Easy Healing Spells

Spell to banish ill health from another

This is a very short, quick and simple spell to do.

It can be done anywhere at any time (though during the waning period of the moon is best as that is the time for banishing magic).

All you need is yourself, an intent, a person in mind (it helps to have a picture of them if it is difficult for you to visualize them) and your finger ( I’ll explain).

Draw a banishing pentagram in the air with your index finger. This is done by drawing a five pointed star backwards (the opposite direction you would normally draw it, not upside-down)

Draw it while saying:

:Let this pentagram banish all ill health and negativity from (the persons name).”

There is no specific number of times you repeat this process, it becomes as many as you feel is enough.

Strong Healing Spell  

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Small square of white cloth
  • Bay leaves(for strength)
  • Carnation petals
  • Mint(for vitality)
  • Sea salt(for cleansing)
  • Tiger’s eye stone(for protection)
  • Holy(or Pagan holy)water
  •  Incense(white sage if possible)
  • Two white candles
  • Earth 

Meditate beforehand so that you feel strong enough to do this spell. It will take a lot of energy.

On a white cloth, write the name of the person you wish to heal and draw the Eye of Horus. If you don’t know what that is, google it.

Cast your circle (if you choose to do so) and spread out the cloth on your altar. Around it place the holy water, earth, incense, and one candle, to represent all of the elements. Keep the rest of the ingredients close at hand.

As you say the following words, slowly add a little of each ingredient onto the white cloth, in no particular order, until you feel that the cloth has enough.

“It is with love in my heart,

That I call upon every force I’ve come to know,

Water, fire, Earth, and air,

The God and Goddess,

The powers within myself,

And the powers within (name of person)

Help him/her to fight his/her obstacle,

Make him/her healthy as he/she ever was,

This is my will,

So mote it be.”

Tie up the ingredients in the cloth to make a sachet. Charge it for as long as you can with healing, positive energy, and leave out under moonlight every night, and recharge it every night before bed, or more if you need faster results.

Once the person is healed, bury it and something else (whatever you decide) as an offering and a thank you to all the forces that helped you.

Tooth Healing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Glass
  • Spring Water
  • 1 White candle
  • 1 Blue Candle
  •  1 Green Candle
  • Sea Salt
  • Small Howlite stone
  • White Sage
  • Spoon (Wand is optional substitution)

To stop infection and pain. (This is not a spell to substitute a dental visit but nulls infection till you get to a dentist)

Invoke you gods as your faith deems fit. I suggest gods and goddesses of healing (Never invoke any who you are not aligned with or not part of your path).

After opening prayers take up the white candle and infuse it with white cleansing and purifying energy. Take your time. When ready say the following: “Into this candle I deem, the powers of purity and the powers to clean.”

Next take up the green candle and infuse it with green healing energy to ward off and ride infection. Take your time.

When ready say the following:

“Into the candle I command,

I give the power to destroy infection

and healing I demand.”

Now take up the Blue candle and infuse it with blue healing energy. Take your time. When ready say the following

“In to this candle I instill,

the powers to banish away all that is ill.”

Place the candles down and hold your hand over them and chant:

“God/dess ________, immortal healer,

The powers of life and health are at your commend.

To you I pray.

I pray for ___(Inflicted person)____

He/She is in so much pain

I ask of thee to help me in this rite

and grace me with your powers.

help me to infuse these candles with thy holy gifts.

Sweet divine _______, To you I pray.”

Feel the divine power from your divinity and your own power course through you hand and charge the candles with healing energy. Do not rush.

Next take the glass and fill it with the spring water. And pour some sea salt into it. Stir the water with your wand or spoon.


As you do send more healing energy into the water.

Now take the howlite stone and hold it in your hand. Howelite is a great healing stone for bones and teeth. Awaken the properties of the stone (best way is to clap your hands a couple of times with the stone still in your palm. You will know it is awake when you feel the stone pulsate in your hand) Now place the stone in the glass.

Hold the glass and while infusing the water with healing energy chant the following:

“Divine and immortal lord/lady of healing

This I ask of you.

Use me as a vessel or tunnel if you wish

but infuse this water with thy immortal gifts.

That it may heal those who partake of it.

This I ask of thee.”

Now place the glass down. Separate the candles far enough that they will encircle the glass and light the candles. As you light each candle chant the following:

“As this candle burns away,

Let its healing qualities linger and stay”

Now place the glass of water in the middle of the candles. You can and should infused the candles and glass area again with another prayer to your healing gods or a general healing incantation.

Now let the glass stay in the area of the candles till they go all the way out.

Now give the water to the person with the infected tooth and let them use it as a mouth rinse. DO NOT DRINK IT!

Between the healing properties of the stone and the infusion, the pain should null down. Use as needed. At least 5 times in the course of a day.

