Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups controls your relationship path and indicates that you are headed for a new beginning.
The Aces are the “Controlling Cards” in my deck.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You’ll be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
Astrologically, the Ace of Cups incorporates the energies of Cancer (receptive and sensitive), Scorpio (loyal to a fault), and Pisces (new beginnings are important to experience).
The Ace of Cups astrological relatives are the Moon (keeper of secrets), Pluto (what is hidden), and Neptune (illusion and vivid dreams).
Symbolism: You are going to receive an enlightening message which will manifest. The white dove delivering a wafer into the golden cup represents a spiritual awakening related to love, and reflects the time of giving and receiving unconditional love.
The eight floating raindrops on both sides of the cup represent two different situations, relating to the Strength card (you do not let fear control you or devour you). This means that you may make a heartfelt decision about starting a new romance and taking the right risk (positive position), or you may decide you’re not ready to take such a risk (negative position).
The ten floating raindrops suspended under the golden cup represent the Wheel of Fortune, fate and destiny, and a turn for the better.
The white radiating hand (hand of God, guardian angel, Gabriel) coming out of the storm cloud brings a message that you’re on the brink of a monumental change and new beginning. The lotus flower is ready to bloom, suggesting something beautiful will unfold related to unconditional love.
My Interpretation of The Ace Of Cups Tarot Card
The Ace of Cups represents a new beginning of love, joy, and a spiritual awakening. The spiritual awakening represents a message revealing an impending life change connected to a time of giving and receiving unconditional love. The Ace represents emotional happiness, rekindling of an existing relationship, a new love interest, marriage, and fertility. The heart chakra opens, indicting the beginning of great possibilities.
The heart chakra regulates our emotional health. When this chakra is balanced, you’re able to give and receive love. You’ll love yourself and be able to love others unconditionally with compassion, trust, forgiveness, wisdom, stability and patience. You’ll make your wishes come true. When this chakra is off balance or blocked, there is a lack of love, unity, compassion and acceptance. You’ll feel rejected, mired in sadness, disappointed, hurt, depressed, and angry.
Positive Position: You’ll experience a new beginning or spiritual awakening about an impending life change. This is the time when you’re ready to give and receive unconditional love, rekindle an existing relationship, or move forward with a new love interest. It may be the time of marriage, a birth, conceiving a child, or the time when you are ready to adopt a child.
Negative Position: You’ll make a heartfelt decision because your heart is pulling at you to stay in a relationship, but your head is telling you to move on. This position also represents a relationship loss, separation, divorce, or the time when you’ll move on because the relationship was not fulfilling, or lacked commitment.
Timing is related to 1 – 11 days, the fall season, or the Phases of the Moon.
New Moon or Solar Eclipse (not visible, making a wish and starting a new plan). First Quarter Moon (growing in size, action oriented, pushing ahead to a testing point). Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse (wishes come true, or the release of what is not working). Third Quarter Moon (shrinking in size, strong beliefs of what you want – acting on these beliefs or releasing what binds you).
Two of Cups
The Twos represent where you’re at with your relationship path.
The Two of Cups is called the “The Sacred Wedding Vows” in my deck.
Astrologically the Two of Cups is related to the Zodiac sign of Cancer (water, domestic, home, mothering) and the Moon (receptive, but driven by sensitive emotions).
The Minor Arcana represent your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You’ll be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
The four leaf clover represents the omen of good luck (Shamrock) and this is the feeling of the Two of Cups. Good luck is connected to God and the protection against evil spirits. The four leaf clover combines four sacred wishes of protection just for you: first leaf = faith, second leaf = hope, third = love, fourth = luck. In the Irish tradition, the three leaf clover represents the Holy Trinity.
Between the couple two black serpents wrap around a black staff (a Caduceus, used for wedding ceremonies). The serpents form a figure eight, which is symbolic of a union. The black serpents also relate to the planet Saturn (sacred vows, rules of life). The red lion’s head with wings represents courage, bravery and falling in love.
My Interpretation Of The Two Of Cups Tarot Card
The Two of Cups represents friendships, partnerships, romances, engagements and marriages.
The Cups represents passions, emotions, and the coming together and bonding of two people to form a new relationship, or the rekindling of an existing relationship.
This card represents a union and a secure partnership connected to trust, happiness, passion, and falling in love. The partners in union will share equal attraction and commitment with each other, culminating in a long-term relationship or marriage.
The Two of Cups also indicates an emotional balance with the masculine and feminine selves, allowing you to love and accept yourself and ability to give and receive love.
The Two of Cups is also about making a pledge to one another, and a deeper look shows that wisdom and healing will spring from this union.
Positive Position: You may find a new friend, partner, or romantic interest. You may become engaged or get married. Any relationship you form at this time will be based on trust, happiness, love and passion and will be a secure, long-lasting relationship.
Negative Position: You’ll experience a troubled relationship that is out of balance. Love is on the rocks, and there is emotional pain that stems from a misunderstanding, or a grave trust issue, or betrayal that may lead to separation and divorce.
Timing may be spontaneous or slow, depending on what your heart relays to you. Timing is within 2 weeks, 2 months, or related to the fall season.
Three of Cups
The Threes represent three or more people related to your relationship path.
The Three of Cups is called, “The Celebration Card” or “The Party Card” in my deck.
