Ace of Wands
The Aces are the “Controlling Cards” in my deck. The Ace of Wands controls your path and represents where you are headed, into a new beginning, related to a new venture.
This card indicates a seed of action that is growing, and there are unformulated changes that you want to make to jump-start this new beginning. This is the time when you will feel like someone lit your action torch and gave you a thumbs up!
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Ace of Wands incorporates the energy of the fire signs. Aries (this energy makes you throw yourself into a situation), Leo (when you are happy, you shine like the sun and take risks), and Sagittarius (needs the freedom to explore the unknown and take a risk).
The Wand’s astrological relatives are Mars (action), the Sun (what you want), and Jupiter (luck).
Symbolism: The Ace of Wands controls your path and draws you into taking action and risks. The white radiating hand emerging from the storm clouds and holding a wand indicates receiving an enlightening message from the hand of God (Archangel Michael, the angel messenger).
The wand has four free-floating leaves to each side of it indicating there are two possible outcomes to a particular situation. The outcome could be positive or negative, depending on what decision you make.
Outcome: You will make a heartfelt decision related to taking risks. The radiating hand brings an enlightening message. You are on the brink of a monumental change and a new beginning. You will take action and make the right decision as indicated by the thumbs up position (positive) of the hand. Thumbs down is a negative position.
My Interpretation Of The Ace Of Wands Tarot Card
The Ace of Wands represents your energy, passion and willpower to start a new venture and pursue it with vigor. Your creativity and personal power are energized with enthusiasm, courage and confidence. The Ace is the seed that grows with energy, and when this card comes out in your reading, it expresses your creativity and desire to start something new.
You will launch something new, and the energy inside of you will burn hot, propelling you in a new direction to accomplish your dream. The Ace of Wands is the fuel that helps you reach your goals. You may experience sudden flashes of inspiration and creativity that will pass through you like fire and you will not be able to let this go until you do something about it.
Positive Position: You got the thumbs up to launch a new venture. The energy inside you will burn hot, propelling you in a new direction. This energy will pass through you like fire until you make this heartfelt decision! Or, something unexpected might fall in your lap and ignite this new beginning.
Negative Position: You got a thumbs down, or are not motivated or excited about setting a new goal or starting a new venture. You could be experiencing delays or something might fall away from you that you did not expect.
Timing is related to 1 – 11 days, the summer season, or the Phases of the Moon.
New Moon or Solar Eclipse (not visible, making a wish and starting a new plan). First Quarter Moon (growing in size, action oriented, pushing ahead to a testing point). Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse (wishes come true, or the release of what is not working). Third Quarter Moon (shrinking in size, strong beliefs of what you want – acting on these beliefs or releasing what binds you).
Two of Wands
The Two of Wands points you towards a path of solidifying your plans before you move forward as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth. This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you learn to think things through carefully before you make life-altering decisions.
You may be having conflicting emotions and are asking yourself, “Am I happy and content with what I have achieved, or do I want more? Am I willing to take a risk?”
The Two of Wands indicates a ‘holding’ period to see how things will develop at a later date. You are in the waiting process, tending to your concerns about the future and how everything is going to play out. Waiting is not easy, but the proper development of your goal or dream will be worth the wait!
When you get “The Green Light” from your higher-self, it might be the time to believe in yourself and let this energy guide you in your decisions.
This is not the time to shelve a project completely and miss a great opportunity. Fearing to put your plans into action will only lead to having regrets about missed opportunities – and who wants to walk around with a pocket full of regrets.
Numerical Number 2: This number is related to making a choice. Making the right choice is not easy, but making the wrong choice could result in a karmic situation or troubled times.
This number is also associated with being pulled in two different directions (an opposition) and also the time when you are waiting for the divine moment when you will get the green light from your higher-self to make the right decision so you stay out of troubled times!
The Element of Fire: The Two of Wands is associated with the planet Mars (passion, action, and determination), and the zodiac sign of Aries. The combination of Mars in Aries awakens the sleeping volcano, filling you up with passion and desire that guides you towards your destiny.
Probable Outcome: You are in a waiting stage, a time of reflection because you need to make a big decision about your direction. If you want to start a new goal or venture, you might be asking yourself if you should go for it or leave well enough alone and be happy with what you have achieved so far.
