Ace of Pentacles
Wealth, abundance and prosperity are here. Money arrives for you.
The beginning of a financial leap has come. Better yet, it has come in a good way!
You have maintained good balances. You have asked for what you desire. You have asked that money come through happy work or happy means. You have envisioned money as an asset to a wonderful life.
Now you reap a beautiful reward. Because you are so careful with your values and ethics, the money will help you prosper in many ways.
When understood, money can grow and grow. Money can be a strengthener to an already happy heart and giving life. Money can finance the ways we enjoy living, sharing, and maneuvering artistically through our incarnation.
This money comes to you at just the right time in your life to be used very well. You have experienced some losses and gains. You have been true to who you are and what you came to earth to give.
You have seen that money cannot buy love but can certainly make life a lot easier. You have shared generously. Now you will receive money for a big upgrade in your life circumstances.
You can be trust yourself to balance saving, tithing, paying taxes, investing, and utilizing money with a thoughtfully happy map. You are being realistic about the present and future. You make excellent decisions.
You have been through enough this life to know what a gift money is. You have also worked hard enough to feel deeply grateful for what you are receiving. You have been generous, which comes back to you now.
If you have misused your Ace of Cups consciousness, you are not feeling good about receiving money because you know you won’t use it well. You have made huge errors in the past. You fear you will repeat these errors. This is the time to study money from spiritual and practical viewpoints until you reach an inner equilibrium.
The Ace of Cups is a card of material and financial deep well-being and wealth.
Draw out a map of how you will organize your finances for a happy and full short and long term.
Focus on the joyous security that accompanies this gift from life, and from yourself to yourself via years of focused work-play. Feel the goodness in your new financial reality, long-awaited and profoundly deserved.
Two of Pentacles
You have finite breaths during this incarnation. What do you choose?
Will you stay locked in limits?
Are you ready to let unlimited flow of security and money be your ground?
Notice how cetaceans live in unlimited abundance in their watery homes. For these beings, ground is flow!
You have two options. From each option, many life situations occur.
In one part of your mind you hold a falsely protective force. You can limit money flowing through your life. This allows you to hide. This allows you dependency on others. This eliminates jealousy of your funds.
You can condemn the rich. You can be non-proactive so you don’t risk mistakes and embarrassment. You can know for a fact that nobody is in your life for money. You can feel special when you need discounts because of your limited situation. You won’t have to grow!
You can claim you are not contributing to alleviate others’ hunger because of your own circumstances. How can I support programs that bring everyone up when I can barely support myself? Poor me. You can sit at home feeling sorry for others, feeling spiritual and caring.
You can pat yourself on the back for false humility, false high standing status in your spiritual community. You can create pride for your “ego-less, lofty poverty!” This is an option. This can be very entertaining to the mind.
Another option is to break out of financial paradigms that keep you stuck among countless others!
Would you accept the unlimited generosity of life that nature allows? Would it feel good to experience endless nourishment? Are you willing to be so healthy and well-provided for that you fund programs to feed, empower, support, and give new lives to animals and humans?
You can be a proactive creator. You can work in mutual cooperation with others. You can hold such a big space of love, wellness, and wealth that you have compassion for those limiting themselves. You can hold out a hand to anyone else who wishes to break free, to accept life’s generous flow.
You can do inner work of coming to peace with all your feelings instead of stuffing them in discomfort. You can accept the vulnerability you have. You can live in continuous gratitude without self-imposed struggle. You can assist many others.
You can have real humility to see we all have ego. We all have all of the emotions. Simultaneously we can be fully generous by receiving, thus giving.
When you totally ignore the Two of Pentacles consciousness, you aren’t looking at your choices. You may feel financial status is random or imposed on you by outside forces.
This card invites you to choose. You may be surrounded by historical stories and people who are voting on your lack! Looking into your own role in keeping restraints on yourself may bring up immense rage, horror, and devastation about an unfair world, a judgmental world. You weigh the pros and cons.
Ready to confront excuses and beliefs? You can be a proactive creator who paves more liberating paths for others. Actions will be required.
Thank Mama Earth for her unlimited abundance. Share immensely with others. Walk a map of light not tethered by the world of limiting illusion and self-pity. Bathe in the delicious, luxurious, joyous, nurturing, complete whole wellness Mama Earth has in mind for you.