Astrologically the Three of Cups is related to the Zodiac sign of Cancer (water, domestic, home, mothering) and the planet Pluto (intuitive, mysterious, the keeper of emotional secrets).
The Minor Arcana represent your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You’ll be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
My Interpretation of The Three Of Cups Tarot Card
The Three of Cups is enumerated three (sum of 1 + 2 = 3). This sum represents the completion of a goal, project, venture or a long awaited dream. 3 is also a spiritual number and represents the timing of a special celebration!
1 represents the Ace of Cups. The Ace is the new beginning, the door that opens by surprise, connected to love and romance, the time of a spiritual awakening or a strong message from above connected to unconditional love.
2 represents the Two of Cups. The Two is related to good luck connected to love, passion, deep emotions, and the coming together and bonding of two people to form a new relationship or the rekindling of an existing relationship.
When the Three of Cups (3) comes out in a reading, it represents weddings, fertility, the birth of a child, or achieving a long-awaited goal or dream. It indicates celebrations, joyous and merry occasions when your emotions are running high and your heart is happy.
There is a warm and joyous feeling about this card because it represents the deep love and respect that you share with your lover, children, family and friends. You may feel lucky and blessed that you have this group of people in your life because you know they’re true and loving people who care about you.
This is a time of happiness and celebrating with others, which may include family reunions, parties, bridal showers, receptions, christenings, and weddings. You will enjoy yourself, and the people in your life will have great meaning.
Positive Position: You reach out to others. All work and no play is not healthy. You’re asked to reexamine your priorities and connect more with your friends. Companionship is part of life and meeting up with your friends is a very important part of staying happy, balanced and healthy.
The Three of Cups represents wedding receptions, family reunions, parties, bridal showers, christenings, the birth of a child, and achieving a long-awaited goal.
Negative Position: People who brought you happiness now bring you trouble and sadness. Relationships take a turn for the worse and cheating and infidelity may be occurring. This card could indicate that you are overindulging and need to find your way back to balance again. You may be drinking, partying, over-eating, staying up too late, and otherwise neglecting your health
Timing may be spontaneous or slow, depending on what your heart relays to you. Timing is within 3 weeks, 3 months, or related to the fall season.
Four of Cups
The Four of Cups points you towards a path of withdrawing into your own space. You turn your emotions inward so you can sort out your feelings as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where your heart closes and you use your thoughts to wall yourself off from the rest of the world. It is possible that the love you had for your current partner has vanished.
The Four of Cups is associated with many situations.
You might be daydreaming because the honeymoon is over and you are feeling numb and having unfaithful thoughts. You may be feeling the grass is greener elsewhere, but you are not acting on these thoughts.
It’s also possible that you feel depressed and do not want to reach out to others, rather, you want to go it alone. Isolation has become an issue, and nothing is getting resolved or healed.
This is a time of missed opportunities, but also the right time when you need to be alone to induce a meditative state. This experience will help you gain insight and enable you to sort through your feelings, make the right adjustments and regain your true direction.
Numerical Number 4: This number is associated with the time when you will create your temple and build a strong foundation that has the sturdy roots of the oak tree.
The Element of Water: The Four of Cups is associated with the elemental water qualities of the planet Neptune (the spiritual awakener who helps you dissolve your ego so you will make the right adjustment) and the zodiac sign of Cancer. The combination of Neptune in Cancer brings you into a meditative experience to gain insight.
Probable Outcome: You may be detached and not willing to accept new opportunities, or you are missing opportunities because you are not ready to take a risk.
Perhaps you are depressed and do not want to reach out to others. Instead, you want to go it alone. You are turning your feelings inwards and withdrawing from the people who are close to you. You might need professional counseling.
Your love for your partner may have vanished – you feel that the honeymoon is over. Your heart is closed and you are feeling numb because of unfaithful thoughts. Even though you think the grass is greener elsewhere, you have not acted on these emotions.
Or you are missing opportunities because you want to put yourself in a meditative experience in order to gain insight, sort out your feeling and make the right adjustment.
Possible Outcome: You are ready to take a risk and willing to accept new opportunities, or accept an opportunity you missed in the past.
You could be emerging from your self-exile and becoming more social.
You may be acting on unfaithful thoughts and might have started an affair.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the Four of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably feel the grass is greener elsewhere. You are not willing to go to counseling and have decided to leave your relationship, or you are not ready to be in a committed relationship and have decided to keep your options open.
Timing: The Four of Cups predicts that your intuition and emotions will be turned into action so you can live your dreams. This event may occur in the next weeks or months to come.
Five of Cups
The Fives represent your relationship struggles, the time when you’re in a struggle with your relationship.
I named the Five of Cups, “The Continent of Pain Card” or the “Crying Over Spilled Milk Card.”
The Minor Arcana represent your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You may be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
Astrologically, the Five of Cups incorporates the energy of Scorpio (loyal to a fault, but once Scorpio is betrayed, it’s the worst thing that can happen).
The Five of Cups astrological relative is the planet Pluto (the planet of transformation and extremes. I’s got to be all or nothing, so when you fall down, Pluto makes you pick yourself up and start over no matter what happens)!
My Interpretation of The Five Of Cups Tarot Card
The Five of Cups represents an unhappy person who is suffering depression because of a relationship ending. This person feels extreme sadness and can’t see the future, only the loss being experienced.
