Number 6
Connects above and below, reconciliation, intellectual creativity, discrimination, imagination, union, love, perfection, ability to use the imagination and the intellect combined, relatedness, taking responsibility for choices.
Relates to:
The planets: Venus and Uranus
The Lovers Tarot Card
Colours: Indigo/Purple and Green
Positive Character Traits:
Domestic, responsible, care/caring, teacher, conventional, provider, protector, healer, idealistic, selfless, honest, charitable, faithful, nurturer, truth, order, economy, emotional depth, curiosity, deep love of home and family, humanitarian, service, unselfishness, balance, good provider, peaceful, self-sacrifice, empathy, sympathy, unconditional love, circulation, agriculture, balance, grace, simplicity, ability to compromise, tolerant, reliable,
seeker, unselfish, cheerful, loving, energetic, free of compulsive attachments to money and success.
Negative Character Traits:
Disconnected, unaware, hypocritical, moral superiority, weak, unpractical, superiority complex, weak, impractical, submissive, shallowness, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, unsupportive, easily-stressed.
The number 6 is considered to be feminine and extrovert and is related to the star sign Virgo and the planet Venus. The related Tarot card isThe Lovers. There is a perfected sense of balance with the 6 vibration.
The number 6 is the ‘Mother’ number and is essentially a working, building number. It symbolizes responsibility and service which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing and protection. There is an innate desire within the 6 individual to bring harmony, peace, justice and truth to all experiences in life. 6 thrives on beauty and needs to be comfortable in all areas of their lives – emotionally, spiritually and physically.
The number 6 symbolizes the principle of nurturing, caring and harmony and the 6 energy signifies the need for stability and a solid home-base with comfort. 6 is happiest in conventional or familiar surroundings – but opinionated and anxious when insecure.
The personal goal of the 6 personality is to provide for others’ wellbeing – to create security and harmony – to love and be loved. People influenced by the 6 vibration are natural nurturers – both male and female. They derive their greatest joy from taking care of everyone else and these people feel most useful when they are fixing things. If it is too peaceful they don’t know what to do with themselves. These people are wonderful with children and make loving, supportive parents. The person influenced by number 6 will give comfort and help when needed, always, as they are motivated by a sense of duty to their fellowman, and find joy in serving others.
Number 6 gives people the opportunity to develop a clear idea of right and wrong – and the consequences that link cause and effect. The 6 vibration represents truth, order, justice and economy. 6 people will have many opportunities in their life to learn their responsibilities, and to be of service to humanity.
The 6 energy will fight for their ideals and principles, and represents someone who is deeply concerned for others. 6 has the greatest depth of emotion of all the numbers, and they feel very deeply about everything. At times they are deep and serious and have a great inner-knowing. This intuitive energy needs to be developed and used for the highest good.
The 6 needs to find balance between giving and receiving, as the good nature of the 6 can be taken advantage of by others. The 6 person is rarely selfish but may take on the burdens of others unnecessarily.
Domestic situations and relationships are very meaningful to the loving 6, and they view this as their base of stability. They do not like to live alone, but need the companionship of others. To love and be loved is their desire and to this end all of their attention and activities are directed. These people are wonderful with children and make loving, supportive parents.
Noise, clutter and confusion are not compatible with the 6 energy. They like their world to be calm, peaceful and comfortable. They desire comfort in all aspects – comfortable clothes, furniture, environment and relationships. This is a must to keep the 6 in harmony and balance.
The number 6 occupies a unique position of mental power, which when used positively, is constructive – when used negatively it becomes destructive.
6 people have strong beliefs and opinions about what they feel is the truth. Even though they are sensitive and kind, they do not relent over their personal truths and values. The 6 energy is dependable and reliable, and in return they demand truth and fairness from all, and for all.
This energy can sometimes come across to others as over-protective, smothering and dominant, rather than the helpfulness that they heart-fully intend. The 6 energy person tends to put people on pedestals, which then topple much to their dismay. The 6 energy often allows themselves to be treated like a doormat, and they can become easily stressed. They can become deeply upset and disturbed by the unhappiness and confusion at the outer-world.
The 6 energy needs stimulation to keep them moving and active as stagnation can bring on depression. The number 6 person likes to work in a slow, deliberate and orderly manner. They do not like to be rushed, and demand that their own personal affairs be kept in order. This energy needs to be encouraged and reassured about their efforts, rather than pushed or cajoled. Working too hard and for too long does not harmonize with the 6 energy’s sensitive nature, and they need time and space to regenerate and re-group.