How am I maintaining unpleasant limits for myself? What am I getting out of these limits?
Meditate on Mama Earth’s unlimited generosity.
Three of Pentacles
The Three of Pentacles appears when our contribution is being supported and loved. Being supported in our learning is a precious gift. When angels, animals or humans arrive to encourage us for our efforts, we feel well-valued.
This Pentacles’ consciousness is a warm, kind, supportive energy that envelopes someone who is learning and serving at the same time. Others commend the work and its value. This allows the trainee to feel good as they give.
This is a wonderful passage of an experience to enjoy.
An experience of this nature improves self-esteem, causes deep relaxing in the heart, and can easily improve health. Receiving constructive acknowledgement, compliments, and caring presence nourishes the soul of a human or animal.
When receiving this type of support, one feels very at home in their life. An angelic presence is often noted. Trust and faith in life grow.
This support can come at work, at home, or via an organization.
Are you finding yourself to be immersed in a productive activity that adds to others’ work? Are you being valued by others as you go through this endeavor?
The goodwill of the Three of Pentacles energy has come into your life. You likely feel profoundly well. We would love to have these kind of experiences and feelings always! Give thanks for yours, asking that this become a common occurrence for you if you like. “Ask and you shall receive!”
If you are not experiencing the energy from the Three of Pentacles, interfering and melding people or other energies have disrupted your life. Your actions feel thwarted. You feel judged. Your brain feels kidnapped. Your body does not feel well.
You may need to change who you are spending your time with. You may need to leave a project or job after lining up a more harmonious place of participation. You may need to build new family skills in order to become a happier group.
The Three of Pentacles is the card of being valued.
What I can say to someone in my environment to let them know how much they are valued by me?
Feel how good it is to be received. Pick a body posture or visual image to remind you of this feeling. Next time you do not feel well-received, you can bring this memory back with the body posture or visual image to jolt your memory of the feeling.
Four of Pentacles
The Four of Pentacles indicates that money has been held onto at the expense of sharing and caring. Anxiety is causing over-focus on money and under-focus on love. While money is obtained, it is creating loneliness instead of nourishment.
This card’s consciousness comes from deep fear. A person, group, or entire society is afraid of lack. Instead of looking at the possibility of having more than enough money while living a life of love and shared generosity, greed occurs.
A feeling that hoarding is necessary takes over. A worry that “there won’t be enough for someone and it better not be me” takes the steering wheel. This is a place of defensiveness and aloneness.
This perspective toward life does not make the person any less worthy innately. This experience belongs to someone who blocks his own good from life. It deprives a person of the fullness he is welcome to experience. He has money, but not the care and openness of heart that gives life it’s value.
If you did not grow up in a generous household, or lack has harmed you, you may have fear about sharing. Ironically, sharing is what brings the most over time.
Perhaps you judge others who have a lot and give freely. You curse them in your mind, feeling it is unfair. This also causes you to clutch your money or use it unwisely.
It is likely that holding on to such attitudes will cause you to misuse and lose your money over time. The loss may seem arbitrary, coming from left field. It’s not going to be. By continuing with this attitude, you pave the way to your future downfall. Time for a new approach.
When you ignore the Four of Pentacles consciousness, your greed has locked you so tightly in that you can’t see beyond the lies you tell yourself. You are in emotional danger of harming others, creating addictions, and ending up in extreme pain, extremely lonely. You might lie, cheat, betray, and steal to get more of everything.
Get help! Make amends. Change your path now.
The Four of Pentacles is the card of financial success entrenched in greed accompanied by loneliness.
What are three selfless financial or material gifts I can give to others solely to brighten their lives? Try giving gifts to three others solely for the joy of giving. Take notes on how you feel, plus what happens next.
Meditate on the good feelings you have had when someone gifted you.
Gift another. Meditate on the feeling this evokes inside you.
Five of Pentacles
The Five of Pentacles indicates that hardship has arrived. Financial and health issues are here or coming.
These can be turned around. Love and spirituality can assist with this. These situations are here to teach you valuable lessons. Money and health will be yours as you receive the wisdom of the sad time.
Others who have been in this predicament, as have almost all of us at some time, will bring support and compassion.
