
Working with Demons

Demons are not worshipped by most modern Demonolators – they are “worked with.”

Working with Demons is not dangerous like most people think it is, but if you’re not ready for drastic changes in your life, Demonolatry isn’t for you.

There’s much more to it than just “demonology” which is the cataloging of Demons.


S.Connolly provides the following definitions on terms in her book, “Modern Demonolatry.”

Demon: Lesser spirit or god. A devil in Christian mythology. Literal meaning for demon – “Replete with wisdom.”

Daemon/Daimon: Derived from the Greek “daimon” meaning divine power.

Demonic: Being as or resembling a demon.

Demoniac: A person possessed by demons.

Demonocracy: The demonic hierarchies/governments.

Demonographer: One who studies and records the history and description of demons.

Demonography: The history and description of demons.

Demonolator/Demonolatress: One who practices Demonolatry.

Demonolatry: The worship of demons and/or practicing ritual magick with the aid of entities known as demons.

Demonologist : One who studies and catalogues demons. Also known as a Demonographer.

Demonology: The study and cataloguing of demons.

Demonomancy: Divination by means of demons according to some texts. Literally to raise demons.