Ace of Swords
You arrive at the path of making a heartfelt decision… The Ace of Swords controls your relationship path and represents where you are headed (new beginning, ending) because an important decision was made.
Astrologically, the Ace of Swords incorporates the energy of the air signs. Gemini (keeps one step ahead), Libra (balances relationship contracts), Aquarius (needs stimulation and change to stay happy).
The Ace of Cups astrological relatives are the planets Mercury (the speed with how you gather information and think), Venus (the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals), and Uranus (the unpredictable planet of the future).
The Winter Solstice represents the beginning of the “Suit of Swords.”
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll need to make about separating from past attachments. There is a strong desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
Symbolism: The golden crown represents your mind. You’ll receive an enlightening message that will manifest in your thoughts. The three floating Yods (“Fingers of Fate”) on both sides of the sword indicate a looming problem that you will need to resolve.
The storm cloud indicates that you’ll go through a transformation, transitioning from your old outdated lifestyle into a new lifestyle. This message reveals that you’re are on the brink of this monumental change when you make the decision needed to solve your looming problem. The white radiating hand emerging from the storm cloud comes from the northwest winds and symbolizes the winged angel of thought (God, Archangel Raphael).
Outcome: You’ll make a heartfelt decision related to peace and happiness (olive branch), or pain, suffering and challenges (palm frond). This winged messenger (Raphael, God) gives you the right information to help you make the right decision and overcome your challenges.
You need to be fully aware and stay in the present to make the proper choices. When you’re not living in the present, you’re not in control of your thoughts and actions, which causes a delayed completion because of your inability or unwillingness to bring something to an end.
The Ace of Swords Energies
The Swords indicate a struggle or conflict. There is a desire to find truth that will shed light on your situation. The Swords represent your thoughts, which will cut into and sort through your situation.
Positive characteristics are strength, authority, courage, ambition and the desire separate from a past attachment. The Swords encourage you to seek the truth of a situation. They bring you into conflict, pain, anger and aggression.
This Sword makes you think creatively and examine situations from all angles. These energies make you feel optimistic, curious and alert, but also cold, detached and unsympathetic. The Swords possess the virtues of knowledge, good communication, and mental agility. Swords are original, accurate, well-disciplined, and quick-thinking, more rational and intellectual than emotional.
When you feel Sword energies, you’ll have a tendency to express your opinion, judge others harshly because of high standards, and carry a grudge. You might change your temperament rapidly and you won’t hesitate to express your anger verbally. Your decisions won’t be swayed by others. You may come to terms with the issues you’re dealing with, but it will take time because your decisions cannot be rushed.
My Interpretation of the Ace Of Swords
The Ace of Swords represents bravery and suggests that you’ll take a leap into something as long as it is in your best interests. The Ace also rules your ability to be assertive, honest, of precise judgment, and not easily swayed by others. The Sword will cut through the gray areas to find truth and clarity in any situation to make the right decision.
The exact timing of the Swords can be slow because the energies make you wrestle with making a big decision, or bring you into lingering, unresolved issues. However, when the energies of the Sword are ready to act, it’s rather fast, like an unpredictable storm.
Positive Position: This is the time when you’ll process your thoughts and make a decision. You’ll decide to start something new, or decide to separate from a past attachment and make a fresh new start. Something might fall into your lap that ushers you into a new beginning!
Negative Position: You are not ready to make a decision. A detrimental, troubling situation may arise suddenly. You’ll find it difficult to agree with others and your temperament may change. You’ll find yourself being verbally argumentative or quarrelsome. You may learn that you’re being lied to. The surrounding cards will determine the depth of the dishonesty. You may experience a love/hate situation, or an emotional whirlwind that takes the wind out of your sails. You might also be dealing with a cold or an unexpected illness.
Timing is 1–11 days, related to the winter season, or related to Moon Phases.
New Moon or Solar Eclipse (not visible – making a wish and starting a new plan). First Quarter Moon (growing in size – action oriented – pushing ahead to a testing point). Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse (wishes come true – or the release of what is not working). Third Quarter Moon (shrinking in size – strong beliefs with what you want – you will put these beliefs in action, or let go and release what binds you).
Two of Swords
The Twos represent where you’re headed with your relationship path.
The Two of Swords is called “The Crossroads Card” in my deck.
This Sword reflects a conflict presenting a difficult decision that cannot be resolved without unpleasant consequences, a dilemma resulting in a temporary decision-making paralysis.
Astrologically, the Two of Swords incorporates the energy of Libra (needs to balance relationship contracts).
The Two of Swords astrological relative is the planet Venus (Venus is the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals. However, Venus is beauty or the beast. The beauty of a relationship that grows, or the beast of a relationship contract that could not achieve resolution and balance.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll need to make about separating from past attachments. There is a strong desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
The rippling body of water in this card indicates that your emotions are overstimulated! The Waxing Crescent Moon signifies the time when the Moon is growing in size and so are your emotions. The blindfold indicates that you cannot see the consequences of a pending difficult decision.
The message: “I am in a stalemated relationship, trying to make the right decision whether to move on, or stay caught between a rock and a hard place. My thought process is stuck and I feel like I am going nowhere. Right now, I want to be alone and isolated from the people in my life!”
My Interpretation of the Two of Swords
The Two of Swords reflects your partnerships, friendships, romantic interests, or business partnerships.
These relationships are very deep for both partners who feel a need for equality in commitment and treatment. If you feel that you’re not being treated fairly and with respect, it may be time to re-balance the partnership.
You will need to communicate your dissatisfaction with your partner and discuss adjustments to restore the relationship a balanced position.