Perfectly balanced and divisible by odd (1 and 3) and even numbers (2).
6’s are fair-minded and slow to anger, and with 3’s outgoing personality and 2’s peace-making and giving ways, are harmonious, domesticated and make excellent spouses and parents. 6 is stubborn, occasionally smug, but always reliable.
is truth, order, economy, deep inner-knowing, service, responsibility, depth of emotion, love of home and family, thrives on monotony.
15 / 6
knows all and understands all, can pull forces towards one, has a convincing manner, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility, depth of emotion, love of home and family, thrives on monotony.
24 / 6
service, deep sense of order within, physical and astral traveller, conscious of dreams, can gain information from invisible forces, inspiration, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
33 / 6
service, ability to mould forces to suit the self and others. Can contact invisible forces and draw valuable information, teacher of teachers, Master of Healing energies, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
42 / 6
service, short lived forces, need for security without restraints, highly emotional, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
51 / 6
service, vitality, independence, leadership, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
60 / 6
service, deep sensitivity, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
69 / 15 / 6
service, magnetic energy, can influence others, knows all and understands all, can pull forces towards one, has a convincing manner, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
78 / 15 / 6
service, spiritual wisdom beyond one’s years, intuitive, is truth, order, economy, deep inner knowing, service, responsibility.
Family oriented with great parenting skills, you are emotional, a peacemaker and a talented healer.
The lesson … don’t be a doormat!
The purpose of the person born on the 6this to send out love and to teach others. The 6 Day person loves harmony, music, creating things and group activities. Family relationships are extremely important to them and any profession that assists others with their problems is ideal. Those born on the 6th may be diplomats or healers.
Positive Characteristics:
People born with the 6 as their Day or Destiny Number are very fortunate as it reflects harmony and balance. Number 6s are stylish and have the ability to command the attention of others as they have charisma and people are often drawn to them. They are trusted by others and often find themselves involved in other people’s problems because of their impartiality, their ability to listen and to see the potential for compromise and/or resolution. People recognized that number 6s are non-judgemental and tolerant of other people’s differences and so they often want to talk through their problems with number 6s. Number 6s are trustworthy characters and would be unlikely to take advantage of their position as confidant.
Number Six Life Path or Destiny people are usually people-pleasers that have a great need to feel indispensable to others as they are all about nurturing. For this reason many number 6’s often dedicate their lives to being caregivers and service providers such a doctors, nurses, healers, counsellors, fire fighters and law keepers. 6’s usually feel a spiritual obligation to help others.
Generous, attractive, musical, creative, kind and with a raw charisma, harmony is important to you. 6s have a special love of kids and animals.
Your challenge is to learn to choose friends and lovers carefully.
Your purpose is to help and counsel others.
Negative Characteristics:
Number 6s are undoubtedly talented in dealing with the problems of other people, but unfortunately are unable to deal with their own difficulties and obstacles. There is a tendency in number 6s to put on a brave face and hide any emotional turmoil. The result of this is that anxieties are not dealt with and are internalized. This trait does not only make the lives of number 6s stressful, but can also make them appear to be inhumane to those who know them. People can become resentful of the fact that nothing ever seems to go wrong for number 6s, and they can be regarded as smug and self-satisfied.
Number 6s should be more honest with themselves and others about their feelings and should find ways to cope with their personal difficulties. Internalizing stress will take its toll in the future and it is better to deal with it in the present.
Number 6s are often extremely attractive individuals with a great deal of sex appeal. Although many people may flirt with number 6s and be flattered by their attentions, they may not regard number 6 as the type they wish to settle down with long-term. Number 6s can be seen as too attractive to be trusted.
Number 6s can find it difficult to find a suitable partner. They are often drawn to people who project the right image, however, this can lead to disappointment for number 6s if they have fallen for the image rather than the person. It may be wiser for number 6s to look for a partner who will meet their emotional needs and who is sensitive and understanding. If number 6s finds such a mate they may be able to begin to deal with their stresses and emotional difficulties.
In relationships, number 6s need lots of affection and reassurance, and their partners should be aware that they may be hiding negative emotions.
Number 6s demonstrate their affection through making a fuss of their partners on significant dates such as birthdays and anniversaries. They are not comfortable in demonstrating affection on a daily basis as they have a deep-rooted fear of rejection.