He or she is not learning or benefiting from mistakes, but the learning experience will come later. This mourning period continues until the person is ready to let go and turn away from the past.
The Five of Cups is called the “Crying Over Spilled Milk Card” because three cups have fallen. The liquid in the cups represent passions, desires, and new growth for the relationship, but the red and green liquid that has spilled from the cups indicates the sorrow and regret of one’s feelings. There are two cups that remain standing, and these cups represents a reconnection or a new relationship in the future.
This card also represents a person who had to walk away from a long-term relationship because nothing ever changed. No matter how hard he or she tried to fix the situation, nothing got better. This person is seeking self-forgiveness for hurting the other person and causing another’s sadness. He or she remains stuck in emotional pain and sadness, and is having a difficult time letting go.
Positive Position: The positive position makes you deal with a relationship loss. Personal relationships bring emotional happiness, but also sadness. The positive position is telling you that when you fall down, you need to pick yourself up and start over, no matter what happens…
You may be depressed because a relationship has ended. You’re very emotional and overwhelmed with loss. Your mourning period will last until you’re ready to release the past. This card also represents a person who dwells on the past, doesn’t know how to forgive and is obsessed with the hurt suffered.
Negative Position: Your boundaries are secure, and hopefully you are not walking around with a chip on your shoulder because of your past experience. You’ve recovered from a past relationship. Your regrets are just a memory and you’ve forgiven yourself or the person that hurt you! You learned some valuable lessons about setting up boundaries. You are ready to explore the future and take new risks because you know there is another relationship on the horizon waiting for you.
Timing is within 3 weeks. The timing shifts when you arrive at the cards that are enumerated five in the Tarot. These cards represent challenges, and sometimes these challenges are out of your control.
The cards enumerated 5 send you into a difficult, heart-wrenching situation. Something will break down and force you to start over for a reason. The only way to start over is to break down the existing path so that you are free from it and cannot go back. You won’t see the beauty in this painful experience until later.
Six of Cups
The Six of Cups points you towards a path of reminiscing about your past as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when you yearn for the simpler times of the ‘good old days’ and perhaps your childhood. You laugh about your memories and remember the wonderful times you shared with a previous lover, soul mate, a former friend or family member.
The Six of Cups represents happy times when you are looking through your scrapbook and reminiscing about the days gone by.
However, you might need to review your past and have an honest talk with yourself about rekindling with old ties. This card is also associated with painful times when you were deceived and felt tied up in knots, had a hard time untying the knots and were unable to find yourself again because of a painful experience that had a heavy impact on you.
It’s possible that the waves of nostalgia are visiting you, toying with your emotions about a past experience and making you wonder what could have been – why someone left your life without closure, or why you had to leave someone without closure.
This nostalgic turn may make you examine your life and see how you finally untied the knots of a past hurt and had the strength to move on. Even though you have made progress, during the Autumn cascade of falling leaves you still may feel some stinging pain of regret and wish that you could fully understand what might have been.
Numerical Number 6: This number is associated with harmony and connecting with the right relationship, or reconciling a situation and restoring harmony to feel at your best.
The Element of Water: The Six of Cups is associated with the elemental water qualities of the planet Neptune (the spiritual awakener) and the zodiac sign of Scorpio. The combination of Neptune in Scorpio takes you on the magic carpet ride regarding the memories of the past.
Probable Outcome: Because happy memories are flooding your thoughts, you might be missing someone from your past such as an old friend, lover, or family member, and have the urge to reach out and contact them. Or perhaps someone from the past might be on the verge of contacting you.
Maybe you are looking through your scrapbook and reminiscing about the days gone by.
Or you might have the opportunity to renew old ties at a high school, college, or family reunion.
Possible Outcome: You are living in the present and not focused on the past because you untied all the restricting knots and found yourself again. You are not looking back at what could have been. Nostalgia has no place in your life at this time.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the The Six of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably cannot untie the knots from the past and are still trying to heal from a past experience or bad childhood memories.
Timing: The Six of Cups predicts that an important feeling of nostalgia will be turned inwards, then outwards. This event may occur in the next weeks or months to come.
Seven of Cups
The Seven of Cups points you towards a path of daydreams, confusing illusions and helpful dreams as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when you could spend too much time daydreaming of castles in the sky or perhaps you will have a very significant dream. Dreams send you important messages and may help solve a hidden mystery.
You might wonder why the Seven of Cups has shown up in your reading today. Is it trying to tell you something about yourself? Or do you need to start living your dreams and stop putting them on the back burner? Do you hear a voice whispering in your ear, urging you to roll up your sleeves and get to work regarding something important to you?
Do you need to change something about your personality or appearance?
Do you need to let something go so you can grow? Will you find your life purpose, expand and prosper?
Do you feel happy with the home you have, or do you need a new home that is bigger and better?
Do you need to go back to school to further your education? Have you accomplished anything significant, or do you need to roll up your sleeves and get to work?
Do you dare live your inner desires? Do you have the courage to complete your inner spiritual work, or will you stuff your unanswered questions under the rug and do nothing?
Numerical Number 7: This number is associated with evaluation and sorting out your options so you can make a plan as to the direction you need to take.