Keep remembering that everything can change. Just as things broke down, so can they be rebuilt even better.
Be genuinely kind to yourself and genuinely kind to others. This will ensure a vortex that attracts solutions instead of more problems.
The following suggestions are ways to assist yourself so that you can absorb the wisdom and return to a healthy and affluent flow.
Balance spirituality with practicality. Set the intention for wellness and plenty. Be generous with what little you have. Ask for help. Get any kind of good food and exercise possible even within the limits presented. Give thanks for all that is good.
Ask for support. Ask that these burdens be removed. Ask life internally. Ask people personally. If you get a “no” ask some others until you get a “yes”! This can be very vulnerable and uncomfortable to do when feeling forsaken, but it allows solutions to come.
Sit in a state of complete presence and love with what is, even though what is is not preferred. When you are able to achieve this, internal states will begin to shift and change. This will give impetus to finding solutions with patience, tenacity, and requesting from the universe.
If you reach a point at which all actions attempted to solve this on you own backfire, ask for help!
When you reject the Five of Pentacles consciousness, you have given up. You are giving into the destruction of self as the helplessness and hopelessness becomes too daunting.
Now is the time to muster up any self-compassion you can, to ask for compassion from others, and to let all the sorrow causing this out. Give permission to yourself to have a big cry. You might need to have a temper tantrum on a soft yet firm bed. The body needs to release this pain.
The Five of Pentacles is the card of severely difficult times that can be overcome as new wisdom is gained.
Make a list of ways that you can ask for help and follow up by taking action with whatever energy you do have.
Focus on gratitude for anything and everything that is working well. For example, if your body is in pain but your feet feel fine, focus on how wonderful it is to feel healthy feet. Focusing on what does work can help rebuild what has been broken down.
Six of Pentacles
The Six of Pentacles indicates secure cycles of abundance now and in your future.
Rest assured, your financial and material security is grounded and trustworthy. Your tithes and/or generous actions and contributions have secured this for you. You continue to give, which has energetically built a very strong foundation for your life. You enjoy the process.
Very wise indeed!
When the Six of Pentacles appears, encouragement for your genuine heart is being expressed. The unseen but valid connection between giving to others and being supported is emphasized. Because you give and gave well from your pocketbook, doing this with true love in your heart, you are protected.
There were times when you gave though you yourself had very little. You sacrificed when others may have mistakenly believed your sharing was from surplus. This personal generosity all comes back on you now.
As you gained more for yourself, you continued to give far more. This has grown all the good that comes your way.
Do you feel safe and secure when giving? Is it easy for you to share without an agenda for the receiver? Do you like to give? Do you trust that the universe orchestrates how and when your giving is multiplied and sent back?
Do you also respect yourself enough to let the universe know what you would like to receive? Do you know the universe is a forever loving mother and father who will happily gift you with anything your heart most desires or something even better in the highest interest and happiness of all?
Do you love to receive as much as you love to give? Yahoo! This is the Six of Pentacles energy. Your security is ensured by your understanding and actions.
If you reject the Six of Pentacles consciousness, you are being selfish. This doesn’t make you a bad person by any means. The universe loves you unconditionally. You are holding back tithes or gifts out of fear. The universe has compassion but would love to see you prosper for the sake of your own happiness.
As a result of holding back, you never seem to have enough. As you learn to give more you will be able to receive more. The two go hand and hand in one breath.
The Six of Pentacles is the card of sharing abundantly so that your life is endless cycles of giving and receiving.
As though watching a movie, let many memories of your giving and receiving pass through your mind.
Feel the glorious satisfaction that all your giving and receiving has given you and others.
Seven of Pentacles
The Seven of Pentacles is the secure resting point after trustworthy and devoted action that has born excellent results over time.
It’s time to relax for a bit to enjoy what you have created. Time to bask in the happiness of receiving rewards well-deserved. You have always been a natural giver. That will continue.
But for a while, feel fond of life, what has been created, and the blessings of the universe. Take a little time to soak in the good results.
You have given your all. You set clear intentions. You took benevolent deliberate action. You dealt positively and diligently to erase adversity. You learned and transformed when challenges occurred. You forgave whenever the option to be offended occurred.