Arguments are unlikely in a relationship with a number 6 as 6s are likely to compromise and negotiate in order to avoid a dispute. Number 6s should be honest if they harbour resentments or ill-feelings and should allow their partners to do the same – discussing these will minimize future disagreements on the same topic.
Number 6s within the marriage or long-term relationship realm, are loving, supportive, comforting and accommodating, and make for fair, balanced and stable partners.
6’s like to ensure that all material needs are met for themselves and their loved ones, and will find ingenious ways to bring prosperity, beauty and abundance into the home and family environment.
6s are relatively easy-going, friendly and hospitable, but make sure not to cross them as once brought to anger 6s make formidable foe. 6s always prefer to keep things happy and amicable, but will stand up for themselves and their loved ones with fervour when/if the need arises.
Those influenced by the 6 vibration resonate well with those of similar numerological qualities such as 2, 4 and 8, but due to their good-nature and ability to see the highest good in all, number 6 makes wise, non-judgmental and trustworthy companions and make true and loyal friends and allies. Partners will feel well cared for and nurtured living with a 6 energy.
6s have a tendency to place partners on pedestals and are shattered when they don’t live up to their expectations.
The family unit is of utmost important to number 6s and they make proud parents. These people are wonderful with children and make loving, supportive parents. They will take great pride in their children’s achievements and will always prioritize events such as school concerts and the like. They should though be wary of pressuring their children to succeed and should not place too much emphasis on academic achievements.
Number 6 parents should be prepared to accept that their children will not necessarily choose to follow a conventional path in their lives and should not try to prevent their children from making their own choices.
Home and Leisure:
Number 6s will flourish their homes with high quality and functional goods. They are not concerned with flashy or expensive items, but do like to invest their money wisely. Their homes will tend to be tastefully decorated and display comfort and security.
Number 6s, although not creatively talented, have an appreciated of fine arts and beautiful objects, which they will incorporate into their homes. Number 6s like to listen to classical music and opera which can be an excellent form of relaxation. They also enjoy reading good quality fiction.
6s make great hosts as they are welcoming to all and know how to bring a sense of beauty, balance and love to all family occasions and social gatherings and outings. The social events that appeal to number 6s tend to be low-key, for example, they enjoy the company and conversation of a few good friends at a dinner or an intimate cocktail party.
6s most often have wholesome and delicious foods in their kitchens and seem to have a natural flair for flavour and taste. They often make wonderful home cooks, and family and friends can always be assured of a meal or baked treats upon visiting their homes.
6’s like their homes to be airy and bright, with a feeling of quality and comfort, and those who live there and/or visit can often feel pampered in some way.Number 6’s also enjoy board and card games such as bridge, which combine their interests with socializing.
Careers are not priorities in the lives of number 6s as they are not competitive souls and find the cut and thrust of business unappealing; they do not like to be exposed to people’s negative characteristics.
Number 6s are well suited to pursuing careers involving the arts, dealing, promoting and the like. 6 is the teacher, trainer and parent. Their negotiating abilities can lead to a career as a diplomat or personnel officer. Their style, flair and artistic eye can be developed into a career as a make-up artist, interior designer, landscape designer, fashion consultant or beautician.
This energy needs to be encouraged and reassured about their efforts, rather than pushed or cajoled. Working too hard and for too long does not harmonize with the 6 energy’s sensitive nature, and they need time and space to regenerate and re-group.
Green and purple are the colours that favour people born under the influence of the 6 vibration, as they are well-balance colours that reflects harmony and contentment.
People with 6 as their Motivation Number want peace and harmony in their lives. They have a strong sense of responsibility for well-being of others. They need to believe that justice is being done and cannot abide injustice of any kind. They are very caring people and need the opportunity to give and receive love. They need to be able to create a home environment where they can feel safe and secure. People with Soul Urge / Motivation Number 6 can be overprotective and may become anxious and nervous quite quickly.
With the 6 vibration as your Soul Urge number, your soul urge is to nurture and take care of others. You love people and believe the greatest expression of your inner Divinity is through teaching and guidance and are happiest when you see the positive results of your influence blossom in other people. However, you also have a tendency to become very attached to a perceived soulmate.
One of your challenges is to learn to “let go” when relationships end.
With the 6 as your Life Challenge Number,you may be too much of a perfectionist and set standards for yourself and others that are impossible to meet. You may come off to others as very arrogant, controlling and demanding at times.
