Psychic Protection of the Aura
The first thing we need to fully understand is that just as our clothing offers us protection from the elements like the rain and the wind our aura performs the same function but on a spiritual basis.
The human aura is an electromagnetic field that surrounds our physical body and comprises of a vibration of different energies. This topic is complex and we could discuss the aura at length but for the purpose of this document we will conclude with the idea that to protect ourselves from unseen energies that exist within our dimension the human aura is our shield and first line of defense. If the aura is full and working to its best potential then the protection it offers us is very strong, however should the aura become weakened then we are susceptible to attack from other negative energies that exist within this planet that science is yet to investigate.
The aura is naturally strong and in normal circumstances does not need to be looked after or strengthened but under certain conditions it can become weaker. A full aura extends outwards from the physical body in an egg like shape to around 4ft. We are essentially encompassed inside this egg like shape rather like a baby chicken in its egg shell.
The Picture below shows the electromagnetic human aura.
How can I strengthen my aura?
The aura can be strengthened by leading a lifestyle that works in harmony with the physical body. Some examples of how to strengthen the aura are listed below:-
- Drink plenty of clear fresh water.
- Exercise opens the airways and promotes the flow of oxygen in the blood also helping cellular reconstruction.
- The thoughts you think have more power over you than most people are aware. It is essential to gain control of your mind and train you self to think only positive thoughts. Meditation is the best and most useful method of learning this in my opinion.
- Sea salt is essential, bathing in it and sprinkling it around your house and bed seems to offer additional spiritual protection. Daily use of sea salt baths or showers helps to remove negative contaminants from the Aura.
What will affect my aura negatively?
The aura can be weakened by leading a lifestyle that deteriorates the physical health of the individual. Some of the main problems are listed below but basically anything you do that makes you feel tired and ill will affect your aura:-
- Emotional stress will put a heavy burden on the immune system and this in turn will cause the health of the physical body to deteriorate.
- Emotions such as guilt, fear, hate, greed, resentment if experienced strongly will start to cause perforations in your auric field.
- Drug use also causes perforations in your auric protection and also opens your etheric body to other dimensions. (This can also include some strong prescription drugs).
- Excessive smoking and alcohol will weaken and shrink your aura.
- In general the poorer the health of the individual then the weaker the aura, and more diminished the auric protection provided.
- Hospital surgery that involves full anesthetic can alter the etheric protection and cause perforations of the aura. Whilst surgery is underway your spiritual body can be opened up and susceptible to different forms of psychic attack. Again psychic protection needs to be employed before such surgery if possible.
The human aura in summary
The human aura is our vital defense against other energies that exist on this planet that we cannot see with our eyes. Years ago humans thought the world was flat and if you suggested otherwise you would have been ridiculed by science and the general public at large. But today we know since science has caught up and the world is indeed round. We laugh at our forefathers for thinking it could ever possibly have been flat.
This holds true for the unseen worlds that currently exist, science has yet to catch up and provide us with a measure of these new inter dimensional worlds. At some point coming soon science will discover that we are not alone and in fact other energies have existed on this planet well before we appeared in human form. At some point in the future our children and grandchildren will laugh at us for thinking the whole we are the only living entity on this planet let alone all the others in the many solar systems!
It is expected that the Hadron Collider near Switzerland will address some of the most fundamental questions of physics, advancing humanity’s understanding of the deepest laws of nature. Until that times comes into our history we remain resolutely naïve in my opinion as to our position as human beings in the galactic soup and very unaware as to how important our auric protection is to keep us from harm. One day we will teach our children that meditation and auric protection is more important than the latest soap on TV, or the football results. Both of which everyone is happy to invest many hours of their time to watch but are unable to find time for spiritual practices that don’t seem to offer any tangible results.