You kept a faithful schedule of care. You shared all gains. You stayed focused in gratitude. You agreed to release anything not needed and not helpful. You have been rewarded big time.
Take a rest to breathe in the satisfaction of all this. Let the mind and body rest awhile. Feel how well your choices are being honored by the universal flow. See how trustworthy life is.
It is important to note that while you took action, you were allowing life to support, guide and provide. You purposely worked in balance rather than high drive. For this reason, the rewards of your labor are lasting and trustworthy. It is positive to pause for a while, feeling content from what has come.
Did you find that steady and ongoing labor was your rhythm? Did you choose gratitude as your perspective as you worked? Did you forgive when anything went wrong. Yes you did! Perfection is never required. Your consistent intentions and practices have done you well!
The Seven of Pentacles consciousness is the sturdy good feeling that comes on the out breath after the in breath of applying all of one’s strengths to a task.
If you strayed from the path presented by the Seven of Pentacles, you didn’t take responsibility and action. You took time off. You relied on hope and wishful thinking. Now you are in a precarious place. You nurtured depression, valueless habit, and distraction, Not to worry. It’s never too late. Get to work!
Look back with gratitude on all that you did to get you here.
The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you’ve worked hard! You’ve worked steadily for a long time.
Eight of Pentacles
The Eight of Pentacles points you towards the need to change the direction of your life path right now and to enhance your skills as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where you want to build upon your previous successes, acquire wealth and gain a prominent, well-respected position in your community. You may need to become a hard-working apprentice again.
Although you may already be a skilled craftsperson, this path represents a time of making use of newly-found talents to redefine yourself or using your current skills to become a craftsperson in a different field. This new field will be something you love to do, not something your family thinks you should do.
The Eight of Pentacles indicates that focused hard work is needed to gain success. Extra efforts and extensive labor will pay off in the end. The seeker is committed to this project, understands personal talents and limitations, and is trying to move up to the next professional level.
This card addresses the idea of reaching mental and spiritual betterment by the way of hard work. It also touches on the idea that working at what one loves to do is in itself a reward. Concentration and persistence are important. Sometimes the seeker must work very hard for a very long time in order to gain the level of success being pursued.
The obstacles of the past become history because you hammer away at what you love to do and do not give up because you believe in your dream.
Numerical Number 8: Eight is the number of power and personal achievements.
The Element of Earth: The Eight of Pentacles is associated with the elemental qualities of planet Mercury (how the mind works) and the zodiac sign of Virgo. The combination of Mercury in Virgo makes you work hard and pay attention to details.
Probable Outcome: You worked very hard to achieve success and the obstacles of the past are way behind you. You hammered away at what you love to do and did not give up because you believed in yourself and what you could achieve.
Your hard work could have involved receiving a degree, diploma, certificate, on-the-job training, staring over with a new career, a new job, a promotion, self-employment, or a new hobby/project.
Or it may have involved becoming a teacher, mentor, tutor, or training/sponsoring others to help individuals develop their own talents.
You might be in a secure relationship, or you might decide to make a commitment, or decide to start a family.
Possible Outcome: You raised the bar to achieve success and hammered away, but now you are not sure you love what you are doing. It’s possible you are in this career for all the wrong reasons, or you do not believe in yourself and what you can achieve.
You are not sure if you want to use your talents to become a teacher, mentor, tutor, or trainer.
You may be having trouble getting a degree, diploma, certificate, or with on-the-job training as an apprentice.
You might be struggling because you started over with a new career, a new job, self-employment, or a new hobby/project.
You might not be ready to make a commitment, or decide to start a family until you get your career path figured out.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Eight of Pentacle’s energies into your life. If this is the case, then you might lack the commitment and dedication to make things work because you might be in this trade for all the wrong reasons.
Timing: The Eight of Pentacles is related to an important event of dedication to succeed that is turned into action. This event may occur in months or years to come.
Nine of Pentacles
When the Nine of Pentacles shows up, inner and outer good fortune are here.
Your actions and your meditations are paying off. You feel at ease, at peace, well provided for and able to enjoy the blessing of nature and animals.
Material needs are handled abundantly so you can take time to be in the garden! If you are a city gal, the garden can be your favorite coffee shop.
The Nine of Pentacles consciousness is a sweet time to savior and enjoy. You feel very full in your own world, on your own or possibly with animal friends.
