Four Quarters Invocation

After the circle is cast, you will go to each of the four cardinal points (north, east, south, and west) and invoke the Guardians of the Watchtowers– that is, the Elemental beings connected to the four directions and the four elements. They are called to witness your rite and to guard your circle from unwanted energies.

Pagan/Wiccan/Witch Version

This is the typical Pagan/Wiccan ritual you can use to invoke these spirits. I will share this with you so you can modify this ritual for the dark arts if you so choose.

Invoking the Guardians:

The North

“Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the North! By the power of Earth, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle.”

The East

“Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the East! By the power of Air, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle.”

The South

“Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the South! By the power of Fire, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle.”

The West

“Hail to the Guardians of the Watchtower of the West! By the power of Water, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle.”

Closing your circle

When your ritual is complete and your spells are cast, it is time to thank these Elemental beings for witnessing your rite and for protecting you during your spell casting. Dismiss these beings properly and with the respect with which they are due, never underestimate their power.

Guardians of the West, of Water, I thank you for your soothing presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.

Guardians of the South, of Fire, I thank you for your energetic presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be

Guardians of the East, of Air, I thank you for your whispered presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be

Guardians of the North, of Earth, I thank you for your solid presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell and Blessed Be.

Notice that when invoking the Guardians, you are doing so in a clockwise (deosil) motion around the circle; and when you dismiss the Guardians, you are moving counter clockwise (widdershins).

Invoking the Guardians:

The North

“Hail to Belial, the Guardian of the North! By the power of Earth, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle/ritual.”

The East

“Hail to Lucifer, the Guardian of  the East! By the power of Air, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle/ritual.”

The South

“Hail to Flereous, the Guardian of the South! By the power of Fire, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle/ritual.”

The West

“Hail to Leviathan, the Guardian of the West! By the power of Water, I do summon, stir, and call thee forth to witness this rite and to guard this circle/ritual.”

Closing your circle

When your ritual is complete and your spells are cast, it is time to thank these beings for witnessing your rite and for protecting you during your ritual or spell casting.

Belial, the Guardian of the North, I thank you for your dark presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell

Lucifer, the Guardian of  the East, I thank you for your dark presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell

Flereous, the Guardian of the South, I thank you for your dark presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell

Leviathan, the Guardian of the West, I thank you for your dark presence here tonight. Stay if you will, go if you must. Farewell