in mind the type of wealth you want, or just think of all the good things in life as yours. It is fast and effective, and should be carried with you at all times.
What talisman should I draw?
This is a common question, and it will depend onfew things such as:
- magical system you work within?
- are you focused on work with a demon or deity or perhaps calling to a universal source of wealth?
- cultural background or faith based?
- what you are visually or energetically drawn too
You need to do the research here and get connected with what YOU are drawn too, as it may be different to what I am drawn too. There is no right or wrong choice.
If you are working with the demons, you would be drawing the demons sigil. As a reminder, here are some of the popular demons for wealth and money attraction.
- Andromalius (finds it)
- Amy (shows the way to fortune and wealth)
- Buné
- Clauneck
- Raum (steals it)
Ritual for Wealth Talisman
If it is possible you should try to draw the talisman on parchment paper. If this is unavailable then draw it on plain white paper, with blue ink. Sheep skin parchment can also be used too.
The talisman should be charged during the day. Try to charge it on a sunny day, as this is much more effective, for you are calling on the power of the sun God.
After drawing the talisman prick your finger with a needle, and allow a few drops of blood to fall upon it.
Tip – If the is too much for you, sprinkle a few drops of anointing oil to the corners of the paper.
With both hands hold the talisman up towards the sun and mentally call on the power to enter the talisman through you. Feel the power running through your body and out your hands into the talisman before you.
Call aloud the purpose of the talisman.
It is now charged and you will not have to wait too long before you receive the wealth you seek.
This wealth may start slowly at first, but don’t let this put you off. The talisman will keep working for as long as it exists. It will constantly recharge itself.
If you wish you can recharge it yourself every month with the same spell.