The fullness of solitude is revealed effortlessly and sweetly. Life is your meditation in waves of scrumptious sweet bliss. All you ever needed is inside you. All you need to be protected and well served is outside you with a lovely home, nature, and money.
Women who trust their inner prompting often find themselves in a Nine of Pentacles time. If you have served others for a lengthy period, you may experience Nine of Pentacles rewards. The universe provides you the time and place to delve into the sacred flow below the worldly activity.
You feel complete. You are nourished, You feel whole. Your femininity is cherished by the universe. Your senses are keenly alert, seeing, hearing, smelling and feeling the intricate flavors of the passing day. From sunrise to sunset, each part of the day is strongly apparent as a unique energy.
Any societal propaganda that told you needed this person, that job, some clothing, a different body, etc., bears no weight on you now. You are fully satisfied as is. And you have good health to enjoy, or you are healing your body well.
Do you feel that everything is just right as you stroll through the garden? Do you find that sweetness is in every tree, flower, bird? Does a quiet time of solo enjoyment end a life period with more active days? You are blessed by the Nine of Pentacles consciousness.
When you ignore the consciousness of this card, you are not clear on how to drink from the garden of the spiritual worlds. Take some time to learn meditation or practice it more. Yoga can help. Being outside can assist. You are missing out on the depth that is available.
The Nine of Pentacles is the card indicating that all is well in solitude, with sweet, yummy deepening inside, while protected with good housing and safe nature outside.
What makes my heart sing?
Stroll through the outdoors, or city if you prefer, without engaging in any conversation, enjoying the details of life via the senses.
Ten of Pentacles
When this magnificent card appears in your reading, it is a very positive omen, and suggests some form of wealth is coming your way. Some examples would include a promotion or pay rise at work, a good return on some investments, achieving the selling price you wanted for your home or perhaps some inheritance.
I believe that the 10 of Pentacles appears in order to bring our attention to areas where we can enrich our life. It could be suggesting that marriage may now be the key to fulfillment in your romantic life, or that your business may about to become more profitable or that you can now afford to find extra time to socialize and play with your loved ones.
At its best, this card is saying your life is blossoming and that you are making all the right decisions and choices. You are going to bring in more money, get that bigger house or faster car or go on a luxury holiday with your children this year rather than the usual budget package trip!
The bottom line is that in life, we get what we settle for. If you want more and believe you deserve more, the 10 of Pentacles is a good sign you may well get it.
The 10 of Pentacles reminds us the Universe is abundant. Whether we live inside a poverty mindset or whether we accept the abundance of life and feel we deserve to share in it is simply our own personal choice.
Yes, I know when times are hard it’s a tough job to see the abundance that surrounds you, but the fact is that until you do you’re going to be stuck inside your own feelings of scarcity, attracting more and more situations and circumstances that confirm your lack.
If you do not feel rich or wealthy right now, this card could indicate divorce or perhaps legal battles over money.
Sometimes, in order to attract greater wealth, we need to discover what (or who) may be holding us back and find the courage or determination to let go. Our members’ Letting Go reading was designed to help you with exactly this process.
Right now, TODAY, you can make choices and decisions that will either enrich your life or attract loss and struggle. I recommend you choose the former, it’s really just a flip of the mind!
What do you want less of? Less debt, less work load, less time alone, less stress?
What do you want more of? More money, more time, more love, more freedom?
Numerical Number 10: This number consists of: 1 (a new beginning is ready to sprout) + 0 (the beginning point of your journey when you are ready to experience something new and leave all limitations because you trust in a higher power) = 1 (a new beginning).
The Element of Earth: The Ten of Pentacles is associated with the elemental qualities of planet Venus (the morning and evening star that guides you to higher ideals) and the zodiac sign of Virgo. The combination of Venus in Virgo results in slow and steady growth bringing wealth, security and comfort.
Probable Outcome: You may be the recipient of a family home or a family business that has been passed down from generation to generation. Your family and your home life will continue to provide joy and happiness.
You may receive an inheritance, recover from a health issue or gain recognition for various accomplishments (job related, literary, or artistic).
You might consider updating your will, make a change to your pension plan, or make arrangements for the care of your father and mother.