This may be a time in your life when you realize that despite all your hard efforts to balance the relationship, nothing has changed for the better and you need to accept the ending to this partnership.
The Positive Position might indicate a positive or negative result, depending on what you desire. You need to feel that both parties in a relationship are equally committed and treated as equals by each other.
When you’re feeling that you’re not being treated fairly and with respect, it may be time to bring the relationship-partnership back into balance.
You’re stuck at a crossroads and need to make a heartfelt decision about the direction to take this relationship. This will require you and your partner to open communications to find the correct balance to restore the relationship to equal footing. Nothing changes without effort and you can’t remain in a stalemate situation.
The Negative Position might indicate a positive or negative result, depending on what you desire. This position indicates that the situation becomes worse, and there is a slim chance to balance the relationship.
You’ve made a heartfelt decision to separate from your attachment. You realize that despite all your hard efforts, nothing has changed for the better. You’ll accept the ending to this partnership and make the sacrifices you need to make.
Timing is within 2 hours, 2 days, months, or the winter season.
Three of Swords
The Threes represent three or more people related to the seeker’s relationship path.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll need to make about separating from past attachments. There is a strong desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
Astrologically, the Three of Swords incorporates the energy of Libra (needs to balance relationship contracts to feel secure and happy).
The Three of Swords astrological relative is the planet Uranus (the planet of the future and not the past. Uranus brings unexpected, upsetting changes).
My Interpretation of the Symbolism
The Three of Swords represents sorrow, disappointment, separation, betrayal, abandonment and rejection. The three swords piercing the heart at different angles represent the past, present and future.
The ominous gray storm clouds represent a premonition of bad news. The rain (tears) indicates a mourned loss and reflects a cleansing process and the release of painful emotions associated with the loss of a once-fulfilling, comfortable relationship that took a turn for the worse.
My Interpretation of the Three of Swords
The Three of Swords represents a painful love triangle.
This love triangle could indicate that your partner is stuck in the past, constantly thinking of another, therefore being neglectful of you. Your partner is unable to resolve his or her feelings, remaining in a situation that wounds you deeply. Actually, you and your partner are in this love triangle together, and both of you are feeling different aspects of this pain.
It could also indicate the actual unfaithfulness of your partner, who chooses another person over you. You experience pain, sorrow and a deep, heartfelt loss. You’re experiencing the consequences of your poor choices and blindness to the instability of your relationship. You really believed that your partner was going to choose you.
Everything has finally surfaced and you’re not second-guessing yourself. You’re shedding tears and entering a cleansing process, realizing the difficulty of letting go and coming to terms with the loss. You’re the one who was deeply hurt and trying to find your way out of the mental pain that is hovering in your thoughts.
The Positive Position might indicate a positive or negative result, depending on what you desire. You could be in a painful love triangle initiated by you or your partner. This triangle may be actual unfaithfulness or may be created by you or your partner still loving someone from the past, unable to release this other person. These unresolved feelings and inability to choose cause deep wounds in your relationship.
You might be one who hurts your partner because you’re fed up with the way your partner has treated you. You need to release all the pain that you’ve been carrying around with you!
The Negative Position might indicate a positive or negative result, depending on what you desire. You’ve suffered the end of a relationship and are challenged to release the hurt of this painful situation. You’re in a healing stage of recovery, striving to find the good in a bad situation and to orient yourself. A new beginning will lift and revitalize you to see the future and not the past.
Timing is within 3 hours, 3 days, months, or the winter season.
Four of Swords
The Fours represent your relationship foundation. The Four of Swords asks you to slow down and heal your body, mind and spirit!
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
The message: “I was warned to slow down and heal my body, mind and spirit because I was running on empty! I need to go into hibernation like the bears do in the winter time because I experienced a traumatic relationship that cluttered my mind to the point of exhaustion!”.
Astrologically, the Four of Swords incorporates the energy of Libra (needs to balance relationship contracts).
The Four of Swords astrological relative is the planet Mercury (the planet of speed). Mercury determines the speed at which you gather information, think, talk, analyze, write and travel.
Symbolism: The Archetype is thinking about the woman and child in the stained glass window and also trying to understand the truth of a situation by looking through the window in his or her mind’s eye. The window suggests that the Archetype sees this situation through rose-colored glasses and the gray background suggests that the Archetype is not seeing the situation clearly.
The colors of the window represent the different thoughts of the Archetype. Yellow represents the naivete of the Fool, red the masculine energy and passion of the Emperor, blue a future goal that is far away and without timing (lack of mountains), and white the purification that the Archetype needs to understand the current situation.
The color white also represents the Archetype’s connection with the spiritual world and the time to walk with God, so that the Archetype can let go! By not letting go, he or she drags this mental pain around with each step taken, and the mental pain keeps repeating!
My Interpretation of the Four of Wands
The Four of Swords represents a period in your life where you need to rest and recover after a difficult experience with heavy emotional trauma. This card suggests a breakdown in your relationship, troubled times, excessive worry, or a possible operation, or major illness.
The primary meaning of this card is a need to find peace and quiet. You need to quiet your internal and external selves. This is a time to trust your faith and understand that you need to give your body, mind and spirit a rest, just like the bears do when they go into hibernation, because you need this restorative peace.
No matter how you’re pushed and pulled to take action, you need to stop and be still, detain your mind from racing. It’s time to slow down before you overdo it. Your mind is so cluttered with thought that you can’t see things clearly, and failure to stop may make you ill.
A Secret Symbolism of the Four of Swords
The Four of Swords is enumerated four and represents the need to establish a strong foundation like the Emperor, who controls his environment through hard work that will pay off with steady progress and growth.
