Color Correspondences

Candle Colors

Quick Summary:

  • WHITE: for spiritual blessings, purity, healing, rest.
  • LIGHT BLUE: for peace, harmony, joy, kindly intentions.
  • DARK BLUE: for moodiness, and depression; keep a mate at home.
  • GREEN: for money, gambling, business, steady job, good crops.
  • YELLOW: for devotion, prayer, money (gold), cheer, attraction.
  • RED: for love spells, affection, passion, bodily vigour.
  • PINK: for attraction, romance, and clean living.
  • PURPLE: for mastery, power, ambition, control, command.
  • ORANGE: for change plans, open the way, prophetic dreams.
  • BROWN: for court case spells, neutrality.
  • BLACK: for repulsion, dark thoughts, sorrow, reverse evil.

Here is a breakdown of the basic colours used in Voodoo hoodoo rituals and rootwork and what they mean.

White. The color white is used in spells for spiritual cleansing, removing jinxes, protection, blessing, healing, assisting others, reversing hexes, restoring health, and all things positive. The color white is associated with gentle and noncoercive energies.

Red. The color red represents love, passion, romance, energy, lust, fertility, attention, or sexuality. Red is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive. You will use the color red in love spells and charms, fertility spells, sex magic, and seduction, for example.

Purple. Works using the color purple are typically concerned with power, psychic ability, commanding, compelling, controlling, or bending others to one’s will. Spells having to do with power, invocation, and controlling will include the color purple. Purple may also be used for peace, protection, and abundance purposes. Purple is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Green. The color green is associated with money spells, wealth and prosperity spells, gambling and luck magic, fertility, and business success. When you want to influence anything to do with money and prosperity, you will use the color green. Green is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Black. The color black can be used to remove evil or send harm. For example, black is used to repel negativity, for protection, or to banish negative people from your life. Another way of using the color black is in inflicting harm or destruction on another. Binding spells, hexes and jinxes, curses, enemy tricks, coercive magic and summoning dark spirits will often be associated with the color black.

Yellow. The color yellow is associated with mental agility, communication, fast action, success, and excelling at school or an academic setting. Yellow is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Pink. The color pink is used in works to draw love, success, and attraction. Pink is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Blue. For health, peace and abundance. Blue is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Brown. For practical and material blessings, court cases, and neutrality. Brown is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive.

Orange. Recognition, control and creativity. Green is associated with strong or gentle energies, and can be coercive or subtly suggestive

Two-Coloured candles

Mainly used in Hoodoo style magic

  • RED AND BLACK (DOUBLE ACTION): to remove a love-jinxing spell or crossed conditions in love, sex, or romance.
  • WHITE AND BLACK (DOUBLE ACTION): to remove a health-jinxing spell or crossed conditions in general.
  • GREEN AND BLACK (DOUBLE ACTION): to remove jinxes or crossed conditions in money, business, job, or gambling.
  • BLACK OVER A RED CORE (REVERSIBLE): to send back evil to the one who jinxed or crossed you.

Satanic Color meaning:

  • White – for negative requests
  • Black – for positive requests