Possible Outcome: Something is undermining your security and happiness.
Your family life, marriage, or business has become unstable. This problem may be a temporary bump in the road or the result of a poor foundation.
Your marriage may end, or has ended, and arguments may ensue over the division of assets. Your business may be suffering for various reasons (loss of revenue, poor investments). Financial problems are becoming a burden and you’re not enjoying life.
You might need to change your will because of something unexpected, deal with a pension-plan problem, or put your plans for arranging care for your father or mother on hold.
Then again, you might not be able to channel the Ten of Pentacle’s energies into your life. If this is the case, then you might be not be ready to change your lifestyle, or make any long-term commitments just yet.
Timing: The Ten of Pentacles is related to an important event of dedication to succeed that is turned into action. This event may occur in months or years to come.
Take a moment now and ask yourself ‘Do I truly feel rich?’
What would you be prepared to do to create a wealthy life?
The 10 of Pentacles represents wealth, but not just financial and material wealth, it also represents richness in your relationships and your life generally.
Page of Pentacles
The Page of Pentacles is ready for his first adult venture. He is ready to learn, preparing for success way down the road, and committed to staying in harmony with Mama Earth as he develops.
This won’t ensure fast material success. Better yet, it will build up to material success based on respect of the earth, good planetary ethics, and warmth towards all life. Though the Page may be last to succeed among his peers, he is the one to succeed in deep integrated goodness.
In the end he is the most balanced. He lives in tranquil equilibrium. The patience the Page of Pentacles consciousness contains allows for this long-term venture. He is more concerned with how and what he creates than secondary material success which comes later for him.
His personality and consciousness is a great asset to the Mother Earth. Without this, humans might have destroyed the human race long ago. This energy is what is of primal importance and the only way earth remains semi-protected. This energy is kind, warm, young, and well.
Do you feel focused on what you are about to learn? Do you feel lovingly connected and intrigued by your course of study? Is this study related to nature or animals in some way? Do you feel innately and easily trusting about all this? Are you more involved in the process than thoughts of outcome? This is the Page of Pentacles consciousness.
You will develop your way of life over the years. This will last. This will be built with proper foundation for longevity. With this consciousness one gradual step at a time is necessary. You might need frequent breaks because a butterfly comes to perch on your wrist, a hummingbird looks you in the eye, a lizard hangs out on your leg, or a neighborhood cat and dog come to snuggle with you.
If this card appears to you later in life, you are returning to the sweetness of something so new that it brings back your youthfulness.
When you reject the Page of Pentacles consciousness, you have betrayed your own values. Perhaps you are living in an area where it is harder to garden, compost and recycle. Or maybe you have not yet had the means to create the diet, home environment, and lifestyle that represents your care for the earth as much as you will like. Perhaps your chosen path of study is not true to your heart. Listen kindly to your heart. Honor thyself.
The Page of Pentacles is a fresh new beginning of a long-term journey of learning steeped in love of Mama Earth and all her plants and creatures.
Luckily you have the patience for gradual momentum, your way.
Put your hands on Mama Earth. Send thanks to every plant and animal you can.
Feel the place in your heart where Mama Earth and her creatures live.
Knight of Pentacles
The Knight of Pentacles has strategically built a life of security. Job and finances are secure. Very likely a marriage is secure. Security is the foundation. Yet passion and joy have been overlooked.
Existence feels dissatisfying. The Knight has not realized that security, passion and joy can all be experienced. Despondent feelings increase. Each day is the same. Each night is empty. Life has little meaning. Yet the Knight continues en route.
When the Knight of Pentacles appears, it’s time to reevaluate. Is your career or relationship truly the one you desire for life? If you aren’t fulfilled now, and never have been on this path, might there be a better route for your journey?
If you stay on this road you may find that you are very numb. You might feel like your heart is missing. You may feel soulless. You may feel like you are missing out on your own life.
Are you enjoying this? Are you afraid that a life of love, joy, and emotional richness can’t go hand and hand with financial security? Are you worried that if you marry someone with whom you are deeply in love, you may get hurt? What keeps you so good at supplying material security and so dismissive about emotional fulfillment? Do some introspection.
The Knight of Pentacles consciousness focuses on what will maintain safety and status quo. This is not enough with other vital elements left out of the scenario.