At this time you might not be interested in romance because you want to put all your time and efforts into a new goal or venture, or you still need more time to heal because you met the rose thorns and endured some stinging events in the past with love.
Possible Outcome: You are not ready to make a decision concerning a new goal or venture. Perhaps you have decided you still need to figure things out, or you have decided that you are happy with what you have already achieved.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Two of Wand’s energies into your lifestyle. If this is the case, then you have decided to work on a relationship and not take on new protects or goals at this time.
Timing: The Two of Wands predicts that an important thought will be turned into action. This event may occur in the next days or weeks to come.
Three of Wands
The Threes represent three or more people related to your relationship path.
I named this card, “The Beautiful Boat”
I see the beautiful boat in the distance. When will it dock? Will it be filled with treasures? Should I swim out to meet it?
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Three of Wands incorporates the energies of Aries (ambitious and ready to put your stamp on the world to realize a dream).
The Wand’s astrological relative is the Sun (vibrant and ready to make lifestyle changes).
My Interpretation Of The Three Of Wands Tarot Card
The Three of Wands represents the third stage of a current project or venture that is nearing completion. You have chosen the right partner or team to help ensure a successful result. You feel that you have made the right choices, and your foundation is strong. You are determined to achieve your goals, and you can see everything starting to fall into place. Although there is still more work to be done, you feel confident, and you will continue to move forward until everything is completed.
The boat (a business venture, a new career or new relationship brings you into a new lifestyle of change). The boat makes it through the mysterious sea of hidden storms, and relates to what you want and desire. Your new lifestyle and new direction makes you feel alive again. You have thought everything through, and you are not changing your mind, and there is no turning back!
The boat is something that you passionately desire. Boats are named after women because they are beautiful, and your yearning and excitement to achieve your desires are beautiful in themselves. The boat could represent a new relationship or something else you really want: a lifestyle change, a new job, a new business opportunity, a new creative project, starting a family, or traveling overseas.
Your energy bristles with strength and vitality. You have thought everything through, and you will not change your mind or turn back. You feel like you are being launched into this new lifestyle at mach speed. At this very exciting time in your life you can see your distant boat with your mind’s eye!
Positive Position: The third stage of a project or venture nears a successful completion. There is more work to be done and you will continue to move forward with confidence, having built a strong foundation by working with the right team of people.
Negative Position: Your goals are not nearing successful completion. You either set the wrong goals, or you did not work with the right people, or you failed to ask for needed help. Everything you do to try to achieve your goals results in delays, disappointment, and stiff completion. You might feel like you are spinning your wheels and going nowhere.
Timing is within 3 days, 3 weeks, or the summer season.
Four of Wands
The Fours represent your relationship foundation.
The Four of Wands is the “Celebration Card”, the card of optimism, eagerness and joy.
The sun is shining, projects are finished, and troubles are being held at bay.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Four of Wands incorporates the energy of Aries (the time of good judgment when you will expand, travel, or make a long term commitment).
The Wand’s astrological relative is Jupiter (makes you feel optimistic, ageless, and lucky).
My Interpretation Of The Four Of Wands Tarot Card
The Four of Wands indicates a celebration for completion of a venture or attainment of a goal you have been working toward. You finally get to relax and celebrate your success. You are at the point in your life when you have moved into your new direction, and everything worked out as planned.
This may be a time of a wedding, engagement, family milestone celebration, graduation, reunion, birthday party, holiday, long awaited vacation, peaceful relationships, finding the right job, job promotion, purchasing a home or the sale of your existing home, purchasing a new car or motor-home, a solid business venture, or something else coming to fruition that involves a long term commitment.
The number four represents strong determination, stability, and a realization to pursue and accomplish a dream. Your journey is at the harvest stage and finally bearing fruit.
Positive Position: You are celebrating the completion of a project. You have moved into your new direction, attained success, and finally get to relax because your goals are coming to fruition, involving a long term commitment.
The number four represents strong determination, stability, and a realization to pursue and accomplish a dream. Your journey is at the harvest stage and finally bearing fruit. This is a time of joy and satisfaction in the attainment of your goals.
Negative Position: You are experiencing the lack of stability and security because of restrictions imposed by others, or you are not ready for a long term commitment, or you are experiencing delays and obstacles.
Timing is within 4 days, 4 weeks, or related to the time of the summer season.
