Shiva Curse

Perform the following before you sleep during the entirety waning moon, every night, for approximately two weeks. On the night of the full moon, you will finish the rite.


This is actually normal practice for rituals. WE as humans, actually smell. We must make our bodies pure as possible before the ritual.

Remain pure for two weeks preceding the rite. No sex, no masturbation, no alcohol, no caffeine, no cigarettes, nothing like that.

Meditate silently at least 30 minutes per day consecutively during this time and bathe every day. Continue this standard until the rite is finished.

You will need:

  • a Japamala or mala (108 beads) made of bone (yak bone is most common) although we love sandalwood mala beads
  • a ritual dagger – Make sure the dagger is clean before your rite AND SHARP
  • a long cloth strip
  • a metal singing bowl (with mallet)
  • a picture of your target (an item they once owned is best, as long as it can be pierced through with the dagger and destroyed by fire)
  • a lighter
  • any incense which smells especially “spicy” to you.

Ritual Method:

  • Light the incense in a clean burner. SAVE THE ASHES.
  • Tie the cloth around your head as a blindfold
  • Ring the bowl three times.
  • Take refuge three times (“I take refuge in the Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma; I take refuge in the Sangha” 3x) bowing your forehead to the floor after each recitation.
  • Ring the bowl three more times.
  • Place the picture (or object) in the bowl in front of you and perform 10 recitations around your mala of the Shiva mantra. So 108 x 10. As you chant, visualize harm coming to this person.


  • Take the ritual dagger and draw a small amount of blood from yourself. Doesn’t have to be much. Keep your blindfold on. Then, stab the dagger through the picture or object. Remove the blindfold and go to sleep.


  • On the night of the new moon, do the rite as normal (the picture or object should be torn up by now), and at the end, use your lighter to burn the picture/object.
  • Once it has burned away, dump the ashes of the incense into the bowl.
  • Leave it on a windowsill to bask in the darkness of the new moon.