Do something fun to loosen up your reins on life. Go see a funny movie. Perhaps, check out an improvisation class. Think of something else to let you unwind with some laughter. From a lighter place, take another look at your life plans.
Watch some inspiring plays or films. Listen to upbeat music. Bring in some pep! Then reevaluate your life structures.
When the wisdom in this card is psychologically fought, life becomes more and more depressing. In time, immense anger grows. Best to do some soul searching now.
What is your life promising you? Can you create a life that promises all this and more? Are you staying in a job or relationship to please someone else? Is this really benefiting them and their happiest dreams?
The Knight of Pentacles embodies security without passion and joy.
What is my passion?
Focus on memories of times when you felt very heart warmed.
Queen of Pentacles
The Queen of Pentacles is whole onto herself.
This is a spiritual state in which one is fully at peace, generating creation rather than being creation’s effect. This is a state of surrender to the divine flow with the personal criteria of expecting the best.
In this balance of receiving and giving simultaneously, all is provided.
Wholeness is defined as (1) the state of forming a complete and harmonious whole and (2) unbroken. The Queen has found the universal flow to be the source of her sustenance. As a result she is inwardly nourished and outwardly provided. She is resonant with animals and nature. She is full. She seeks nothing for all is here, inside and outside.
The Queen has learned that wholeness in all ways is the result of inner gratitude-focus and outer service-diligence which she aims to practice all day, every day. The basis of incarnation well-lived in the Queen’s world is not to stop inner and outer loving which is effortless. It is natural.
The world is a very loving womb. What we put out, comes back in with waves of love. The Queen work-plays deeply and consistently from her heart. Through her gaze, life is generated and touched with nourishment. The universe showers her back with what she emanates. She takes every breath as an opportunity to love.
The universe holds her fully because of her attitude. When hardship comes she goes to gratitude and presence to transform all the imperfections the world can exhibit. Thus the universe loves her back. She trusts the universe to be a loving parent. She sits with faith in love. This way the Divine has avenues through which to take care of her. And she forever offers kindness, words, and presence abundantly so the universe gives right back to her.
Are you full? Do you feel whole? Does the inner and outer reflect this? You are living as the Queen of Pentacles consciousness.
When you ignore the consciousness of this card, you are involved in some narcissism or selfishness. You are wishing for the universe to reward you but making little effort to give to others. This is a contracted and lonely path. Experiment with sharing and generosity. See what you find.
The Queen of Pentacles is the universal wholeness inside and outside.
What has come to me as a gift of life? What do I share with others as my gift to life?
Meditate on the abundance of nature.
King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles is a sensible creator who receives back what he gives out, multiplied. He knows that wealth in all ways is the result of inner and outer diligence which he aims to practice every day.
The basis of incarnation well-lived in the King’s world is to not stop inner and outer giving, which turns out to be the same as receiving. They are the two sides of one coin.
The world is a very math-made place. What we put out, comes back on us multiplied.
The King work-plays deeply and consistently from his heart, taking many actions from many prayers. The universe showers him back as a result. He takes every challenge as an invitation to learn. The universe rewards him as a result. When hardship comes, he takes inner and outer action to transform all the imperfections he find inside himself, so the universe showers back.
He trusts the Divine to be his parent and does his work so the Divine has avenues through which to take care of him. And he forever tithes service and money abundantly so the universe showers him back. That’s what he lives, emanates and trusts.
As the King knows, what you put out is what you get in this world. He aims to use the tools of life sensibly and this way the tools work. He fully embodies the reality that effort creates grace. Grace = the gifting of the universe to us. Effort = the gifting of us to the universe.
Are you feeling well accomplished, provided for, utilized and valuable? Are the spiritual and material world reflecting this back to you? You are using the King of Pentacles consciousness well!
When you reject the King of Pentacles consciousness, you are in a fantasy. You are wishing for the universe to reward you but making little outer action or inner intention. This is a foolish path. Get focused. Be intentional. Be practical. Take action.
The King of Pentacles is the embodiment of a sensible life, full of abundant giving and receiving in a grounded and practical manner.
Which of my thoughts and actions are working the best? More of those!
Meditate on gratitude for having the rational foresight to understand the King of Pentacles wisdom: what we give out comes around many fold.