Five of Wands
The Fives represent your relationship struggles within a group. You and a group of people are over-stimulated and competing with each other.
I named the Five of Wands “The Open Pentagram!” When the five points of a pentagram are closed, a group is unified. When the five points are open, the group lacks unity.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Five of Wands incorporates the energies of Leo (the dedicated leader who needs to be in the spotlight).
The Wand’s astrological relative is the Sun (spontaneous).
The Story Of The Five Of Wands Tarot Card
The Five of Wands is enumerated five, which represents a hidden prophecy. The sky is blue (thought) and five men are struggling with each other because of their different perceptions of a situation. Each man is dressed in different colors, indicating the disparity in their feelings about the situation. The wands appear to form an open pentagram, which symbolizes an ongoing active conflict that cannot be resolved.
The first man (spirit of power, first point) wears a white bandana (purity, need to win), yellow tunic (enlightenment), red leggings (action), and yellow boots (excitement with every step), holds one wand up in the air and struggles with the third man.
The second man (action of fire, second point) wears a brown hat (staying grounded), red tunic (action), yellow leggings (enlightenment), and green boots (growth), holds a wand and struggles with the third and fourth men.
The third man (thoughts of air, third point) wears a yellow shirt (enlightenment), black and blue tunic (black = Saturn, no room for errors, and blue = thought), yellow leggings (enlightenment), and red boots (action with every step), and struggles with the first man.
The fourth man (emotions of water, fourth point) wears a yellow shirt (enlightenment), blue and gray tunic (emotional, something unclear), yellow leggings (enlightenment), and red shoes (action with every step), and struggles with the second man.
The fifth man (stability of earth, fifth point) wears a gray and yellow shirt (gray = lack of clarity, yellow = enlightenment), green tunic (growth), red leggings (action), and yellow shoes (enlightenment with every step), and struggles with the second man.
The different colors of their clothing reflect the men’s feelings and connection to the open five-pointed pentagram. All are in disagreement, and when this situation is resolved, the pentagram will be formed, and the lines will be closed, a sign of resolution. However, the upright Five of Pentacles shows that the five-pointed pentagram is open, and the struggle cannot be resolved.
Positive Position: You go up to bat, strike out and never make it to first base. This card position indicates that you will be defeated along with the group with which are working. The struggle will continue and not be resolved because he five points of the pentagram are open.
Negative Position: You might be dodging bullets to stay out of a conflict, but there might be one person in the group that rubs you the wrong way. You need to seek advice or rethink your situation. The five points of the pentagram are closed, representing harmony and restored unity, but the situation is not comfortable.
Timing is within 3 weeks. The timing shifts when you arrive at the cards that are enumerated five. These cards represent difficult challenges, and some of these challenges are out of your control and cannot be resolved.
You might experience a difficult, heart-wrenching situation with a relationship (personal or professional). This relationship might break down and force you to start over for a reason. The only way to start over is to break down the existing path so you are free from it and cannot go back. You will not see the beauty in this nasty experience until later.
Six of Wands
The Sixes represent your potential relationship goals.
The Six of Wands is called the “Victory Card”.
After the experience of suffering a few stinging events along the way, you find success!
Your victory can be either tangible or mental.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
The Six of Wands is enumerated six, which represents victory and success through hard work and suffering! Your personal achievement is not connected to others and you did not step on anyone’s toes to win this victory! However, the twinkling eyes of the horse represents a mysterious secret that only the horse knows!
Astrologically: The Six of Wands incorporates the energies of Leo (the need to expand, ambitious, and loves to stimulate others).
The Wand’s astrological relative is Jupiter (the guardian angel planet of luck that leads you to a big accomplishment).
My Interpretation Of The Six Of Wands Tarot Card
The Six of Wands represents success and victory after much hard work and suffering through many stinging events throughout your journey. This success is personal and not connected to others. You made many sacrifices to achieve your dream and at this stage of completion, you garner praise for all your hard efforts and success.
This victory is not a triumph over someone else. It is something for which you deserve considerable recognition because of all your hard efforts and the fact that you stepped on nobody else’s toes to succeed. You are at a point where your self-esteem is high, and you feel good about yourself and what you have accomplished.
Positive Position: You are successful and victorious after working hard, making sacrifices, and suffering many painful events during your journey. You have reached the stage of being lavishly praised for all your previous efforts and you rightly deserve this considerable recognition.