As a child you may have seriously butted horns with several authority figures. As an adult you may have many unsettling relationships because of your refusal to recognize that others are entitle to their own point of view.
Your rigidity could lead to a disorder such as obsessive compulsiveness.
6 Inner-Self / Karmic Number people appear to be responsible and nurturing individuals who are willing to offer support and protection to other people. They come across to others to be calm and balanced people who are content with their lives.
Inner-Self 6 people seem to be blessed with creative talents and appear to have the ability to make anywhere feel like home. People seem to be drawn to people with Inner-Self number 6 and seek their advice and opinions. They most often appear to have near-perfect lives.
– The Home Lover
People with the Expression Number 6 are kind and caring in their interaction with other people. They are balanced and calm individuals who enjoy harmonious surroundings. They are responsible people who take on the role of protecting others. They are always willing to offer a helping hand to anyone in need.
Expression Number 6’s create warm and comfortable home environments which are very important to them and which they will defend strongly.
People with Expression Number 6 can sometimes be patronizing to other people and offer help where it is not wanted.
Number 6 expresses themselves best through utilizing their natural talents, skills and abilities. Many 6s excel as doctors, nurses, counsellors, therapists, healers, psychologists and any occupation that involves taking care of the elderly, the sick or the poor. Their highest potential is restoring balance to ailing individuals or communities.
These exceptional individuals are born with an innate talent of uplifting the spirits of others, especially during difficult and trying times. Some of them do this through service and others accomplish this through art, music and/or writing.
With the number 6 as a Karmic Lesson number you attract the best fortune by doing onto others, as they would do unto you.
Your karma is vastly improved if you can get past the idea that you must save up your love for that one special someone and treat everyone you meet as specially as you would your soul mate.
The biggest fear of someone with number 6 as their Karmic Lesson number is that others may take credit for your work.
Upon first impression others may see you as a social climber or as taking others for granted.
The greater Karmic Life Lesson of the 6 is to learn that all obstacles and hardships are placed before us to test and strengthen the will.
The person influenced by the energy of number 6 excels as the
Number 6’s would do well in careers in social/community services, due to their deep understanding, which leads to compassion and justice. They make for brilliant councillors, ministers, healers and philosophers artists and writers, doctors, nurses, body worker, masseur, naturopath, health consultant, traditional professional, parent, child care worker, educator, trainer, coach, caterer/restaurateur/gourmet cook or landscape designer.
A 6 Personal Year is a year of creative development and a wonderful year for forming meaningful, lasting relationships. It is often a year when deep friendship are cemented into marriage. Harmony is important and one naturally feels a sense of duty to family and community during this cycle. The lesson is to find balance between expression and creative energy (which is important for your inner-harmony) and the time given to family affairs. It is a very conducive vibration to develop our creative faculties.
If a relationship or union is flailing and is becoming unsuitable and unfulfilling, then it will be a time to sort out what’s what, and move on if things cannot (or will not) be sorted. A negative or destructive relationship may draw to a close during a 6 Personal Year.
If, however, people are living negatively, this can become so intense as to cause anxiety, which can lead to arguments and in some cases the ending of relationships and broken homes. As there is a focus on relationships during the 6 Personal Year, if the relationship, partnership or marriage is a happy, strong and fulfilling one, then it should flourish during this time, possibly leading to a more permanent arrangement, eg. marriage.
On a personal level, the secret is to live simply and constructively, thus making this a year of beauty and creative achievement which is interesting and satisfying to the self. Accept the demands put on you as a privilege. A good feeling of fellowship will make everything worthwhile.
Relationships with family, friends, and co-workers is key this year. The spotlight shines more on domestic matters. Love interests are often highlighted as well as the passion that connects us to our creativity. There is also a focus on self-love, connection and nurturing.
A 6 Personal Year intensifies feelings in existing relationships and enables you to make new emotional connections. 6 is a wonderful year for forming meaningful, lasting relationships. It is often a year when deep friendship are cemented into marriage. Many people find a soul mate during this phase and are most likely to get married or engaged during this harmonious year. Although this can be a wonderful experience it can also be sobering as well it often presents a choice:
’to make a commitment or not?’.
During this year you may also prefer more to spend more quality time with family or an intimate circle of friends. A friend that you meet during this cycle is likely to become a friend for life. During a 6 Personal Year one naturally feels a sense of duty to family and community.