The Element of Water: The Seven of Cups is associated with the elemental water qualities of the Moon (dreams) and the zodiac sign of Scorpio. The combination of the Moon in Scorpio makes you escape into dreams that nobody knows about except you!
Probable Outcome: You might be daydreaming or turning your desires inwards and not acting on your thoughts.
Maybe your fears are getting in the way and stopping you from making your dreams become a reality.
There might be an obstacle in the way that is preventing you from achieving your dreams.
You might have unrealistic priorities.
Or you might be stuck in an illusion, or your mind is tricking you.
Possible Outcome: You are ready to follow through with your dreams and desires.
You might be talking to others about your dreams instead of pushing them inwards.
You are letting your old ways of confusion and illusion fall away from you and are ready to make choices.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the Seven of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably are paying more attention to the future rather than the past and have realized that you were looking for happiness in all the wrong places. It‘s possible that you were looking outwards to others to make you happy.
Timing: The Seven of Cups predicts an important event that is turned inwards. This event may occur in the next weeks or months to come.
Eight of Cups
There is an Eclipsed Moon in this card. The word “Eclipse” comes from the Greek origin and means abandonment…
The Eights represent the status of your relationship. The Eight of Cups indicate that further action regarding a relationship is useless. The only way to go is to let go, and to face the future with no expectations.
The Minor Arcana represents your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You’ll be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
Astrologically, the Eight of Cups incorporates the energy of Pisces (unpleasant situations are unbearable and overwhelming).
The Eight of Cups astrological relative is the planet Neptune (the planet that dissolves what it touches when you make the wrong decision, or the time when you need to escape from an unpleasant situation because you cannot hang in restriction).
Message from the Eight of Cups: “Deep in your heart, did you leave a relationship a long time ago? Did you become the Fool who wants to start a new journey, but you are not naïve? Did you experience and weather everything from joy to hatred for your partner? Did you leave it all behind and just walk away with the clothes that you were wearing?”
The Eclipsed Moon represents the timing of this journey to walk away! It ushers the dark-haired man into the unknown because the Moon is the keeper of secrets! He is not sure where he is going, just that he is leaving and not looking back. The Eclipsed Moon is related to the elliptical path of the celestial dragon in astrology. The celestial dragon brings good changes for some and bad changes for others!
My Interpretation of The Eight Of Cups
The Eight of Cups represents readiness to move on. Deep in the dark-haired man’s heart, he has already left the relationship. He is motivated to make a radical change, leave, and start over again. All his struggles have come to an end and will soon give way to a new beginning.
The dark-haired man needed to leave his marriage, but he is not naïve, like the Fool. He had weathered everything from joy to hatred for his partner. He became restless, had to escape all the emotional issues, and had reached the point where he couldn’t give anymore. He needed to get away to heal.
Positive Position: The positive position may seem negative, but sometimes you need to leave a situation to heal, instead of staying in a situation that takes the wind out of your sails! The energies of the Eight of Cups indicate that you’re suffering from negative feelings from which you can’t shield yourself. You need to find your way out of the situation to heal. Deep in your heart, you’ve already left the relationship and you’re motivated to make radical changes. You realize that your struggles have ended and there will be a new beginning. You’ve experienced everything from joy to hatred for your partner, and you’re ready to escape all the emotional baggage.
Negative Position: You haven’t walked away yet because you’re still confused about what you’re going to do. The relationship may be repaired or may end at a later time.
Timing might be immediate because everything that was hidden comes out unexpectedly. If not immediate, expect a very fast timing with this card because there is an Eclipsed Moon that is related to a timing of a sudden change.
Nine of Cups
In this card, a middle-aged man is sitting on a wooden bench while his arms are crossed, and his face is showing quite a level of contentment. He is dressed elegantly and has a look of true satisfaction. The head-dress on his head is red and is a depiction of his active mind. At his background, you will notice there are nine golden cups, structured and arranged in an orderly manner. The Nine of Cups symbolizes a representation of fulfillment and success, both spiritually and materially. The man shows that expression of success after achieving his innermost desire.
Upright Meaning Guide
Nine of Cups Upright Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Wishes coming true, realizing dreams, happiness, cheerfulness, joy, fulfillment, positivity, optimism, satisfaction, success, abundance, prosperity, achievements, rewards, confidence, high self-esteem, triumph, celebrating, entertaining, fame, acclaim, recognition, pleasure, sex, sensuality, pampering.
General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)
In a general context, the Nine of Cups Tarot card is a positive card that indicates your wishes will be coming true or your dreams will become a reality. If you have experienced hardship, sorrow or pain recently, this card tells you that the bad times are behind you now and a time of happiness, joyfulness, and fulfillment is coming. With this Minor Arcana card appearing in your Tarot spread you will be able to accomplish anything you put your mind to as it represents triumph, success, and achievement. Your efforts will not go unnoticed either as it also signifies recognition, acclaim, and even fame. The Nine of Cups also represents having high self-esteem and self-confidence. It is a card of celebrations and parties.
Love & Relationships (Upright)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Cups is a good omen indicating that the relationship is in a good place. You should be feeling happy and fulfilled with your partner when this card appears. It is also an indicator of good sex, sensuality, and pleasure so you can expect plenty of romance. If you have been hoping for a bigger commitment in the relationship it is a good card to get as it can represent engagement, marriage or pregnancy. If you are single, the Nine of Cups indicates that you are in a very healthy state mentally and emotionally. You have learned from your past experiences and gained a level of emotional maturity and self-esteem that will benefit you greatly in your future relationships. When you are ready to get involved with someone, the positive energy and confidence that is emanating from you should help to ensure that you attract the right type of person to you. Now is a great time to get out there and meet new people!