This achievement relates to an upturn in public recognition related to your social arena. You might receive a raise, a long-overdue promotion, publish your first book, or someone might publish an article about your success.
Negative Position: Your self-esteem is very low, and you doubt yourself. Your desires to follow through with your personal goals are delayed, or you might step on someone’s toes to get what you want.
Timing is within 6 days, 6 weeks, or related to the summer season.
Seven of Wands
The Sevens represent your relationship conflicts through your choices.
I named the Seven of Wands “The unexpected secrets that come with success!”
Resting on your laurels may be harder than you think.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Seven of Wands incorporates the energies of Leo (mental energy drives you, bursts of energy and very determined to succeed).
The Wand’s astrological relative is Mars (needs to be challenged, strong willpower to succeed).
The message from the Seven of Wands: “You need to maintain your position and set up boundaries now! Your friends (work buddies) might become your enemies and are beyond negotiation! You might find yourself at war with those who want to overtake your position. The twinkle in the horse’s eyes in the Six of Wands showed that he knew this struggle was coming after your victory, and he knew something would come out of nowhere and shock you.”
My Interpretation Of The Seven Of Wands Tarot Card
The Seven of Wands represents a struggle after success and victory. You are at the top of the mountain, defending and trying to maintain your status. Remaining on top of the mountain is a challenge. Competition is rife since everyone around you desires what you have.
Your challenges will be overcome once you release your fears and muster the courage to move forward. This is a time to defend your position by avoiding compromise; if others do not agree with you, you need to strike out on your own by seizing the reins and acting on your beliefs.
You need determination to stand your ground, to defend yourself and your position. This is a time to show your mettle while you struggle toward victory. You will feel the fire raging inside of you because you must be firm and maintain your personal integrity. In the end, you will maintain your position and will once again be respected, the one who clearly deserves to be the “King of the Mountain” because you have earned it!
Positive Position: You have achieved success, but now need to defend your position and maintain your status. Staying on top is a challenge. You need to fight with every step you take because competition and challenges are rife. You must refrain from compromise! If others do not agree, you must seize the initiative, act on your moral beliefs, and show your mettle.
Using the raging fire that is churning inside of you will allow you to hold your position and regain respect by being firm and maintaining your personal integrity.
Negative Position: You are not willing to stand up for yourself and you are going to lose your status. You are not committed to the fight that is needed to maintain your current position.
Timing is within 7 days, 7 weeks, or related to the summer season.
Eight of Wands
The Eights represent the status of your relationship.
The Eight of Wands indicates a sudden release of energy that clears away your current confusion and starts everything in motion concerning relationship judgments.
I named the Eight of Wands, “The Incoming Missiles Card!”
Communication will be swift and hidden enemies will experience incoming communication missiles!
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
The message from the Eight of Wands: “A sudden burst of energy will clear away all confusion and start everything in motion. There will be swift action, and all the delays in your life will be removed.”
Astrologically: The Eight of Wands incorporates the energies of Sagittarius (the dedicated freedom loving student that needs new experiences).
The Wand’s astrological relative is Jupiter (the guardian angel planet that brings luck in a mysterious way, helping you achieve something very important to you).
My Interpretation Of The Eight Of Wands Tarot Card
The Eight of Wands represents a sudden release of energy that clears away confusion and starts everything in motion. The power of this card clears out the negativity that has long been lingering in your life. It indicates swift action, so all the delays regarding your relationships will come to a conclusion.
Good news is on the way. You will receive a communication message that will be helpful in resolving your ongoing issues, releasing them for good. This communication message is related to relationships (professional and love).
Love: You may get hit with the Cupid love arrows, initiating a new romance, and a possible relationship, or you may experience unexpected issues regarding an existing relationship. If you have begun a new relationship, you might feel as if you have been swept off your feet, and everything is happening at lightning speed. Everything happens so fast that you wonder how these love missiles came out of nowhere to bring love into your life.
If you are in an existing relationship, the love arrows will bring something to a head that needs resolution because this card is the judgment of communication.
Positive Position: You will be victorious over adversaries and hidden enemies (perhaps coworkers). A sudden release of energy clears away confusion and starts everything in motion. Negativity is swiftly dispersed and good news is on the way. You will receive communication that will be helpful in resolving ongoing issues and releasing them for good.
