The Qlippoth


  • Qliphoth, the representations of evil forces in the mystical teachings of Judaism, such as in the Kabbalah.
  • Sephirot/sephiroth/Sefirot, the sephirot, also known as the tree of life, meaning emanations, are the 10 attributes/emanations in Kabbalah, through which (The Infinite) reveals itself and continuously creates both the physical realm and the chain of higher metaphysical realms. The sefirot are described as “channels of divine creative life force or consciousness through which the unknowable divine essence is revealed to mankind.”
  • The “Kelipah” and “Sitra Achra” are two common kabbalistic expressions for “evil”.
  • God’s Purpose – The sephirot is where all creation comes from and flows from. “God creates good and evil. No matter what side manifests things on the earth it works towards the furthering of God eternal plan. So even though we are seeing great darkness, deception, confusion, lies and seemingly nonstop death there is something bigger going out in the background that is working out an eternal plan for Gods purpose.” – Kabbalah!

What is The Qlippoth?

The Sephiroth is the ancient Hebrew system of the Kabbalah/Qabbala. The Qlippoth is the Darkside or inverse of the Sephiroth.

Some Luciferians work within this concept of strengthening their belief system of becoming a living God or, otherwise known as their character of the adversary. The tree of life is said to have both good and evil within it, and within this concept of thought, it is said that Samael and Lilith represent the adverse power of the Qlippoth, being at the head of the ten spheres.

The Qlippothic demons are “fallen angels”, those who understand the nature of Light as Wisdom, know that the spirits fell
from heaven into the darkness itself; thus they have the mastery of both hell and heaven.

These ‘places’ may be considered states of mind and exist foremost within the self of the magician.

According to the Kabbalah, at the fall of the dark angels, their powers were divided as an inversion or ‘mirror’ of the Sephiroth, or Tree of Life. The Seven-Headed coiling dragon, being a collective symbol of Samael or Satan fell to the infernal regions, the spirit of the apocalypse.

Samael and his angels, before manifesting on earth fell into a black mirror called the infernal regions, thus night or the shadow itself. While biblical and older lore places the spirits of the fallen angels and other demons on earth and in hell, the Cabalists have placed a structured system from which one may enter various spheres of influence of the fallen ones, by their attributes alone.

S.L. MagGregor Mathers wrote “The Qlippoth” for Golden Dawn members around 1900. This work provides the basis for the Luciferian Witchcraft circles.