Money & Career (Upright)
Things should be going great with the Nine of Cups in your career Tarot reading! It is a card of success, achievement, and acclaim so whatever projects you are involved in should not only be going well but your success will get you noticed! You can do anything you set your mind to so if you have been dreaming of a promotion or starting your own business, this card is a great omen for success. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups indicates abundance and prosperity so things should be going well in terms of money and investments. It is also a card of recognition and reward so you may find that you receive some sort of monetary reward or bonus for your hard work.
Health (Upright)
In a health Tarot reading, the Nine of Cups is a positive omen, so if you have been suffering from health issues you should see some improvement or be feeling more positive about your health when it appears in a reading. If your health is good, this card indicates that it should stay that way. When this card appears, it is a good time to pamper yourself or to have some “me time”. However, it can also warn you to avoid overindulgence as it can have a knock-on effect on your health.
Spirituality (Upright)
In a spiritual context, the Nine of Cups indicates that you will be feeling happy and fulfilled on many levels and you will be emanating positive energy and love to those around you.
Reversed Meaning Guide
Nine of Cups Reversed Tarot Card Key Meanings:
Shattered dreams, nightmares, unhappiness, devastation, misery, lack of fulfillment, negativity, pessimism, disappointment, lack of success/accomplishment, disadvantage, underachieving, unrewarding, low self-esteem, addictions, eating disorders, self-hatred, arrogance, immaturity
General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)
In a general context, the Nine of Cups reversed is not a great omen as it can represent shattered dreams or wishes turning into nightmares. You may have gotten what you wanted but now find that it’s not how you hoped it would be. Alternately, you may have gotten what you wanted and subsequently lost it and are now feeling the devastation that can bring. The Nine of Cups reversed can represent unhappiness, misery, and lack of fulfillment. It can also indicate negativity or pessimism. You may feel let down or disappointed when this Minor Arcana card appears reversed in your Tarot spread. You may also be struggling to achieve your goals, lacking in accomplishments or feel that you are not gaining the rewards or recognition you want. The Nine of Cups reversed can also be an indicator that you are lacking self-confidence or have low self-esteem. This card in a reversed position can also indicate problems such as eating disorders or addictions being caused as a result of low self-esteem and unhappiness. On the other hand, it can signify arrogance or conceitedness and a lack of emotional maturity.
Love & Relationships (Reversed)
In a love Tarot reading, if you are in a relationship, the Nine of Cups reversed is not a good omen as it can indicate that the relationship is not in a good place and that one or both of you is feeling let down or disappointed with it. To the outside world, it may look like everything is fine but on the inside, there may be unhappiness and lack of fulfillment. For example, you may have settled for someone who looks great on paper but you don’t truly love and are now regretting it. However, while it can point to deep-seated issues, the Nine of Cups reversed can simply represent the feeling of stagnation within a relationship that sometimes comes after the initial excitement has worn off or the honeymoon period has ended. If you are single, the Nine of Cups reversed can be a sign that you are not in the right emotional/ mental state or lack the maturity to make a relationship work at the moment. If you find you have been attracting the wrong type of person, you need to work on building your self-esteem and confidence and finding your own inner contentment before you bring anyone else into the equation. Nobody else, no matter how amazing they are, can make you happy if you have not found contentment within yourself. It can also indicate emotionally unhealthy sexual behavior or sex without love. Alternately, the Nine of Cups can indicate that you have gone to the other extreme and that your arrogance or conceitedness could be putting off potential partners.
Money & Career (Reversed)
In a career context, the Nine of Cups reversed can indicate that your dream job or business may have turned into something of a nightmare. Maybe you have started your own business or landed the promotion you wanted but now find that it is not as fulfilling as you thought it would be or the workload is making you miserable. It may also indicate that you are struggling to find a career you like and feeling somewhat like a failure or an underachiever. The Nine of Cups in a reversed position can also represent being overlooked for a promotion or position. It can signify that you are working as hard as you can but feel like you are not achieving what you wanted or your hard work is not being recognized. In a financial context, the Nine of Cups reversed can be a bad omen as you may find that promising investments or financial opportunities turn out to be disappointments.
Health (Reversed)
In a health context, the Nine of Cups reversed can be an indicator of eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimia, overeating or excessive indulgence and addictions. If you are suffering from any of these you may need professional medical assistance and or counseling to help you to get to the root causes of these issues and to overcome them. It’s not a great health card to get as it can indicate disappointment. At the same time, it can simply indicate that you will be feeling pessimistic or letting negativity make you feel worse so try to remain positive if you are having health issues.
Spirituality (Reversed)
In a spiritual context, the Nine of Cups reversed can indicate that you may be feeling a lack of spiritual fulfillment and looking for external ways of filling this void. True fulfillment comes from within so you would do well to shift your focus back to your spiritual side and concentrate on discovering your spiritual path.
Ten of Cups
The Tens represent that your relationship path either comes to a successful completion or you’ll start a new path because a current relationship is dissolving.