You will experience a fast-paced judgment related to the status of business or personal relationships by phone, email, letter, or you will take a trip to resolve setbacks and delays, or you might move.
Negative Position: You will not experience a fast-paced judgment related to the status of your business or personal relationships by any method.
There are delays and the lack of resolutions with your relationships. Nothing is moving forward and you have no new love interests.
Timing is within 8 days, 8 weeks, or related to the summer season.
Nine of Wands
The Nines represent the status of your relationship goals. The Nine of Wands is called “Why does everything come with a price tag?”
When life seems to be going so smoothly, unexpectedly, Murphy’s Law kicks in!
When everything that can go wrong does go wrong, how will you rise to the challenge?
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams…
Astrologically: The Nine of Wands incorporates the energies of Sagittarius (dedicated and goal oriented).
The Wand’s astrological relative is Mars (planet of initiation and courage).
My Interpretation Of The Nine Of Wands Tarot Card
The Nine of Wands represents a challenge that springs from nowhere. Just when you thought everything was going well, a new problem arises! You find yourself drained by a new setback and faced with another battle to fight.
This card suggests that you will need all your inner resources to get through this struggle without surrender. The situation may seem grim and tax your energy, but these battles cry out to be won.
At this point, you will attain closure and your prospects will open up again. If you are faithful to yourself and to your beliefs you will find the courage and drive to win your battle. Everything comes with a price and you have invested all your hard-earned efforts.
There is no retreating at this point. You are prepared to take all necessary measures to avoid going down in flames. You have the eye of the tiger that will walk you through the path to completion.
Positive Position: You are experiencing a new setback that is draining. You survive this struggle because you can rise to the challenge by being faithful to yourself, your morals and your beliefs.
Your faith provides the courage and drive to win this battle and start anew. You have invested everything and there is no retreating at this point. You will take all necessary measures to regain your path to completion.
Negative Position: The projects that you are working on are going to fail or be delayed. Your motivation is lacking, as is your energy for another fight. Your mind is not set to take on anything, and your energy level is very low.
Timing is within 9 days, 9 weeks, or related to the summer season.
Ten of Wands
The Tens represent a relationship path that comes to a successful completion, or indicates the beginning of a new relationship path. If your current path has not been completed, you have to begin anew.
The Ten of Wands is called “The overload card” or “Burning the candle at both ends”.
“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown”. William Shakespeare.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Wands represent the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically: The Ten of Wands incorporates the energies of Sagittarius (passionate, impulsive, but needs to expand).
The Wand’s astrological relative is the Sun (pride and the big heart joins forces to achieve a dream).
The message from the Ten of Wands: “Too much of a good thing brings the time when you are overworked, stressed, and trying to keep up the pace, and there is also a price to pay for high achievements!”
My Interpretation Of The Ten Of Wands Tarot Card
The Ten of Wands represents both good and bad times, the price paid to achieve your dreams. Achieving success will require you to work harder to fulfill your duties and to maintain your current position. Trying to balance your personal life and your work responsibilities will be difficult, seemingly impossible, and require you to exert all your reserve energies.
At times you will be unable to get enough rest to feel peaceful, relaxed and recharged. There will be no time for anything but work. Your mind will be plagued with what you need to do next, and you will be in a permanent state of exhaustion. You will feel that you have taken on way too much, and there is no escape. As you contemplate the long, grueling hours ahead of you, you will feel you have made a big mistake.
You will start to reevaluate your dream and wonder if it is worth the price that you are paying because the other side of your life is not being lived!
Positive Position: You have been successful and experiencing both good and bad times. The weight of your responsibilities make you feel that you have made a mistake, taken on way too much work, and there is no escape. You will reevaluate your dream and wonder if your dream is worth the price that you are paying, because the personal side of your life is on hold!
Negative Position: You cannot go it alone. You need help. You need to release the burden of doing everything yourself, before you start feeling it is time to let go of your dream because it is too hard to maintain!
Timing is within 10 days, 10 weeks, or related to the summer season.
Page of Wands
The Pages work for the Royal Court under the direction of the Knight and the King and are “The Pony Express Cards” in my deck.
The Pages are the messengers who quickly deliver important messages and represent an unexpected box of chocolates that may be good or bad.