The 6 Personal Year is a year to take a look at family finances, home, friends and lifestyle choices and it can be a good time to move, buy and sell property. Also, during a 6 year be open to all kinds of job opportunities and pay close attention when signing contracts in this cycle. Check the fine print and look into the terms and conditions carefully before signing any important documents or contracts, and if in any doubt, do not go ahead with the deal just yet.
Working together for the good of all is the foundation of all human endeavour and you are encouraged to have a focus on such issues and actions during this cycle.
Destiny or Life Path Number 6 people could find this a very difficult year to handle, unless they find a creative outlet. When they do this their natural abilities will be strengthened in the course of the year. However, those who become over-anxious and worry excessively, especially where home and family are concerned, will find it a very burdensome year. This will severely drain the nerves and try their patience. They will then need to realize that creative expression has been missing from their lives, and remedy this in order to improve their emotional state.
Women with the 6 energy adore anything to use at home, such as scented candles, glasses, crockery, photo frames, a pretty dressing gown and/or pink fluffy slippers.
Both male and female 6’s appreciate anything the family can share, such as a picnic set, food hampers and restaurant vouchers.
JUNE – The Month You Were Born
The month we were born has a great influence on our character and gives an indication of how our younger, more formative years will influence our adult lives. The events that occur can help to shape our life path which is in activation primarily from the ages of 28 to 56.
If you were born in June the number 6 is significant. You are a very romantic individual but can also become a very jealous one and at times your love life tends to be very complicated.
A career in the creative arts suits you best.
Your biggest character flaw is a tendency to spread rumours about other people.
June is the 6th month of the year and breaks down to the number 6 inNumerology. 6 is considered a very ‘magnetic’ energy and is the number of nurturing and family.
June is a good month to take a fresh look at your home, family and relationships. How is your marriage doing? What could you do to improve it? How are you getting along with your children, your parents, your siblings? June is an excellent month to clear the air and solve problems with family members or other close relationships. If there is any discord, now is a good time to sit down and have a good chat andlook at ways to bring peace and harmony to the family. Send flowers, get tickets to the movies or just make that long overdue phone call. Your efforts have extra power in the month of June because 6 is conducive to love and healing on all levels.
June is the traditional month of marriage and this is the month to make a commitment. If marriage has been on your mind and you are a man, go ahead and propose. If you are a woman and your relationship seems to be going nowhere, tell him how you feel. If he loves you, he will open up to you. If he gets upset and refuses to budge, then this is the month to walk away. We all deserve a loving partner. Do not waste your time on someone who does not truly cherish you.
If things are going well for you at this time, don’t go looking for a problem. The number 6 vibration has a bad habit of believing that if things are going too smoothly, something must be wrong that they are missing.
June is also the perfect month to paint or redecorate your home – if you are unable to do so, look for ways to create more comfort and beauty in your home environment. This will usher in positive energies for you and any fixing up and redecorating will make you feel better about your living environment. Fill your house with fresh bouquets of flowers. Wildflowers will do just fine.
In the month of June there is an abundance of help out there for you to be able to accomplish whatever you need to – you just need to be trusting, and ASK for it.
F is the numerical equivalent of 6 and represents love. The person with the initial F is a warm-hearted, compassionate and easy going personality. When F is the first consonant in a name it carries the vibration of a nurturer.
Negatively, F people can be self-piteous.
The letter O is one of the most powerful letters of the alphabet, and names beginning with this letter are the ‘movers and shakers’ of the world. They like to either run the show upfront, or pull the strings from above. They like control and are generally very sure of themselves. If they are not, then they will make out as though they are. They are wonderful ‘actors’ in life and can put on the persona they wish for you to see.
When O is the first vowel in a name, the person tends to be bold and courageous and names beginning with the letter O are trailblazers, torch-bearers, researchers, teachers and people who show others the way. They are leaders, motivators and idealistic visionaries who are aware of their own innate powers. The letter O is truthful, benevolent and intelligent. O is equates to the number 6. This letter represents patience, competence and is particularly studious.
The drawback of being an O is being a bit of a drama queen.
The letter X is the numerical equivalent of the number 6 and represents sexuality. People with the letter X as their initial are generally very sexy and sensual.
On the negative side, unfaithfulness is an unpleasant character trait as well.
Positive Attributes:
The idealist, seeker, careful, tolerant, unselfish, cheerful, loving, energetic, free of compulsive attachments to money and success.
