Incantations and Words

In ceremonial magic , incantations are to be spoken or vibrated with as much intensity as possible so that the magician feels the words in the body and visualizes them as well. The incantations are projected into etheric space.


In mystical and magical traditions, a formative and destructive power. Sacred sound both brings things into manifestation and destroys things. In creation myths, gods create by the power of sound.

The same power is employed in magical RITUAL, in which sacred NAMES and words of power must be spoken—or “vibrated”—with correct pronunciation and great force. According to ISRAEL REGARDIE, sound “connects with the law of vibration, whose forces are powerful enough to shatter or build anew whatsoever form the vibration is directed towards.”

The correct pronunciation and intonement is of utmost importance, creating powerful vibrations which in turn affect the vibrations of all things in the universe, including deities and lower spirit beings. Mantric power is used to accomplish psychokinetic feats as weather control, teleportation, apports, and levitation.

All religions acknowledge the tremendous power of vibrating the names of God or a mantra—a Sanskrit term meaning “to protect”—such as “God is love.” Repeating a name of God or a mantra aligns human consciousness with the highest spiritual consciousness possible.

ALEISTER CROWLEY created the mantra AUGMN, an expansion of Om which he said was the magical formula of the universe. Crowley believed the sound vibrations of AUGMN were so powerful that a magician using them would be able to control the forces of the universe.

The power of sound is found in the ancient Greek theory of music, in which the keynote of a particular organism, body, or substance can be used to cause it to disintegrate.