You will receive or deliver an important letter, email, text or phone message. This message may be from a reliable friend, potential lover or romantic interest, student, mentor, client, boss, or even an open enemy.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life. The Page of Wands indicates a new beginning. The Page is young and delivers his messages rapidly. He represents a person who is still learning, changing personalities like the wind changes direction. He is a restless traveler, loves to explore new places and gets bored easily. He is edgy, clever, direct, and outspoken. He is on a mission to deliver messages, but also holds secrets, has ulterior motives, and can be unwelcome trouble when crossed by a negative card.
The Page of Wands is related to the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
Astrologically, the Page of Wands incorporates the energies of Aries (aggressive, energetic, confident), Leo (needs to be in the spotlight), Sagittarius (the dedicated student, new adventures, freedom loving).
The Page of Wand’s astrological relative are the planets Mars (action), Sun (pride and the big heart joins forces to achieve a big dream), Jupiter (luck).
My Interpretation Of The Page Of Wands Tarot Card
The Page of Wands represents the messenger, “The Pony Express” who will deliver news to you, good or bad. The Pony Express will follow through with the job to deliver this news swiftly. The Page of Wands represents a loyal and trusted friend who is devoted to your best interests and welfare. However, he is still young and learning, and his personality shifts like the wind changes direction.
The Page of Wands is the restless traveler who loves to explore new places and gets bored easily. He has excessive energy that pulls him in new directions all the time, and he is always ready to take on a new job. However, when the Pony Express comes out in the negative position, he is edgy, clever, direct and outspoken. You cannot trust him because he can be unwelcome trouble. He wants to gain personal success, and he has ulterior motives.
Positive Position: When this card comes out in your reading, it usually means that you are going to deliver or receive a message. This message is related to the arrival of an important letter, email, text or phone message and may be from a reliable friend, potential lover or romantic interest, student, mentor, client, boss, or even an open enemy.
You should check the crossing cards, or pull a clarifying card to cross the Page to determine intentions. Are the energies positive or negative?
I pulled the Seven of Cups whose positive energies indicate thinking about a new beginning related to your dreams!
You may receive important news related to a new creative opportunity, a new study, job interview or new business venture, a date, a love interest, or a message from a close friend, student, mentor, client, boss, or a personal dream that is important to you. This new dream has the energies of the “Ace of Wands” and a new beginning (the time when you are ready to follow through with an important dream).
Negative Position: You are going to receive unexpected news that you are not going to like. The news could be related to a lost opportunity or a turn for the worse.
You are going to receive the box of chocolates that you are not going to like, relating to unexpected delays, or something will fall away from you, or something disrupts your life. An important letter, email, text, or phone message may bring unexpected surprises such as cancellations you didn’t anticipate, the failure of a new study, job interview, a business venture, a date, a love interest, or unexpected news from a close friend, student, mentor, client, boss, or an open enemy that brings gossip detrimental to your reputation.
Timing is usually immediate, or 1 – 11 days, or related to the summer season.
Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands indicates a change or that something hidden will be revealed to you because this knight is the bearer of unexpected changes.
The Knight of Wands represents you or outside influences: a friend, client, tutor, mentor, boss, an open enemy, or someone who wants to court you (potential lover).
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life and bring unexpected changes. The Knight is young, the restless traveler who brings change into your life, and leaves after the change is initiated! The Court Card personalities are complex because they are two-sided and can go from positive to negative in a flash. Highly intellectual, they feel that they’re always right. They may be flirty, sarcastic, impatient, flighty, secretively spiteful, romantic or shockingly independent.
The Knight of Wands is related to the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
The message from the Knight of Wands: “Do you need to be on the move and feel there is no holding you back? Do you need change and a new opportunity to stay happy?”
Astrologically the Knight of Wands is related to the zodiac sign of Sagittarius (fire, enthusiastic, blunt, generous, self-indulgent, philosophical, gambler).
The Knight of Wand’s astrological relatives are the planets Mars (action), Sun (pride and the big heart joins forces to achieve a big dream), Jupiter (luck).
My Interpretation Of The Knight Of Wands Tarot Card
The Knight of Wands represents someone on a mission who brings change into your life, and leaves after the change is initiated. The Knight of Wands is older than the Page, but still young, and testing everything! The Knight’s personality changes all the time because he is the restless traveler, capable of moving forward, but usually just moving onward, meaning he will not stay. The Knight of Wands is always traveling, always in motion.
