Beauty Spells

Beauty is all about taking care of your health and the image you would like to project to the world. Beauty spells are called “glamoury” magic.

The glamoury has two important facets:

  • It is temporary
  • It enhances what you already have.

The power of visualization is a very strong tool. Each of us has an inner beauty which if we work on, it is a tremendous help in daily life. Once we are prepared to recognize it for ourselves it becomes evident to other people. Your internal light strength is influenced by the quality of your own aura, so have a strong, clear and bright aura for people to see you as beautiful.

Beauty Correspondences & Tips

Develop your practice

Friday is a great day to honor Beauty Deity and perform beauty spells. Schedule in your diary, a weekly 5 to 15 minutes to give praise, prayers, or offerings to the spirits of beauty. Of course, you are welcome to attend to your beauty altar daily.

If you had beauty goals, write your goals on petition paper and place under a candle, or in a mojo bag. You could also place the petition under a large lodestone, and dress the lodestone weekly with magnetic sand to attract beauty (perhaps beautiful conditions) to your life.

Colors used are typically:

  • Green: Healing, Money, Prosperity, Luck, Fertility, Beauty Employment, Youth
  • Blue – Healing
  • White – healing, purification
  • Red or Pink – to represent self love
  • Black – the go to color for all black magic spells

Day  Friday

Venus Energy for:  Love, Friendship, Fidelity, Beauty, Youth

Element: Water

Moon Phase:

  •  Waxing Moon (from new to full). When the moon is waxing, it is time for beginnings, health and healing, psychic awareness, beauty, fertility, and all positive magical workings.


  • Odonis – Greek
  • Oshun – African. Ochun is the generous and kind Orisha of love, beauty, wealth and diplomacy. Her blessings can also help you find peace with your enemies
  • Hather (Hathor)– Egyptian
  • Shyam – is the beautiful dark-skinned one, the divine aspect of beauty, youth, nobility, and attractiveness. He is the object of the ecstatic love of the gopies of Vrindavan, who are ready to give anything for just one glance from his beautiful eyes.
  • Lakshmi (“Good Fortune”), sometimes called Sri (“Prosperity”) is the Hindu Goddess of love and beauty  – Who brings wealth. She is also Goddess of abundance, fertility and wealth.
  • Aphrodite – Greek goddess of love, desire, and beauty, Aphrodite herself was often seen as the most beautiful and desirable woman in existence.

Demons for beauty

  • Verrine – Lord Verrine works with humans mostly for health style work, however I would also call to him should I feel I need a physical change.
    – Enn: Elan Typan Verrine
    – Candle color: Blue (or white)
    – Direction: Northwest
  • Foreus – His direct interest is to help with the learning of languages, and to some this is under personal improvement. Enn – Senan okat ena Forneus ayer
    The Thirtieth Spirit is Forneus. He is a Mighty and Great Marquis, and appeareth in the Form of a Great Sea-Monster. He teacheth, and maketh men wonderfully knowing in the Art of Rhetoric. He causeth men to have a Good Name, and to have the knowledge and understanding of Tongues. He maketh one to be beloved of his Foes as well as of his Friends. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits, partly of the Order of Thrones, and party of that of Angels. His Seal is this, which wear thou, etc.
    -From The Lesser Key of Solomon
  • Barbados is another demon to ask for assistance with languages.

Herbs, Roots, & Curios for Beauty Magick

The most popular and traditional herbs to use in beauty spells to “obtain” are beauty appearance are as follows:

  • Avocado – Dry the skin for easy use in magickal spell work, including making your own incenses for beauty or love-related rituals or in ritual baths.
  • Catnip –  is used in spells designed to enhance beauty and happiness.
  • Ginseng – The root is carried to attract love, as well as to guard one’s health, to draw money, and to ensure sexual potency Ginseng will also bring beauty to all who carry it
  • Lemon – “My own Grandma rubbed a lemon on her face each night to keep her skin soft and white” – BWS. Add lemon juice or oils to anti-aging based rituals and spells.
  • Maidenhair – Immerse some maidenhair in water, then remove. If worn on the person or kept in the bedroom after this process it will grant you grace, beauty, and love.
  • Evening Primrose (YELLOW EVENING) – Add a few drops of oil to a beauty ritual bath or decorate an altar, or use the dried flower or powdered form for other spellwork.
  • Strawberries contain salicylic acid, so you might choose to add some to a face mask or another body scrub. Along with that it contains ellagic acid for ultra-violet ray protection, and when consumed reduces blood pressure as well. For undereye puffiness, sit with thin slices of strawberry under your lids for 10-12 minutes.
  • Yerba santa is carried to improve or to attain beauty, and the infusion is added to baths for the same reason

The most popular and traditional herbs to use in spells to regain or retain your youth are as follows:

TIP: Like fine wines, certain fragrances grow more beautiful with age: anoint orrisroot with a drop of ylang ylang and/or patchouli oil and carry with you in a red mogo bag so that you too will only improve with age.

  • Anise
  • Cowslip
  • Fern
  • Myrtle
  • Rosemary
  • Vervain

The most popular and traditional herbs to use when performing longevity spells are as follows:

# 1 TIP  – The herb Vervain allegedly confers immortality. Make strong infusions by pouring boiling water over the herb and adding it to the bath.

  • Cypress
  • Lavender
  • Lemon
  • LifeEverlasting
  • Maple
  • Peach
  • Sage
  • Tansy

Weight Loss Spell: Candle

This spell may be used for weight loss or for re-shaping one’s silhouette.

  1. Obtain a naked human figure candle to represent you.
  2. With a pin scratch lines into the wax to demonstrate where reduction or re-shaping is needed, just as if you were a tailor making adjustments.
  3. Dress the candle with a Commanding Oil and charge it with its mission.
  4. Burn the candle for fifteen minutes daily. In between burnings, use a craft-knife to chip off wax to reflect your accomplishments and goals.