The four (4) Swords in this card represent the four spokes of the Wheel of Fortune which contain the four (4) alchemical symbols of Mercury, Sulfur, Salt and Water. These symbols are inscribed on the second circle from the inside of the wheel (see locaters and influences below) and indicate that this is the time to quiet your thoughts, desires, actions, and cleanse yourself!
Mercury (mind – seat of thought) is under the letter “T” and represented by a circle with horns and a straight line.
Sulfur (soul – seat of desire) is under the letter “A” and represented by a triangle with a small line.
Salt (body – seat of action) is under the letter “O” and represented by a circle.
Water (purity – seat of cleansing) is under the letter “R” and represented by two wavy lines.
The Swords represent your strength, ambition, and willpower to follow through and cut through something. The Swords also represent authority and power, but the Archetype lying on the tomb reflects that he or she needs to slow down. The Archetype needs a period of rest to allow full recovery after having endured a difficult time. The Archetype went through some trauma and a breakdown in a relationship, causing a restless mind and a need for peaceful thoughts.
The Archetype is expressing a need to retreat within and recuperate, and needs seclusion to recover from pain, stress and anxiety while searching for answers through prayer and meditation.
This Archetype needs to unclutter his or her thoughts and let go of the situation before it makes him or her ill. This is not a time for a decision, but a time for rest. The timing of this rest is undetermined right now because one needs to heal before planning to do anything else.
My Experience with the Four of Swords
My experience involved driving myself too hard and not getting the proper amount of sleep. I had too much on my plate all the time and was trying to please everyone except myself.
I learned that my body, mind and spirit can only take so much self-abuse. One day I just couldn’t do it anymore, and I found myself taking a long rest to recharge my body. I was burned out and needed to hibernate just like the bear, all winter long.
I had to change my lifestyle for a while, make the right changes to heal my body, and learn how to say no!
Positive Position: This is a time of healing. You need to rest and recharge after suffering a difficult, emotionally traumatic experience that took the wind out of your sails. No matter how your mind pushes and pulls you to take action, you should stop and calm your racing mind. You need to go into hibernation to heal — to recover from a traumatic relationship experience, an exhausting situation, a cluttered mind, an operation, or an unexpected illness.
Negative Position: You can’t rest because you feel like the “Energizer Bunny,” trying to accomplish too much at once. Pushing too much will lead to burn out, exhaustion or sickness.
Timing is within 4 hours, 4 days, months, or the time of the winter season.
Five of Swords
The Five of Swords points you towards a path of knowing that “might is not always right” as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you learn that those who win a battle or disagreement to appease their ego often lose something in the exchange, and those who engage in bullying will eventually receive their comeuppance.
The Five of Swords is associated with someone who is overstepping boundaries, biting off more than they can chew, or allowing their ego to override their common sense. Someone involved will win the battle, but lose the war.
You may have had to walk away from a stormy situation and you felt defeated because someone was using their position of authority to bully you, disrespect you, or use inappropriate behavior toward you and would not face the consequences of their actions until later!
Then again, you may have got stuck in a moment or had to stand up for yourself and not let someone push you around, or maybe you walked away because you did not want to throw more logs into the fire and thought, “What good will it do? Will it help? Probably not! Best to just think about this and formulate a new plan that will more likely bring success!”
Numerical Number 5: This number indicates a “heads-up” situation. You might experience a personal or professional struggle, need to make an adjustment to overcome a problem, or experience a hidden prophecy that makes you start over to connect with the right path at a later date.
The Element of Air:The Five of Swords is associated with the elemental air qualities of the planet Uranus (unexpected changes) and the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The combination of Uranus in Aquarius might make you call a spade a spade and you might enjoy the revolution.
Probable Outcome: You might be suffering from a relationship breakdown including arguments, bullying and intimidation. Perhaps your partner is treating you badly, or your lover might be betraying you by secretly cheating with another lover.
You might be experiencing a nasty separation, divorce, or dealing with the interference of a third party.
You may be having conflicts at work from clashing personalities, a boss who humiliates others to stay in control or a tense work environment full of bitterness.
Or something has come out from behind the scenes such as a hidden enemy who is hurting your reputation or a jealous person who gossips behind your back.
Possible Outcome: You might be trying to open up communications to repair a relationship and start treating each other with respect.
Or you are moving away from a relationship and accepting the separation, divorce, or the interference of a third party because you know your lover will not change and will continue to cheat.
You may be looking for a new job to move away from work conflicts and a tense environment full of bitterness.
Or you might be dealing with a hidden enemy who wants to trash your repetition, a jealous person who gossips behind your back, or a cheating lover.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Five of Swords’ energies into your life. If this is the case, then you are not ready to move away from a personal or professional relationship because you need more time to think things through.
Timing: The Five of Swords predicts that an important thought is first turned inwards, then turned outwards to resolve a conflict. A hidden prophecy or unexpected event may be on the verge of happening in the next 1-3 weeks.
The cards that are enumerated five are associated with a hidden prophecy, or a difficult situation. Something might break down and force you to start over for a reason. The only way to start over is to break down the existing path so that you are free from it and cannot go back and you won’t see the beauty in this painful experience until later.
Six of Swords
The message: “I can’t think straight! The only way I know how to get through this situation is to move away from it! My mind is too cluttered with all the difficulties I’ve been through! I’m leaving my environment to clear my head, and right now I’m not sure if I’m going to return!”
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
The positive characteristics of the Swords are strength, authority, courage, ambition and the desire to travel. They experience conflict, pain, anger and aggression, and wrestle with unresolved issues.