He likes to change everything including his residence, cars, jobs, clothes, and friends. This young enterprising traveler takes risks and likes who he is. If you don’t like or accept him, then move on because he isn’t going to change. Think twice before you try to get close to him to start a long-lasting relationship. He is charming, enthusiastic, fun, passionate, and a good lover, but feels that he is too young to settle. If upset, he can be very harsh and explode in anger. Do not provoke him — he won’t back down. If you hurt his feelings, he’ll leave you for a new adventure.
Positive Position: You may experience an unexpected change related to a close friend, or a romantic interest may suddenly enter your life. However, I do not trust the Knight of Wands. Pull a clarifying card to cross this Knight to see if the energies are positive or negative. I pulled the Ace of Wands whose positive energies make it a “thumbs up” card.
You may meet a teacher, mentor, tutor, or new client because you are starting a new hobby, a new educational study, pursuing a scholarship, presented with a job opportunity, or new business venture arises. You may get a raise or promotion.
You might discover a hidden jealous enemy who is spreading rumors that you were not aware of!
Negative Position: You may meet someone with hidden intentions. You might find yourself in isolation, healing from a bad relationship experience, or you will experience something that will fall away from you and will disrupt your life. A business venture may take a turn for the worse.
A friend might disappoint you. You may lose a scholarship, get a bad grade, experience cancellations or delays. You may not get the raise or promotion you were expecting, or you may lose your job, or money will fall away from you
You may meet an open enemy who has hidden intentions and wants to destroy your reputation because he or she is competing with you. Everything that was hidden is out in the open.
Timing is usually immediate, 1 – 12 days, or related to the summer season.
Queen of Wands
The Queens represent “The Monumental Timing Cards” or the “Gossip Cards” in my deck.
The Queen of Wands represents you or outside influences such as a friend, family member, mother figure, authority figure, client, potential lover or even an open enemy who is competing with you!
The Memo: When the Queen of Wands appears in a reading, she will deliver a “Memo” to you.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life and initiate the timing of a monumental change.The Queen of Wands represents wisdom. She is older than the Knight and may be married. She needs to control every situation in her own particular way. She has contagious energy and enthusiasm, and tackles everything with dedication and commitment.
The Queen of Wands has acquired vast knowledge through her life experiences and is a good counselor, if you listen to her. She is fierce, passionate, determined and gets to the point rapidly. She considers herself direct and honest, rather than brutish.
The Queen of Wands is related to the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams…
Astrologically the Queen of Wands is related to the zodiac sign of Leo (fire, a strong leader that tackles everything with dedication and commitment, warm, generous, confident, melodramatic).
The Queen of Wand’s astrological relatives are the planets Mars (outspoken, loves change, has bursts of determined energy to achieve something, temperamental, childlike), Sun (usually in the spotlight, a leader, impulsive, stubborn), Jupiter (luck, proud, big heart, ambitious, overconfident).
My Interpretation Of The Queen Of Wands Tarot Card
The Queen of Wands represents a woman who is full of vitality and has that inner spark needed to live life to the fullest. She has contagious energy, is highly enthusiastic and tackles everything with dedication and commitment. She is a busy mother, career woman and wife, loves to be on the go and lives a fast, upbeat life. She is fierce, passionate, determined and she is direct and honest, arriving at her point rapidly.
She has experienced deep pain and hardships in the past, but retains her spirit. She learns and grows from these painful past experiences. She has a dark side to her because of her previous pain, but she chooses to keep her dark side private. Playful, attractive, and lively, she lights up a room when she enters. The Queen of Wands inspires you to live a more fulfilled life and to be true to yourself.
The Queen of Wands is enumerated thirteen, but does not represent bad luck. She represents the timing card in my deck because timing is her job! The Queen of Wands is very dedicated to her beliefs, confident, and she controls the timing of something monumental that will surface. She will provide you with the timing of a good or bad impending change, depending on the surrounding cards.
Positive Position: This is a time of monumental change that may involve gossip, a revelation of a hidden secret, or you reaching out for immediate assistance, or someone reaching out for assistance from you. The people involved could be a friend, family member, mother figure, authority figure, client, or potential lover.
There may be a hidden enemy who is passing rumors about you that you’re not aware of right now. This person wants to trash your reputation to make themselves look better because he or she is competing with you.