I named the Ten of Cups, “You Finally Got It Right or You Got It Wrong!”
The Minor Arcana represent your choices and actions throughout the realization of your destiny. The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships which exert such a strong pull on your decisions. You’ll be spontaneous or slow in your reactions, depending on what your heart relays to you.
Astrologically, the Ten of Cups incorporates the energy of Pisces (the fish that swims in two different directions to live dreams, an ending and a new beginning).
The Ten of Cups astrological relative is the planet Pluto (the power and force to live dreams).
The message: “The rainbow is a reflection of your situation, and represents that you went through good and bad times, but also weathered the storms with your partner. You’re still together, happy and content with what you’ve accomplished!”
My Interpretation of the Ten Of Cups
The Ten of Cups is a great card in the positive position because it represents satisfaction, joy, fulfillment, love, and a long-lasting relationship that has successfully grown and developed. Since their backs are towards you in the card, it shows a reflection of the couple’s life together, past and future.
They went through good and bad times, but they weathered the storms together. They worked through everything and are still together, happy and content with what they’ve accomplished. The couple started at the Ace of Cups and are now at the completion stage of the Ten of Cups, suggesting they went through a lot to build the solid relationship they now have.
The ten golden cups in the rainbow is indicative of stories of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. A rainbow usually appears after a rainstorm, suggesting the couple has weathered some difficult times, but have worked everything out. The rainbow represents the light at the end of the tunnel and the optimism the couple had to work through storms as a team. The rainbow is a sign of good luck that represents a colorful bridge creating balance and respect for each other as man and wife.
Positive Position: You find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You may be experiencing a long-lasting relationship that has successfully grown and developed. You both went through good and bad times. Your relationship weathered the storms, you are still together and both of you are now happy and content with your accomplishment.
Negative Position: This position indicates that you’re disappointed and unhappy with a relationship. Everything is not going well and the relationship might be falling apart at the seams.
Timing is within 10 weeks, 10 months or related to the fall season.
Page of Cups
The Page of Cups works for the Royal Court under the direction of the Knight and the King. The Page is the messenger who delivers important love messages.
The Page of Cups represents you or outside influences: a friend, someone that may want to court you (a potential lover), counselor, mentor, or even an open enemy.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life. The Page of Cups ushers you into a fragile new beginning related to the heart. He is young, delivers his messages rapidly and represents a person who is still learning and changing personalities like the wind changes directions. He also represents a person who might bring unwelcome trouble when crossed by a negative card.
The Cups represent your personal outlook with respect to your emotional feelings and your tendency to think with your heart rather than with your head. This includes the connection to love, friendships and relationships, which exert such a strong pull on your decisions.
The message: “The Page of Cups wants to help everyone because he wants to earn another blue feather for his beret! The Page of Cups is the Prince Warrior on a mission to deliver love messages!”
Astrologically the Page of Cups is related to the water signs of Cancer (feeling, devotion), Scorpio (desire, intensity) and Pisces (belief, understanding).
The Page of Cups astrological relatives are the Moon (the keeper of secrets), planet Pluto (the power and force to live dreams), and Neptune (the planet that dissolves what it touches when you make the wrong decision, or the time when you are stuck in illusion or nostalgia).
My Interpretation Of The Page Of Cups
The energies of the Page of Cups are vulnerable and fragile or damaged and bruised. You’ve probably felt this energy during your experiences related to the affairs of the heart.
Sometimes a relationship is doomed because of your parent’s protection when they forbid your heart’s desire. Or, the time when you are self-absorbed, and push everyone away and then meet an amazing person who pushes you away. You end up broken-hearted, shut others out, and spend a long time in a twilight zone, seeing the reflection of a situation that you would rather forget, but can’!
In the Tarot, the Page represents the Prince, the youngest of the Royal Court. The Page of Cups represents the love messenger, “The Pony Express” rider who will deliver news to you, good or bad. He is on a mission to deliver messages connected to love, relationships, engagements, marriages, births, or developing romantic situations.
The Page of Cups is enumerated eleven (11), indicating completion and a new beginning with a situation. His role is to deliver a message that represents a timing of an event that will happen in your life, which may be good or bad, depending on the surrounding cards.
The Page is dressed in a blue tunic decorated with red and white tulips. Flowers represent the smell of sweet success because they open up and unfold with beauty and love. His blue beret indicates his sense of class and boundaries because he feels superior and aware of his own merit. The blue feather represents his status as the young warrior, on a mission to deliver messages.
The blue fish in the cup represents the Page’s subconscious. The Page is focused on the fish, receiving a message from his subconscious alerting him that a message needs to be delivered.
Positive Position: You may deliver or receive a message related to an important letter, email, text or phone call. The message may be from a close friend or a romantic interest. However, I do not trust the Page of Cups because the energies are vulnerable and fragile or damaged and bruised You should have a clarifying card pulled to cross the Page to determine intentions. Are the energies positive or negative?
You may receive important news related to a counselor or mentor, a time you are seeking help, or ready to follow through with an important dream. This new dream has the energies of the “Ace of Cups” and the Page ushers you into new beginning.
You might hear unexpected gossip related to a love interest or your negative emotional state may improve.
Negative Position: You may receive unexpected unpleasant news, experience delays, or something will fall away from you. An important letter, email, text, or phone message may result in surprises or unanticipated cancellations, something that disrupts your life.