The Sword Archetypes have a tendency to judge themselves, but also judge others harshly because these Archetypes have high standards and will carry a grudge and express their stormy opinion. They’re known to change their temperament as fast as the wind changes and won’t hesitate to express their anger verbally.
Their decisions are not swayed by others. They’ll take a step back and come to terms with their issues, but it will take time, and they can’t be rushed. Their decision comes only when they’re ready.
Astrologically, the Six of Swords incorporates the energy of Aquarius (the zodiac sign that doesn’t like to feel trapped in emotions, and needs to detach or escape to heal his or her nervous system).
The Six of Swords astrological relative is the planet Mercury (the planet of speed). Mercury determines the speed at which you gather information, think, talk, analyze, write and travel.
My Interpretation of the Six of Swords
The Six of Swords represents traveling away from problems and difficulties. Your mind is cluttered with sadness and needs to heal and recover. The only way to succeed is to avoid stagnation by changing your environment along with its problems.
You feel a need to change the scenery to see things differently. This card suggests that there has been depression, listlessness, and difficulties just getting through the day. You’ve lost hope in the face of trauma and need to regain the health of your mind, body, and spirit. You feel that by traveling away from your difficulties, your mind will change positively.
You are at a turning point in your life. Better times will provide necessary healing as you tackle your problems. Retreat is the only way to find mental peace because your current environment makes thought impossible. With problems still to resolve, the future is unknown at this time. Nevertheless, you’ll weather this storm and find mental clarity again.
The Six of Swords is enumerated six and represents the return of harmony when you resolve your issues. The sky is cloudy, representing an uneasy feeling and something amiss. There is a new land in the distance, surrounded by blue water representing the throat chakra (communication and self-expression) and a goal that seems far away. The color blue also represents your inner voice and your “abstract intuition.” When you feel over-stimulated, you’ll take something to the extreme and make mistakes because of the lack of clear sight.
The Six of Swords depicts a black-haired man sailing away in a rusty-orange boat that has weathered many storms. His boat is traveling away from hard times (rough, turbulent water on the right). He is sailing into calmer waters (serene water on left). He is moving away from the conflict of the past, seeking mental peace. His release from the past requires a move in search of peace.
He understands that by traveling away from his problems and the environment of the past, it will be easier to function and see things clearly. A new direction will bring a positive change, heal his cluttered thoughts, and provide a safe, comfortable harbor in his mind. The Six Swords that seem to pierce the boat are the plugs that keep it from sinking until he has reached a safe place in his mind.
The Swords represent thought, purification, and the need to understand a heartfelt situation. The man is sailing away from his problems. The Sword plugs preventing the boat from sinking represent only a temporary fix, not the answer needed to resolve his problems.
Positive Position: You need to leave your environment to find the magical cocktail that will heal your mind. This position indicates leaving past attachments and your environment, traveling away from your problems and difficulties. Your mind is cluttered with sadness and needs to heal and recover. Retreat is the only way to find mental peace because your current environment makes thought impossible. You’re at a turning point in your life, with problems to resolve. A better environment will provide necessary healing to help you tackle these problems. The future is unknown at this time.
Negative Position: You’re having a hard time leaving a difficult situation. You can’t handle change, you resist it and have reached a point of stagnation. Your relationship may have run its course and will end at a later time.
Timing is within 6 hours, 6 days, months, or the winter season.
Seven of Swords
The Sevens represent relationship conflicts caused by the choices you make.
The message: “I may be tempted to do something that is not right! I’m a cunning person who will take something or betray your confidence to get ahead, or I might run for the hills because I’m not ready to tie up my loose ends and face my judgment!”
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
Astrologically, the Seven of Swords incorporates the energy of Aquarius (the paradox of a hidden personality). Example of paradox: someone that says they do not tell white lies, but they lie and do not own up to it. Have you ever told a white lie, or told half the story?
The Six of Swords astrological relative is the planet Venus (Venus is the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals). However, Venus is also beauty or the beast. The beauty of a relationship that grows, or the beast of a relationship contract that could not achieve resolution and balance.
Symbolism: The Seven of Swords is enumerated seven and represents deception and betrayal. There is a military camp or prison in the background with raised flags that announce changes and provide alerts. The dark color of these flags indicate deviousness and mystery.
A dark-haired Archetype has escaped the military camp (prison) with Seven Swords, but leaves two of them behind, planted in the ground like a tree or gravestone! The swords the Archetype carries represent the Five of Swords (overstepping boundaries, fate and destiny). The planted swords represent the Two of Swords and the Archetype’s relationship that he was unable to bring back into balance. He decides that the only way to balance this relationship is by planting the two swords as gravestones. The Archetype is sneaking away on tiptoe!
My Interpretation of the Seven of Swords
Caution: You or another person may be tempted to do something that is not right! Beware… You or a cunning person will take something or betray confidential matters to get ahead!
The Sword Archetypes desire the truth and aren’t afraid to call a “Spade a Spade”! But in the Seven of Swords, the Archetype needs to be crafty to win the game! The Sword Archetypes experience conflict, pain, anger and aggression, and wrestle with unresolved issues in their mind. When they’re ready to act, they’ll cut right through the situation and the result is usually shocking!
The positive characteristics of the Swords are their strength, authority, courage, ambition, and desire to travel. The negative characteristics represent an angry person, one who is dishonest and sneaky, has hidden motives, and may use verbal abuse to control the situation to get what her or she wants.
The Seven of Swords in a reading represents a need to be cautious as you or another person may be tempted to do something that is not right. I call Seven of Swords the “Thief Card” or “The Crafty Fox Card” because someone is going to take something or betray the confidence of someone to get ahead. When I see this card come out in a spread, I always feel the need to watch what is going on around me (watch my six).