Negative Position: A monumental change has happened and caught you by surprise. This change could involve gossip or the revelation of a hidden enemy. This “Queen” can be manipulative, angry, resentful, demanding, controlling and jealous. She will attack and bully you because she can, or she will twist the situation and make you look like the bad person because she is competing with you.
If you reached out for immediate assistance or someone turned to you for assistance, the situation with these people has taken a turn for the worse. The people involved could be a friend, family member, mother figure, authority figure, client, or potential lover.
Timing is usually immediate, within 1 – 3 days, or related to the summer season.]
King of Wands
The King of Wands is called the “Motivator or Husband Card” in my deck.
Kings represent you or outside influences: a friend, family member, father figure, authority figure, a potential lover or even an open enemy who is competing with you.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life and the King of Wands is the motivator!Because he is goal oriented, he rules with his actions, always looking ahead at plans for growth related to career, business ventures and relationships. The King will not stay in any relationship that has no growth or potential — he will find his way out rather quickly. He will motivate you to achieve your tasks, goals and future visions, and attack them with vigor.
The King of Wands is related to the spark plugs of the Tarot, the spark of creativity and the birth of an idea. The Wands are oriented toward action, growth and the realization of your dreams.
The message from the King of Wands: “Do you feel passionate, disciplined and confident? You were born to be a warrior, ready to defend yourself and others, ready for surprises and prepared to tackle a problem on a moment’s notice!”
Astrologically the King of Wands is related to the zodiac sign of Aries (fire, impulsive, courageous and pioneering).
The King of Wand’s astrological relatives are the planets Mars (aggressive, energetic, confident, outspoken, has bursts of determined energy to achieve something, temperamental, childlike), Sun (ambitious, excitable, usually in the spotlight, a leader, impulsive, stubborn), Jupiter (luck, proud, big heart, ambitious, overconfident, needs to expand, clever, social, extravagant).
The Black Lions on the King’s headrest represent mystery and his animal nature, strength, pride and courage to attack and destroy his enemies if necessary. The black lion represents the character of the King, suggesting that he is spontaneous, unpredictable and stubborn, and has a great force driving him.
The Spots of the leopard: The black dots on the King’s headrest represent the spots of a leopard, the dark side of his character that he must overcome. The leopard’s spirit represents the Kings’ self-confidence, personal power, wisdom and the courage needed to face obstacles head on and attack them to succeed.
My Interpretation of The King Of Wands Tarot Card
The King of Wands represents power, control, discipline and an air of mystery.
The Wands are the spark of motivation and this King exhibits their energy, passion, desire, ambition, and inspiration. He is passionate, disciplined, confident, and exciting. He might be married to the Queen of Wands because she has the energy and drive that he loves.
The King is seductive, flirty, elusive, and may move on to another partner because he is fussy! If he makes a commitment to stay, he will be faithful.
He loves his role as king and the responsibility that goes with his position. The King is intimidating because of his strength, experience, and self-confidence.
He is the warrior who is ready to defend himself and help you fight through your battles. He is always ready for surprises, and tackles problems on a moment’s notice.
Positive Position: The King of Wands may be a special person who comes into your life to give you good advice or motivate you to attack your goals, so you can reach your highest potential. When the King of Wands appears, you need to pull another card and cross the King to determine intent. I pulled the Justice card, meaning you are accountable for your actions, responsible, and understand the difference between right and wrong. A wrong will be made right and your honesty will absolve you and protect you.
You may be reaching out to someone for help or someone may be reaching out to you for help. The person involved might be a friend, family member, father figure, authority figure, client, potential lover or even an open enemy who is gossiping about or competing with you, trying to trash your reputation so he or she looks better.
Negative Position: A monumental change has caught you by surprise. The King will overwhelm you because he is showing the extreme, manipulative side of his personality. He is dominating, domineering, and aggressive. When the King of Wands appears, you need to pull another card and cross the King to determine intent.
You may be reaching out to someone for help or someone may be reaching out to you for help. Either way, the situation has taken a turn for the worse. The person involved might be a friend, family member, father figure, authority figure, client, potential lover or even an open enemy who is gossiping about or competing with you, trying to trash your reputation so he or she looks better.
Timing of the King of Wands is unpredictable, and the timing is unknown in my deck of cards.