If you minus the salt water, fill a jar with water and a few howlite stones, and hold the same general ritual, you can make a great drinkable elixir that will help maintain good teeth, that you can drink on a regular basis.

I have done so since my gran did this for me as a kid and to date I have not had a single cavity or any tooth problems. I have shared this spell with friends and they have sworn that it has helped tremendously with any temporary tooth pain.

Heal Your Pain Spell

For Headaches and Pain

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Ice
  • Tomato
  • Lemon
  • Water & Kettle
  • Voice
  • Concentration
  • Belief
  • Power
  • Salt
  • Sugar

First put ice where it hurts for 5-10 minutes, then put tomatoes in the blender and put it in the pot on the stove (put it on high).

Before it starts boiling put cold water in the kettle until it’s REALLY HOT then add it to the soup, but if you didn’t have time to prepare and it starts boiling, get hot water from the tub, kitchen sink, bathroom sink, or shower, and add it to the soup.

Right after that (MAKE SURE RIGHT AFTER or else spell won’t be able to work as planned), add lemon to it, but just the juice.

Add the sugar and salt, then BRAVO, eat it then when you’re done say


Healing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Powdered cinnamon
  • Green ribbon
  • A glass jar or other container with a lid
  • Various small objects- preferably green, silver or white
  • Green or silver glitter

This spell heals the mind and the body.

1.  Cast a circle as normal, calling the quarters and erecting a barrier of energy.

2. Consecrate all the items which you are going to use, then lay them out on your altar (or if you are outside, a tray)

3. Sprinkle the cinnamon over all the objects and say:

”Herb for healing,

Herb for hope

Herb for strength

herb help me cope”

”I call on thee, spirits of water, earth, fire and air, to aid me in this healing.”

4. Bind the Green ribbon around the jar three times ”Thrice I bind thee, and so with nine calls, you will heal.”

5. Put all the small objects and the glitter into the jar , screw on the lid and shake it nine times ”Power of healing, I command you, heal (name of person) from all sickness!”

6. Thank the elements, and the guardians of the watchtowers, and take down the circle.

7. When you have finished, then keep the jar in a safe place, and every time you need the power of healing, then take it out and shake it nine times, saying the following over and over: ”(name of person) be well, (name) be free of sickness”

Healing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Blue Candle
  • Lavender
  • Stones Washed in Stream


1. Spread the stones which have been washed in a stream into a circle.

2. Place a Blue Candle in the center of the circle

3. Spread lavender all around the blue candle (make sure no lavender is touching the candle)

4. Light the candle

5. Chant the words:

Say 10x

“Please help me

I need you to heal me

so mote it be!!

6. Breathe in the fumes of the candle

7. Rest for at least 12 hours

You should be healed. Also the use of Evening Primrose or/and Echinacea would help the healing.

Simple Healing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hair or other link of sick person
  • Blue candle
  • Cone Healing incense
  • Blue bowl

Take the ingredients to a dark closet. Set the link into the bowl. Light the candle and put it into the bowl also. Make sure the link is completely exposed to the light.

Light the incense with the candle and cense the link with it, then set the incense into the bowl but don’t let it touch the link.

Say a personal prayer to the health spirit of your choice asking the spirit to heal the person. It can be as simple or as complex as you want. Next leave the bowl in the closet and let the candle and incense burn out overnight.

Simple Healing Spell for Pain

You will need the following items for this spell:

Large Band-Aid or large masking piece of tape.

Good for muscle aches and to help with post-surgical pain. Do NOT substitute doctor’s care for Spells but use with them. I have used this spell a lot on myself and others as well. It takes time. 

Hold the bandage or tape in your hand and charge it with healing energy, Blue is the best colour to soothe pain but it depends on the cause of the pain. For wounds, Use red, as it will help with the closing of the wound.

As you send the energy into the tape, say the following chant as many times as you feel you need to….

“Powers of the earth and the Dragons/Gods come to me.

Give me the powers that right now I so do need.

Healing powers in this tape I bind to thee,

as I will it, so then will it be.

And if more power this spell may need,

May the Dragons/Gods then, as they wish, intercede.”

When done and sure the tape is charged. Place the tape/bandaid on the painful area of your body. Leave it there till the pain either cuts down or disappears.

NOTE: Obviously you cannot put the tape on your head if you bump your head or something. If that is the case, you can do the same spell to your favourite hat.

Arthritis Healing Spell

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • powdered ginger
  • few drops of Eucalyptus oil
  • powdered allspice
  • few sprigs of rosemary
  • small bag

Put all the ingredients into the bag and say:

“Bright blessings be on this bag today

may this spell take all pain and aches away

Let the energy of healing be in this bag so near

To heal and protect the one that I hold dear

So Mote It Be”

Now visualise a bright blue light surrounding the bag and drawing into it the blue light of healing.

Give the bag to the person that needs healing and they can either put it in a bath or keep it near them – especially in their bed at night.