It can also mean that you’re running away from an issue that you’re not willing to resolve yet, and you want to be sly and devious about it. You or another person may be plotting with hidden, cunning intentions. There is an impatient restlessness associated with this card, and someone may cheat you out of something that is rightfully yours.
Positive Position: Strangely enough, this position seems negative. You need to be cautious because you or a person close to you may be tempted to do something unscrupulous. You may be running away from an unresolved issue and you might be devious about it. Someone may cheat you out of something that is rightfully yours. A jealous person may want to make you look bad, possibly shattering your reputation to make his or her reputation look better!
Negative Position: This position may be positive or negative, depending on what you hope will happen. You’ll receive an apology, or you’ll apologize to someone. A wrong will be made right. If something was taken from you, it will be returned, or you’ll return something to another person. Something lost may be found.
Timing is within 7 hours, 7 days, months, or the winter season.
Eight of Swords
The Eight of Swords points you towards a path of trying to escape the feeling of a being a victim as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when you may be suffering from mental confusion because of someone else’s actions. You might put yourself in a self-imposed prison of helplessness or close yourself off from others and temporarily wallow in self-pity.
You might feel helpless because you cannot not find an exit sign. You feel there is no escape, no way out because you may be stuck in an extreme emotional pain that you brought upon yourself and it’s possible that you lack the confidence to do what you need to do – leave a situation or a relationship that is not good for you.
The Eight of Swords indicates a period of being stuck in limbo, boxed in and feeling mentally trapped. You may become your own worst enemy by making excuses as to why you cannot leave a bad situation.
Numerical Number 8: This is the number of power and personal achievements and provides the urge for you to use your power to make changes in order to achieve personal goals.
When the time is right, you will see the bigger picture and gather the courage to ride the wave to success, or pull away and find a new wave to ride.
The Element of Air: The Eight of Swords is associated with the elemental air qualities of the planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Gemini. The combination of Mercury in Gemini makes you feel trapped, unable to see the exit sign to escape a personal/professional relationship that is not good for you.
Probable Outcome: Your current situation might make you feel helpless, that you have no options, or you have no where to go, so you stay in an abusive, unfaithful, or unhappy relationship that takes your self-confidence away.
Perhaps you are judged by family members who pick on you because you do not meet their standards.
Maybe you are unable to focus on your work because you are not happy with your personal life or your job is too overwhelming and stressful.
You might feel trapped working in a family business.
Possible Outcome: You are gaining clarity about your situation and understand you are not helpless, you do have options.
You might have a plan in the back of your mind and are close to taking your first steps to leave an abusive, unfaithful, or unhappy relationship that takes your self-confidence away.
You might be looking for a job because you are sick of being judged by family members, or you are not happy working for the family business, or your current job is too overwhelming and stressful.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the energies of the Seven of Swords into your life at this time. You probably still have more planning to do before you can take your first steps to leave your situation.
Timing: The Eight of Swords predicts that an important thought is turned inwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in the next hours or days to come.
Nine of Swords
The Nines represent the status of your relationship goals, and the Nine of Swords is called “The Nightmare Card!”
The message: “I just had a terrible nightmare and I’m wondering about the reason and significance for this particular dream! Dreams reveal our unfulfilled wishes and I’m really scared that my dream is going to come true and leave me with unfulfilled wishes!”
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
Astrologically the Nine of Swords is related to the zodiac air sign of Gemini (adaptable, clever, quick-witted, duel, changeable), and the planet Venus (risk taker, social, needs a union, loves adventures and new experiences).
My Interpretation of the Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords is not a happy card because it represents deep-rooted mental pain. It is called the nightmare card because of all the regret that one feels and the impossibility of going back to repair the past. Strong regrets causes the nightmares.
The number nine represents an ending, and in the past position this card indicates there are deep issues for which you feel responsible. You cannot remedy past wrongs, but still feel sadness about them, especially if they involved close relationships (parent, friend or lover).
If the Nine of Swords comes out in the present situation, it may reflect current pain. There may be extreme stress caused by another, or a feeling of deep loss and regrets over choices that you made. This stress may be partner-related (arguing, cheating, deceit, a break-up).
Card Symbolism
The black background represents night-time and a lack of understanding. The Sword Archetype is having a bad dream or nightmare about his love life or another close relationship. Wracked by pain and great fear because the vision upset him enormously, he cradles his face in his hands.
Dreams reflect life events and express an important part of yourself. Their analysis will reward you with a greater self-understanding and perspective. The Archetype, wondering about the reason for this particular dream and its significance, is afraid that it will actually come true and leave him with unfulfilled wishes.
The gray floor represents the uncertainty the Archetype feels after having this dream. White sheets represent purification of thoughts, and the patch of pink represents love. The Nine Swords hanging on the wall represent endings.
The bed shows an orange carving of two people arguing and one person being defeated. The orange represents healing, but also a heated argument. The Archetype fears that a relationship will end after an argument!
The quilt pattern of squares (yellow = clarity, blue = thought) have red thorny roses (stinging events, passion and energy) and astrological symbols. The quilt represents the timing and arrival of a conflict. The Crescent Moon (waning phase) represents a time of sacrifices and the time to start something new that will grow and flourish.
The Swords represent the area of conflict and confusion the Archetype had with someone who was close. He is feeling disappointed, emotional, and sad and wants to be alone, knowing it will take time to come to terms with what happened and needing privacy to figure out how to face what lies ahead. The Archetype will eventually grow from the experience and learn a valuable lesson.
