Privacy policy

Data confidentiality is of particular importance for Rituals Gods Anunnaki and we want to be open and transparent regarding the processing of personal data. Therefore, we have a policy in which the way of processing and protecting your personal data is defined.

What is the purpose of data collection?

When you provide us with personal data, Rituals Gods Anunnaki can use it for the following purposes:

* invoicing the products ordered by you;

* their delivery;

* registration in the loyalty program Rituals Gods Anunnaki;

* issuance of promotional vouchers;

* transmission of offers, advertising and marketing messages;

* information about promotions by post, e-mail or SMS.

Rituals Gods Anunnaki can use statistical data or anonymous data resulting from processing for the following purposes:

* creating reports / analyses;
* obtaining information for own purposes.

Where do we store your data?

The data we collect from you are stored on the web hosting that activates the website of the Rituals Gods Anunnaki.

Who has access to your data?

Your data is accessed only by the Rituals Gods Anunnaki.

We do not transmit, sell or transfer your data to third parties for marketing purposes outside of our Rituals Gods Anunnaki.

What is the legal basis for the processing?

For each specific processing of personal data that we collect from you, we will inform you if the provision of personal data is required by regulations or if it is necessary to conclude a contract, if it is mandatory to provide us with personal data and what are the possible consequences if you refuse.

What are your rights?

1. The right of access
You have the right to request information about the personal data we hold about you. You can contact our Rituals Gods Anunnaki, which will provide you with personal data by e-mail.

2. The right to portability
Whenever Rituals Gods Anunnaki processes your personal data by automatic means based on your agreement or on the basis of an agreement, you have the right to obtain the transfer of a copy of your data in a structured format used frequently and automatically processed by you or another party. This includes only the personal data you have sent us.

3. The right to rectification
You have the right to request the rectification of your personal data, if they are incorrect, including the right to complete incomplete personal data. If you have an account on the website, or you are a member of Rituals Gods Anunnaki you can edit your personal data from your account.

4. The right to delete data
You have the right to delete any personal data processed by Rituals Gods Anunnaki at any time, with the exception of the following situations:

* you have an unresolved request at Customer Service;
* you have an open order that has not yet been shipped or has been partially shipped;
* you have an unpaid debt to Rituals Gods Anunnaki, regardless of the payment method;
* if there is suspicion or you have used our services abusively in recent years;
* the debt you have with Rituals Gods Anunnaki has been sold to a third party in the last three years or in the last year for deceased customers;
* your application for credit was rejected in the last three months;
* if you have made a purchase, we will keep your personal data related to your transaction according to accounting legislation.

5. The right to object to processing based on legitimate interest
You have the right to oppose the processing of your personal data based on the legitimate interest in Rituals Gods AnunnakiRituals Gods Anunnaki will not continue to process personal data unless we can demonstrate a legitimate reason for processing that prevails over your interests and rights or based on legal proceedings.

6. The right to restriction of processing
You have the right to request that Rituals Gods Anunnaki restrict the processing of your personal data in the following situations:

* if you object to the processing based on the legitimate interest in Rituals Gods AnunnakiRituals Gods Anunnaki will restrict any processing of these data until the legitimate interest is confirmed.
* if you claim that your personal data are incorrect, Rituals Gods Anunnaki must restrict any processing of this data until the correctness of the personal data is verified.
* if the processing is illegal, you can oppose the deletion of your personal data and request the restriction of the use of your personal data.
* if Rituals Gods Anunnaki no longer needs your personal data, but they are necessary to defend your rights in court.

How can you exercise your rights?
We attach great importance to the protection of personal data, thus, will be at your disposal whenever you have problems or questions, send an e-mail to

7. The right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
If you believe that Rituals Gods Anunnaki processes your personal data in an incorrect way, you can contact us. You also have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority.

Updates to the Privacy Notice:

We may need to update our Privacy Notice. The most recent version of the Privacy Notice is permanently available on our website. We will communicate any significant changes to the Privacy Notice, for example the purpose for which we use your personal data, the identity of the operator or your rights.