The 13 powers
Richard Dukanté states there are 13 powers a practitioner of Demonolatry was working at:
1. The ability to forget what is known and useless. Consistent and spontaneous workings.
2. Recognition, balance, and working with each element/Demon harmoniously.
3. The gathering and projection of the will.
4. The difference between common sense and knowledge.
5. Realization of ones own limits and omitting the effects of power upon the practitioner. [i.e. ego trips and the like]
6. The defined laws of sorcery are the courtesies. All others are undefined.
7. Maintaining alpha through a working of ritual magick at will.
8 The recognition of one’s own power phases corresponding to hours, days, and planets. 9. Specific precision and will.
10. Interpretation of formulas and ritual workings.
11. Transcendence to a higher magick.
12. Invitation to physical manifestations at will.
13. Ascending to the demonic plane.