Positive Position: This position, although the precursor of a positive new beginning, feels like an oxymoron because it highlights an uncomfortable negative situation. You may be suffering from sleepless nights because of regrets you’re feeling about something that went wrong in the past. You’re still feeling the sadness from that time which may reflect your childhood and the relationship with your parents, a close friend, or a lover. This position could represents that you’re waiting for your lover to be released from jail.
Negative Position: You might feel depressed. You’re not ready to let go of past disappointments because the pain still lingers. You might need professional help to overcome your sadness. This position could represent that your lover is released from jail.
Timing is within 9 hours, 9 days, months, or the winter season.
Ten of Swords
The Tens represent that your relationship path comes to successful completion, or you’ll start over because the relationship never achieved a successful completion.
Astrologically the Ten of Swords is related to the zodiac air sign of Gemini (adaptable, clever, quick-witted, duel, changeable), and the planet Uranus (strong mind, witty, speaks with frankness, has high standards, unpredictable).
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords usually indicate a struggle or conflict, or a possible decision that you’ll make about separating from your past attachments. There is a desire to find the truth that will shed light on your situation, so you’ll act on it and find closure.
The message from the Ten of Swords: “I’ve been through the worst time in my life, and this experience feels like I was stabbed in the back! Everything went wrong and turned into a nightmare, and I was left with a terrible sadness that won’t go away. The pain still lingers like the first day it happened!”
About The Symbolism
The Ten of Swords is enumerated ten and signifies that struggles are coming to an end. The number ten also suggests that you arise from the ashes and enjoy a new beginning because all endings bring new beginnings.
The black sky represents the sad ending of a cycle. The Sun rising in the distance represents a new beginning. An Archetype, having been stabbed in the back, lies on the ground, near death. This Archetype has experienced drastic changes, disruption, failure, insecurity and mental harm brought on by the betrayal of a loved one!
All this mental pain results in the feeling that happiness is now impossible. The Ten of Swords represents closure with the situation and is an indication that everything has reached the worst and final stage, the ending of a very bad cycle.
The red reflection on the water from the rising Sun represents action and the timing of the situation. The sunrise represents an ending and a new beginning, bringing the imminent fading of darkness and marking the dissipation of worry that had plagued the Archetype. A new day with a fresh start is on the horizon.
The water in this card represents the River Styx, the sacred boundary which separates the living from the dead. It indicates the time when the boatman brings the Archetype’s soul across the River Styx to Pluto’s domain to heal because the path that he or she was on has ended! The nearby gray mountains represent the timing of a goal.
My Interpretation of the Ten of Swords
The Ten of Swords is not a happy card to see in your reading. It signifies that one is mentally suffering from a loss or an ending that was extremely painful.
Complete release and acceptance of the situation is necessary, a realization that everything has gone as far as it can go and nothing can change the outcome. There is no reason to hang on to something that was never going to work.
An entire dream shattered when a goal became destined to never reach fulfillment. The painful ending required help to overcome, in the form of friends and possibly even a professional. It may have been the end of a romantic relationship, loss of a job, or abandonment of someone once loved.
Repeated stressful relationships are extremely taxing on the mind, body and spirit. People will stab you in the back because they can. They want to get ahead and make you look bad because they have insecurities about themselves and want to look better at your expense.
Positive Position: A painful situation is ending. You may feel like you’re at the sacred boundary of the River Styx, feeling abandoned and left to die. Someone you loved and trusted hurt you, and now you’re waiting for the boatman to pick you up so you’ll be able to experience a rebirth. The worst is over! You can recover from your mental pain by accepting the ending and releasing your hopes that the outcome can be reversed. There is no reason to hang on to something that will never work. You should reach out for help from friends or a professional.
Negative Position: You can’t accept the ending of a bad situation and the pain still lingers. You can’t move forward, are mentally stuck and can’t let go of what happened. It is necessary to regroup, find the courage to start living again, and get the help that you need!
Timing is within 10 hours, 10 days, months, or the winter season.
Page of Swords
The Page of Swords points you towards a path of learning the importance of understanding messages as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you learn that you cannot always take messages at face value. They could have hidden meanings, produce unexpected results, or appear in the form of events or new people in your life. Anything is possible.
The Page of Swords is the secret service messenger. He does not trust others because he takes his orders from the Knight, but he is also the King’s messenger. He delivers unexpected messages, or he might be on a mission of fact-checking a situation to solve a hidden mystery. He always has his eyes on everything that is going on around him so he does not miss anything
This Page can refer to a person, an event, or a part of yourself. Some facet of yourself that has been dormant may need to be activated so you are able deal with something on the spot, make an important decision, or reach out for assistance to overcome a problem or ongoing conflict. His appearance can also indicate a time when new people and new experiences may suddenly appear in your life, making you feel cautious, nervous or anxious.
When the secret service messenger shows up in your reading, something unexpected might happen. All the Tarot Pages are related to the beginning of a journey.
Numerical Number 11:This number is associated with the Master Teacher who balances karmic situations. The number 11 = 2 (the higher-self) and represents making the right choice, which is not easy to do, but making the wrong choice could result in a karmic situation.
The number 2 also indicates a situation where you are pulled in two different directions. You need to wait for the divine moment when you get a thumbs up from your higher-self to make the right decision to stay out of troubled times.
Since the Page of Swords is enumerated eleven, he is associated with insight. His arrival heralds the time when you are looking for the truth, learning a revelation of a secret, experiencing a karmic experience (the universal law of cause and effect), or experiencing a new beginning or the ending of a situation.
The Element of Air: The Page of Swords is associated with the planet/zodiac combinations of Mercury in Gemini (how the mind works), Venus in Libra (the need to balance the scales), and Uranus in Aquarius (not afraid to call a spade a spade).