You may receive an unpleasant message from a friend, counselor, mentor, or romantic interest. You may lose a love interest because you are unwilling to spend time on the relationship.
You may hear gossip that was created by an open enemy in conjunction with a hidden enemy in order to destroy your reputation.
Timing is usually immediate, 1 – 11 days, or related to the fall season.
Knight of Cups
The Knight of Cups points you towards a path of exploring your role as a romantic dreamer while you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change when a transformation occurs in how you experience and deal with beginnings, endings and indecision concerning love, romantic interludes, following your dreams and using your intuition as a guide.
The Knight of Cups can refer to a person, an event, or a part of yourself. New people (perhaps a romantic interest) and new experiences may suddenly appear in your life. On an inner level, a dormant facet of yourself may become activated to enable you to realize your impossible dream, so your romantic feelings might be surging.
This Knight is constantly on the move and follows his intuition to live dreams. He lets his dreams dominate him and is usually pulled in two different directions. Since he knows that if he commits to someone or something he might miss experiencing his impossible dream, he is often unsure about the direction he needs to take.
Do not be fooled by his kindness. He is passionate, the “Romeo of all the Knights” and is also associated with transformation. Just be careful when dealing with this one!
When this most complicated knight in the tarot comes out in your reading, make sure you pull a crossing card to understand his intentions. If he is crossed by the Hermit, beware: all is not what it seems and he might have hidden intentions. You might end up in a sex with benefits relationship with no commitment. But if the Two of Cups crosses him, he has found “the one” and is living the impossible dream.
Numerical Number 12: This is the number of an educational process, or the time to shed old habits and start new experiences to achieve knowledge, wisdom and realize a dream.
This Knight’s number 12 indicates: 1 (a new beginning) + 2 (in a waiting period to make a decision) = 3 (rebirth and creating something new after you make the right decision).
The Element of Water: This card is associated with the elemental water qualities of the planet Neptune (spiritual awakener pushing you to live the impossible dream) and the zodiac sign of Pisces. This combination awakens your intuition and heart and brings you into a change to transform your life.
Probable Outcome: You might be turning your dreams inwards and living in your fantasies instead of taking action to make your dreams come true.
Or you might feel lost trying to live the impossible dream, spinning your wheels and meeting the wrong people and experiencing new beginnings and endings.
You might receive an invitation to attend a social event, holiday with friends, engagement party, wedding, or go out on a date.
If you are in a relationship, you might need your space because you do not want to feel pressured to give someone a commitment, or the person you are in a relationship with might need their space and cannot give you a commitment.
You might be falling out of love, or you might break a commitment, or end an engagement.
You might experience an unexpected ending in the form of a “Dear John or Dear Jane” event.
Possible Outcome: You might receive an invitation to attend a social event, holiday with friends, engagement party, wedding, and meet someone interesting, or you might go out on a date.
You might fall in love and commit to someone, or receive a commitment, or receive a marriage proposal.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the The Knight of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably feel inspired to turn your dreams outwards and take action on them.
Or you have realized that you were looking for love in the wrong places and have decided to change your direction.
Timing: The Knight of Cups predicts an important event when intuition and emotions are turned into action. This event may occur in 1-12 days.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups points you towards a path of following your intuition while preparing for changes as you continue your journey through the seventy-eight passageways of growth.
This is the level on your continuous cycle of change where intuition and spiritual messages help break new ground for transforming a current ordinary personal or professional situation into something extraordinary through use of innovation or a creative makeover.
The Queen of Cups is intuitive, spiritual, creative, artistic, and feels everything deeply. She is also associated with new beginnings and endings.
The Queen’s experiences with the past did not hold her back. She uses these experiences to help others while remembering how it feels to suffer from emotional chaos, get mired in the past, or to hang onto something for too long.
She has an inner knowledge and pays attention to her feelings and offers sound advice. She is a mother, clairvoyant, has a sixth sense, psychic abilities and provides counseling. She loves deeply, has strong family values, is the peacekeeper and loves to decorate her home.
The Queen can refer to a significant person who will enter your life, an impending important event, or something unexpected that will surface.
You might wonder why the Queen of Cups turned up in your reading! Is she trying to tell you something about yourself, or do you need to activate a part of yourself that has been dormant? Does the Queen come to tell you something about an important event that may occur?
Numerical Number 13: This number indicates the time of transformation so new ground can be broken to achieve a dream, the beginning of a new passage or important change.
The number 13 consists of: 1 (a new beginning) + 3 (rebirth and creating something new) = 4 (cleansed and purified and ready to build a new foundation).
The Element of Water: The Queen of Cups is associated with the elemental water qualities of the planet Pluto (radical changes, hidden gifts and evolution) and the zodiac sign of Scorpio. The combination of Pluto in Scorpio brings out deep feelings that cannot be ignored.
Probable Outcome: You might be on the verge of writing a will. You may get married or experience a baptism or Holy communion.
Perhaps you are looking for a partner so you feel complete.
You may be listening to your intuition and acting on your feelings, or protecting someone who needs your help.
You could be reaching out to a family member, friend, or are interested in a creative business opportunity.
You are reaching out to a counselor, social worker, childcare worker or nurse for immediate assistance to overcome a challenge.
