Beauty Magic Altar

Would you like an altar to consistently work on your beauty goals, but you aren’t quite sure how to go about it? If beautification is your goal right now, you should create an altar to perform regular magic just on this specific goal, if for no other reason than to help you keep focused.

While I need to stress that there is NO set or correct way to set up an altar, here are some suggestions based on the two most popular magical traditions:

  • A traditional Pagan altar displays magical working tools, including an athame, boline, sword, wand, pentacle, chalice and censer.
  • A Hoodoo Altar displays candles, candle-holders, saucers, mirrors (for reversing spells), incense burners, altar-cloths, and whatever statues or iconic imagery representing your faith or magical goals. Hoodoo beauty work for physical enhancement are not common.

Personally, I enjoy a fusion between both styles of altars. Here is how I would set up and maintain a beauty altar:

  • Choose the position in your home that is north facing. Some people will cast spells of a positive, or drawing-in, nature on the right side of the altar; and spells of a negative, or moving-away, nature on the left side of the altar.
  • Use any surface for your altar. It need not be a purchased altar, however if you have the means, you may like one of our altars.
  • You should consecrate the table (and all the tools) is a way that aligns with your tradition. If you don’t have a tradition as yet, use incense to cleanse and clear negative energies from all objects.

The altar will be dressed to honor your deity (spirit) and the elements – Air, Fire, Earth, and Water. The goal, in general, is to have something on the altar that represents each element. The position of where these items sit in your altar depends on your tradition, if you are from the northern or southern hemisphere, and what you are doing on your altar at the time! But don’t feel like you have to “get it right” to use your altar. Set your beauty altar up in a way that makes YOU happy and connected energetically.

Here are my ideas and links to some products to get you started. Note, you may have some of these items around your home too! Just cleanse them for the purpose and so be it!

  • Altar cloth – use a white cloth or one that makes you smile and feel good. This altar is all about beauty, and you should feel great just looking at your altar space!
    • Goddess Altar Cloth
    • Three Pentagram Altar Cloth
  • Spirit Element – Statue – Place a statue of your deity (or an image of your deity in a frame) at the back, in the centre. This will be the focus of your prayers and petitions.
    • Lilith (if you are female)
    • Lakshmi (frequently the main focus on my money and beauty altar)
    • Hathor Statue
    • Aphrodite
  • Fire Element – Altar Candles- You will need candles and candle holders for lighting and fo spellcasting purposes. At minimum, place two candles in the back corners of your altar table.
    • – Jar candles provide a safe altar candle for back lighting.
      • Pink 7-day Jar Candle
      • White 7-day Jar Candle
      • Blue 7-day Jar Candle
    • Figure candles can be used to present you in working beauty spells
      • Pink Face To Face Lover
      • Pink Female Candle
    •  Taper Candles
      • Pink Taper Candle
      • Pink Chime Candle 20pk
  • Water Element – Chalice. Water of wine can be used as either an offering to your deity, or to refresh the spiritual work being done by working candles.
    • Triple Goddess Chalice
    • Pentagram Chalice
  • Air Element – Incense. Creating an environment pleasing to you and to welcome your deity to listen to your petitions and prayers is essential. You can choose incense sticks or cones for this purpose, and herbs and oils are discussed on this page. If you enjoy using a cauldron with a charcoal disc
    • Three Kings 40mm Charcoal (10 Tablets)
    • Pink Cast Iron Cauldron
  • Earth Element – an offering bowl for offering food, or other earth products. Sometimes, you can also have a fireproof burning bowl used for burning petitions, releasing the request to the spiritual world!
  • Additionally, condition oils, incenses, and powders can sit on the altar for quick access if you are spellcasting on this altar as well.

Develop your practice

Friday is a great day to honor Beauty Deity and perform beauty spells. Schedule in your diary, a weekly 5 to 15 minutes to give praise, prayers, or offerings to the spirits of beauty. Of course, you are welcome to attend to your beauty altar daily.

If you had beauty goals, write your goals on petition paper and place under a candle, or in a mojo bag. You could also place the petition under a large lodestone, and dress the lodestone weekly with magnetic sand to attract beauty (perhaps beautiful conditions) to your life.

  • Bats Blood Writing Kit- contains petition paper, feather, & ink for petition writing
  • Natural Lodestone & Gold Magnetic Sand (lodestone Food) 1oz
  • Pink Cotton Bag