Probable Outcome: You might be on a mission of fact-checking a situation to solve a hidden mystery. You may need to deal with something on the spot or make an important decision.
You might need to reach out for assistance to overcome a problem or ongoing conflict.
New people and new experiences may suddenly appear in your life that will make you feel cautious, nervous or anxious.
You might receive a confidential letter, summons, or legal document.
Or you might get an unexpected text, or phone message regarding professional advice, a legal matter, contract, negotiation, or receive information about your degree (law, business, science, or medicine).
An unexpected text or phone message (good or bad) may concern a personal relationship, or you might meet a romantic interest if the Page is crossed by a love card.
If you receive bad news and get dumped, remember that this may have happened for your own protection. The Poet, Mary Oliver, said, “Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.”
Possible Outcome: You might feel more relaxed, have already made an important decision and feel no need to fact-check anything.
You reached out for assistance or solved a problem or ongoing conflict. New people and new experiences are not making you feel cautious, nervous or anxious.
You have already received a confidential letter, summons, legal document or a message regarding professional advice, a legal matter, contract, negotiation, or received information about your degree (law, business, science, or medicine) and are dealing with the situation.
If the Page is crossed by a love card, you already met a romantic interest.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Page of Swords’ energies into your life. If this is the case, then you are feeling more driven, anxious, cannot relax and you are fact-checking everything and everyone because you do not trust others.
Timing: The Page of Swords predicts that an important thought is turned inwards, then turned outwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in 1-11 days.
Knight of Swords
Knights are always on a mission to complete the task at hand. However, The Knight of Swords represents a period of constant change.
New ideas, sudden inspirations, or the desire to pursue an adolescent-like adventure may upend the stability of the current environment.
Although the Knight completes his task, he may do so at the expense of disregarding other’s feelings, neglecting responsibilities, causing conflict, and initiating bewildering change.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life. The Court Card personalities are more complex because they’re two-sided (positive or negative). The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Swords represent your personal outlook and your tendency to think with your head rather than with your heart.
Message from the Knight of Swords: “I crave continual motion, variety, new ideas, and can roll with the punches. I am lighthearted and carefree until I become focused on obtaining something I really want. In my quest to obtain what I desire, I have no regard for the needs and feelings of anyone else. I will not be tied down and I can sometimes be irresponsible.”
Astrologically, the Knight of Swords incorporates the energy of Gemini, the fast moving, quicksilver of the zodiac who is fully engaged (the twins, each has a different personality and you never know which twin will show up).
The Knight of Swords astrological relative is the planet Mercury (communication and travel, and the speed with how you gather information and think).
A seemingly-fearless young man clad in armor charges forward on a powerful white horse. The scudding clouds and wind-bent trees are precursors of a storm. The horse’s bridle is decorated with birds and his harness with butterflies.
The motion of the Knight and horse indicate determination while the horse’s white color represents purity of intention. The storm clouds and wind-blown trees represent the turbulence caused by the Knight’s passage. The birds and butterflies symbolize the need for freedom and perpetual motion.
My Interpretation of the Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is nicknamed “Quicksilver” and represents a monumental change coming into the seeker’s life. A change that is fast and unexpected, an unexpected storm rolling in and the arrival of the west winds… We have a saying here in California, “When the Santa Ana Winds are blowing, anything can happen!”
The appearance of the Knight of Swords brings out something hidden that is revealed, and how the seeker deals with the unexpected. This disruptive change could be a mental or physical manifestation and could be simultaneously creative and destructive. Once the change is initiated, the Knight of Swords may vanish just as quickly, because the Knight’s job is to bring the change.
This archetype, who works alone, is focused, committed, clever, brave and not afraid of the dangers that may lurk behind the scenes. He will quickly confront uncomfortable situations, call a “Spade a Spade”, and aggressively charge ahead to complete a project. However, this Knight requires fulfillment above all, and will not patiently wait to attain his latest desire. This haste may bring the seeker into a situation of being blindsided when crossed by a negative card.
The Knight of Swords is charming, intelligent, and a good friend, but, if deceived, this Knight might become dangerous and try to extract revenge. This archetype gets bored easily and wants to be on the go all the time, and is hard to catch and tie down.
This Knight could be a person with a magnetic personality who enters the seeker’s life or the seeker could have sudden, inspirational ideas that he or she may feel a need to immediately set in motion. The Knight of Swords is trustworthy and usually has good intentions. To understand this archetypes intentions, the seeker needs to pull a clarifying card and cross the Knight of Swords to see if the energies are positive or negative. See note below.
Note: Crossing cards indicate energies that need resolution. Swords = conflicts and challenges, Pentacles = growth and development, Wands = taking action with what you desire to achieve, Cups = love, feelings and emotions.
Positive Position: Change is in the air. You, or someone who has suddenly entered your life, may want to start a new relationship, start a new project or bring a new idea into fruition. You, or someone is full of determination, charged with energy and feels success is certain.
Be careful that your desire to rush into something does not cause you to cut corners or alienate friends, family or coworkers by pushing them into doing something they are not ready to do. Changes occurring at this time, while breaking down established patterns, may expand your outlook on life.
You may be unaware of an enemy who is passing rumors about you to trash your reputation.
Negative Position: Disruptive, unpleasant changes may occur. You may create an unexpected change, or someone may enter your life who is attractive and charismatic but has no regard for the feelings or desires of others, or you may pursue something without regard to the wishes of those close to you. Normal daily routines become chaotic and unproductive. You may decide to abandon all your responsibilities and embark on a new adventure.