Possible Outcome: You could be experiencing a heartbreak or feeling betrayal on a deep level.
You may feel cold and distant and do not want to associate with others, seek a relationship, or attend any special events.
You are caught up in your own world and do not have time for others, or you are mired in a depression and cutting yourself off from others. You are not ready to seek assistance to overcome any of your challenges.
Your intuition is blocked, or you cannot act on your feelings, or protect someone who needs your help.
Then again, you may be unable to channel the energies of the Queen of Cups into your life. If this is the case, you probably have decided not to lose yourself in love and intimacy. You will instead work in a creative business and use your artistic talents to express your feelings through your work.
Timing: The Queen of Cups predicts an important event when intuition and emotions are turned into action. This event may occur in 1-3 days.
King of Cups
The King of Cups represents knowledge. The King is older and experienced and could possibly be married as well. He is independent, secretively emotional, determined, ambitious, and manipulating.
The King of Cups is called the “The Ladies’ Man with a Secret” or “The Husband Card” in my deck. The Kings are related to the Court Cards and represent you or outside influences.
The Court Cards represent significant people who will enter your life. The King of Cups brings knowledge to youthrough your life experiences! He is the person to consult for advice and has the ability to climb to great heights because he is a doer. He is a leader with strong emotional forces that push him to venture forth into the world to retrieve what he needs and wants under his own secretive initiative.
The message: “I need to be in control of my environment, and need to know what is going on around me at all times. I am ambitious and sometimes difficult to read because I control my position of power by not allowing people access into my personal and confidential life!”
Astrologically, the King of Cups incorporates the energy of Cancer (the cardinal leader that initiates change). The Cancer Crab is mysterious, and has a hidden driving force that is different to understand. The crab will hide in its shell until it’s ready to face a situation, or the crab will initiate action and leave its shell, or the crab will initiate action and return to its shell and keep someone waiting in thrall. The crab is complex, but do not be fooled by the crab. The crab will attack to protect and initiate changes that need to be made.
The King of Cups astrological relatives are the Moon (the keeper of secrets), planet Pluto (the power and force to live dreams), and Neptune (the planet that dissolves what it touches when you make the wrong decision, or the time when you are stuck in illusion or nostalgia).
The leaping Dolphin represents the King who is always jumping up to see what’s going on around him. The turbulent water represents the King’s secretive, edgy emotions, which belie his outward calm.
The Red Ship indicates action, trouble, and may represent an officer of the law chasing pirates (the King working with lawmen to deal with lawbreakers).
The Kings Shoes are spotted yellow and black (dangerous puffer fish). The yellow represents the King’s intelligence with every step that he takes, and the black represents the planet Saturn, suggesting that the King has no room for errors, and he blows fuses when he gets angry.
My Interpretation of the King Of Cups Tarot Card
The King of Cups is enumerated fourteen and represents the numbers 1 + 4 (= 5). 5 represents the connection to the Hierophant (the divine). He holds a golden cup (treasure of strong traditional values and beliefs). He dominates his role as the King, stubbornly lives by tradition, and resists change.
The King represents a person who is dedicated to his career such as a counselor, religious professional, doctor, teacher, or high-ranking leader. He is wise, intelligent, a good listener, supportive, and provides guidance. He is mature, confident, has a deep understanding of his emotions, and understands the currents of change, which can throw you off balance.
He is kind and considerate and willing to help you. He will show you how to navigate through your challenges because he has been in your shoes. This King stays strong by always controlling his environment. He is very ambitious and sometimes a difficult person to read. He controls his position of power by not allowing people access to his personal and confidential life. Looking calm on the outside, he keeps his emotions hidden.
The King of Cups represents a person with an addiction problem in my deck of cards, and this is the reason that he is hard to figure out. He may exhibit a selfish and uncaring side of himself, or he may have secret motives which he covers up with his façade. He can secretively hold something over your head, using his powers to push his personal agenda.
Positive Position: A special person may enter your life to give you good advice or counsel so that you can heal and reach your highest potential. When the King of Cups appears you need to pull another card and cross the King to determine the needed resolution (Swords = conflicts, Pentacles = growth and development, Wands = action to obtain achievement desire, Cups = love and emotions).
You might be reaching out to someone for help, or someone might be reaching out to you. This person may be a friend, family member, father figure, spiritual teacher, mentor, counselor, doctor, boss, client, potential lover or an entertainer.
You may be unaware of rumors being generated by a hidden enemy. This person wants to trash your reputation to make themselves look better because they’re competing with you.
Negative Position: The King represents someone who may have an addiction problem or be a person who will not commit to you emotionally. He could also represent a con man or someone with secret motives and personal agendas. Negative crossing cards indicate difficult resolutions or that the situation takes a turn for the worse (Swords = conflicts, Pentacles = growth and development, Wands = action to obtain achievement desire, Cups = love and emotions).
You might be reaching out to someone for help, or someone might be reaching out to you. This person may be a friend, family member, father figure, spiritual teacher, mentor, counselor, doctor, boss, client, potential lover or an entertainer. Either way, the situation has taken a turn for the worse.
You may become aware of rumors being generated by a hidden enemy. This person wants to trash your reputation to make themselves look better because they’re competing with you.
Timing of the King of Wands is unpredictable, and the timing is unknown in my deck of cards.