Learn Magick

To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Keep Silent

This phrase may not be new to you, but it’s important to remember what it means as you embark on your magical journey. If you become stuck anywhere along your journey, or you become distracted in the sea of spirituality and spiritual practitioners, refer back to this for guidance:

To Know refers to the idea that the spiritual journey is one of knowledge — and that knowledge is never-ending. If we are indeed “to know,” then we must constantly be learning, questioning, and expanding our horizons. Also, we must know ourselves before we can know our true paths.

To Dare can be interpreted as to have the courage we need to grow. By daring ourselves to step out of our comfort zone, to be something that people see as “other,” we are in fact fulfilling our own need “to dare.” We are facing that which is unknown, moving into a realm that is far outside what we’re used to.

To Will means to have determination and perseverance. Nothing of any value comes with ease, and spiritual growth is no exception. Want to be a competent practitioner of magic? Then you better study, and work at it. If you make the choice to evolve and grow spiritually, then you will be able to do so — but it is, in fact, a choice we make. Our will guides us, and will lead us to success. Without it, we are stagnant.

To Keep Silent seems like it should be an obvious one, but it’s a bit more complex than it appears on the surface. To be certain, “keeping silent” means that we need to make sure we never out other members of the Pagan community without their permission, and to some extent, it means we need to keep our practices private. However, it also means that we need to learn the value of inner silence. It is a rare person indeed who recognizes that sometimes the unspoken is more important than the words we utter.

These suggestions are based on the teaching of witchcraft and occultism to Rituals Gods Anunnaki members. In fact, this website was once a way for RGA to communicate to each other when we were living in various parts of the world and not able to share a common journal or a common book of shadows. People would just throw in various ideas and concepts with no real organisation. As RGA became more popular, we had to review the information which was stored, and remove a lot of information that would be considered controversial or even illegal.