You will discover who the hidden enemy is that is passing rumors. You may try to get revenge on an open enemy who is tarnishing your reputation.
Timing is usually immediate, 1 – 12 days, or related to the winter season.
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords points you towards a path of growth resulting from being truthful and being able to give and receive honest advice as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when painful endings and new beginnings pave the way for you to present your principals as you deal fairly with others while experiencing your own monumental life changes.
You might wonder why the Queen of Swords turned up in your reading! She may indicate that a significant person will enter your life who will bring change, an important event may occur, or something unexpected may surface. She may be trying to tell you something about yourself and your need to activate a dormant part of your personality.
The Queen herself may have experienced painful times and has learned not to reveal her emotions. She may carry her pain with her, but she has learned to adhere to her higher ideals. Since her head is not stuck in the clouds, she can see things clearly, determine the truth of a situation, deliver honest advice and will not sugarcoat her words.
This Queen is a savvy person who does not have time for nonsense, lies and excuses. She is direct and truthful, arriving at her point quickly and she will point out the painful truth regarding a situation. Since she is blunt with the words she speaks, she may seem cold and uncaring. But she is not trying to hurt you: she only wants to help you to see things clearly and logically.
Numerical Number 13:This number consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 3 (rebirth and creating something new) = 4 (cleansed and purified and ready to build a new foundation). It is associated with transformation, the time when new ground will be broken to enable achievement of a personal or professional dream.
You are at the end of one cycle and about to start a new passage of rebirth which results in an important lifestyle change.
The Element of Air: The Queen of Swords is associated with the planet Uranus (the planet of the future and not the past) and the zodiac sign of Aquarius. The combination of Uranus in Aquarius brings you into the timing of truth.
Probable Outcome: You might like living alone and do not want to be in a relationship.
Perhaps you are on the verge of leaving a relationship because something painful was revealed that changed the relationship. Or you might be a widow and are still grieving from your loss.
You may need to stand up for yourself or seek wise counsel regarding a painful situation because something came out from behind the scenes and changed your lifestyle.
You might need to reach out to help a mother figure, family member, friend or client.
You may have thrown yourself into your career because do not want a relationship or you might be on the verge of making a job/career change because you are unhappy. Perhaps you are thinking of starting a new business because you do not want to work for others.
Possible Outcome: You might be done with living alone and are the verge of getting involved with others or looking for a new relationship. Perhaps you already started a relationship and are not looking back anymore.
You might manipulate someone and use your power to be in control of a situation because something was unveiled that you did not like.
You may be seeing a wise counselor who is helping you let go of the past.
Perhaps you recently helped a mother figure, family member, friend or client.
You may have decided that throwing yourself into your career is not working out after all – you need a relationship.
You might be starting a new job or may have started a new business.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Queen of Swords’ energies into your life. You probably think you need to control everything around you in order to feel safe because you do not trust others.
Timing: The Queen of Swords is related to an important thought that is turned inwards, then turned outwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in 1-3 days.
King of Swords
The King of Swords points you towards a path of taking decisive action after much deliberation as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you will examine all the pros and cons of the situation before you and make a fair and balanced decision. You will hand out sound advice and wisely follow sound advice that is given to you.
The King of Swords looks straight at you, and does not look away, to show you that he is in command. He makes bold decisions but will fact-check a situation before he makes his decision. The King is responsible and does not want to face the consequences of choosing unwisely. When he feels comfortable and has investigated the situation thoroughly, he will decide without hesitation.
He lives by high standards, is very cautious, needs his space to feel at his best and does not like to be surprised.
You might wonder why the King of Swords has appeared. Is he trying to tell you something about yourself? Do you need to use your head and not let your feelings get in the way so you can decide fairly? Do you need to gather all the facts to understand what is going on behind the scenes before you can make a life-changing decision?
Or do you need to reach out for sound advice because you are dealing with a legal issue? Do you need to scrutinize a document inside and out before signing it? Do you need help understanding what you are getting yourself into and if there will be consequences at a later date?
The King of Swords refers to a person, an event, or a part of yourself that needs to be activated so you can make an important decision, reach out for sound advice, give sound advice, deal with an open enemy, or overcome a challenge.
Numerical Number 14: This number consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 4 (cleansed and purified and ready to build a new foundation) = 5 (the unpredictable lifestyle change).
It is also associated with the time of a judgement, independence, motivation and initiation, and the time to modify and temper mental behavior to achieve success and growth.
The Element of Air: The King of Swords is associated with the planet Venus (the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals) and the zodiac sign of Libra. The combination of Venus in Libra helps you make a fair and balanced decision.
Probable Outcome: You might need to make a bold decision regarding a legal issue, job/career issue, leadership role issue, or relationship issue, or you might help someone else make a very important decision.
You might decide to reach out to an authority figure who could be an arbitrator, police officer, lawyer, doctor (surgeon), judge, military professional, professor, businessman, writer, boss, father, strong family member, potential lover, or a friend.
You might need to activate part of yourself that was previously dormant so you can deal with an open enemy, or overcome a challenge.
Possible Outcome: You are putting off making a bold decision regarding a legal issue, job/career issue, leadership role issue, or relationship issue.
You do not want to get involved with other people’s problems right now and are avoiding a situation that might require your advice.
You are happy with yourself as you are and feel no need to activate any dormant aspects.
You are not ready to reach out to any authority figure including your boss, father, strong family member, potential lover, or a friend.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the King of Swords’ energies into your life. If this is the case, then you might be abusing your power to get what you want.
Timing: The King of Swords predicts an important thought will be turned inwards, then turned outwards to solve a problem. This event may occur in hours or days to come.