You are caring, responsible, family-orientated, romantic, artistic and disciplined. A lover of children and animals, you strive for peace and harmony. The trouble-shooter, you have the tendency to give help and comfort to those in need. You have a great depth of understanding and a sense of wanting to keep the balance and harmony in situations which produces the need to protect or take care of others. You are very loyal, kind and generous to both friends and family along with a strong sense of being dutiful about your responsibility.
Negative Attributes:
Disconnected, unaware, hypocritical, moral superiority, weak, unpractical.
Too much of the 6 personality and you are likely to worry too much about everyone and everything. You may have a tendency, at times, to sacrifice the needs of yourself or those of your loved ones for the welfare of others. This can lead to feelings of being overly committed with a sense of responsibility.
The number 6 is the ‘Mother’ number and is essentially a working, building number. It symbolizes responsibility and service, which needs to be achieved through love, nurturing and protection. There is an innate desire within the 6 name energy to bring harmony, peace, justice and truth to all experiences in life. People are drawn to the loving, magnetic energy of the 6 vibration. 6 thrives on beauty and needs to be comfortable in all areas of their lives – emotionally, spiritually and physically.
People influenced by 6 as their name number are natural nurturers (both male and female) and they derive their greatest joy from taking care of everyone else and feel most useful when they are fixing things or solving problems for others. If it is too peaceful they don’t know what to do with themselves.
The number 6 name relates to the principles of nurturing, caring and harmony and people influenced by 6 are wonderful with children and make loving, supportive parents. These people need a solid home-base with comfort and are happiest in conventional or familiar surroundings. The personal goal of the 6 name number person is to provide for others’ wellbeing, to create security and harmony and to love and be loved. They will give comfort and help when needed and are motivated by a sense of duty to their fellowman.
Those with Name Number 6 have the greatest depth of emotion and feel very deeply about everything. At times they are deep and serious and have a great inner-knowing and intuition.
The 6 first name person needs to find balance between giving and receiving, as the good nature of the 6 can be taken advantage of by others.
Domestic situations and relationships are very meaningful to the loving 6, and they do not like to live alone, but need the companionship of others. To love and be loved is their desire, and to this end all of their attention and activities are directed.
The 6 name number person tends to put people on pedestals which then topple, much to their dismay. 6 often allows themselves to be treated like doormats and can become deeply upset and disturbed by the unhappiness and confusion at the outer-world. Name Number 6 individuals can sometimes come across to others as over-protective, smothering and dominant, rather than the helpfulness that they heart-fully intended.
The 6 name number energy needs stimulation to keep them moving and active and needs to be encouraged and reassured about their efforts, rather than pushed or cajoled. Working too hard and for too long does not harmonize with the 6 energy’s sensitive nature and they need time and space to regenerate and re-group.
Number 6 name number people can become easily stressed and can be stubborn, occasionally smug, but always reliable.
Designer, farmer, counsellor, teacher, anything in the ‘helping’ fields.
You attract the best fortune by doing unto others as they would do unto you. Your karma is vastly improved if you can get past the idea that you must save up your love for that one special someone and treat everyone you meet as specially as you would your soul mate.
Your biggest fear is that others will take credit for your work. Upon first impression, others may see you as a social climber or as taking others for granted.
This is certain to be a most attractive or artistically decorated house and will express, in some way, something of beauty, symmetry and refinement. There is usually a predominance of pastel shades in the basic colour scheme, and often a preference for pink or aqua – the overall effect being one of harmony.
In its negative aspect, 6 tends to overdo the decorative effects, often combining too many colours and therefore spoiling the effect.
This is the number of equality and justice and consequently, to live in this house means that you will be repaid for past action. Don’t forget, however, that the harvest will depend on the type of seeds that have been sown.
With the 6 energy of this house, those living in the home are balanced under this influence. Love and hatred and attraction and repulsion are the positive and negative aspects of the number 6. It is therefore likely that you will learn the meaning of one or the other, or maybe even both, while living in a number 6 house.
The 6 home is a lovely address for families and for artists, writers and teachers. Under the happy influence of this number you will probably make some wonderful friends and have many enjoyable moments because it is the most favourable number for harmonious co-operation. The closeness of family, pets and loved ones are felt in the 6 home. Discord cannot survive for long in the kind of atmosphere in this house.
This is a great registration for your car to have as it attracts good family and love vibes and makes your aura electric.