The Talisman
Talismans are different from AMULETS, which are objects that passively protect wearers from evil and harm. Talismans usually perform a single function and enable powerful transformations.
Making a Talisman
Grimoires offer detailed steps and INVOCATIONS for making talismans. In general, a ritual incorporates the following elements:
- Decide the purpose of the talisman
- Identify appropriate planetary influences to determine best time for ritual
- Undertake self-purification
- Don ritual garments, and gather appropriate magical tools
- Create a MAGIC CIRCLE to work within
- Invoke appropriate divine, angelic, and spirit help
- Inscribe a circle on a piece of metal, parchment,or paper
- Inscribe symbols and sigils associated with the appropriate planet, as well as any sacred names, words, or charms, on one or both sides of the talisman
- Focus intent, WILL, and emotional energy during inscription
- Purify talisman by passing metal through fire (such as a CANDLE flame) or paper through smoke of incense
- Charge talisman with magical power by consecrating it in a ritual on the appropriate day of the planet
- Store or wear talisman in protective covering
Talismans made for specific short-term objectives are ideally done on paper so that they can be ritually destroyed by fire when the objective is accomplished. More perma- nent talismans—usually a tool such as for DIVINATION— can be inscribed on metal plates or disks.