Uphir, the physician demon

Uphir is the chief physician in hell and responsible for ensuring the well-being of the demons that reside there. He makes use of energy healing and psychic surgery strategies that are non-intrusive providing for a holistic and well rounded approach to treatment. His techniques are described as incredible and a sure guarantee of desirable outcomes. Uphir can be called forth to teach his underworld healing methods to the conjuror if they so wish to grow their wealth of knowledge.

Uphir is an expert on anatomy and the inner workings of bodily systems. He has extensively studied all matters of health and is the custodian of the secret healing practices in the spiritual realm – these are the energy healing techniques of which he is privy to. He combines knowledge of the mind, body, and energies to balance the scope and breadth of his practice.

He is described as a rather cold and serious demon although he is not overtly malevolent. He is meticulous and patient in his approach preferring to trust his skilled hands in exploring the gravity of a situation in order to reach a lasting solution. He is a very calculative individual with intricate knowledge of auras and how they relate to the body.


This demon has no ancient Middle Eastern mythological origins and it is presently not known where his exact origins are. It is also unknown how he came to attain his position over other demons with similar knowledge and skill-sets. Nevertheless, Uphir remains an incredible expert on the matters of the flesh with the ability to make sense out of even the most chaotic vibrations in one’s energy.

There is also no evidence of Uphir within ancient Graeco-Roman mythology. It is plausible that this demon was a popular pagan god of antiquity. His name was probably distorted by Latinization with the advent of Judeo-Christian based religions. It is also probably these religions that demonized him and banished him to the depths of hell.


Rank: Chief Demonic Physician

Planet: Uranus

Metal: Steel

Color: Purple / Grey / Black / Silver / Blue

Direction: East / North

Plant: Tumeric / Ginger / Aloe Vera / Violet / Honeysuckle / Aster

Incense: Patchouli / Cedar / Amber / Copal / Lavender / Pine


Uphir appears as a tall man with very pale skin. He has two straight horns protruding from his forehead and is always dressed in robes akin to those of an ordinary doctor. He has black hair and a toned body structure coupled with a stern / serious facial expression. His eyes are described as greyish or steel-blue in color.

The “Demonic Enns” of Uphir

Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Uphir

Veni, veni, o Comitis Uphir

Nor Evose Neya Vonte Uphir Ata

Similar demons to Uphir

  • Vepar
  • Barbas
  • Buer

Attributes of Uphir

  • His origins within the mutilation realm mean that Uphir has unique understanding of abstract concepts. He understands the interactions between the physiological being and the energies and can pass this knowledge to those who seek him.
  • Uphir has immense knowledge of anatomy, pathology, biology, and physiology. This is in addition to his wealth of knowledge on the energies. He can be summoned to impart this knowledge to the conjuror.
  • Uphir can be called forth to advise on all matters pertaining to health such as exercise, dieting, detoxifying, and supplementing one’s intake. This is addition to healing all kinds of ailments.
  • Uphir is a very organized demon with a propensity for logic and reasoning. He is meticulous in everything he does while adopting methodological approaches to applying his skills.
  • He actively learns about new medical developments in the human world and frequently comments about them to conjurors. He perceives western medicine as being still primitive with much room for improvement.
  • Despite his importance, he is overlooked by most grimories and this is a terrible omission given the possibilities which summoning this demon implies for the conjuror.

When to summon Uphir

This demon can be summoned to provide advise on all matters regarding one’s health as previously mentioned. For advanced conjurors, he can assist in the tuning of one’s third eye in order for them to strengthen their ties with the spiritual realm. He can also help to bring organization within someone’s life if they so wish.

There is no malevolence associated with this demon and he can provide treatments for anyone regardless of their path. His treatment techniques are non-intrusive and he is almost always a guarantee for desirable outcomes. He can however discriminate cases and it is unknown why he chooses to do so.

Items Required:

  • Patchouli / Cedar / Amber / Copal / Pine incense
  • Plants with healing properties such as aloe vera, ginger, or tumeric
  • Flowers such as aster, violet, lavender, or honeysuckle
  • The demon’s sigil
  • Blue / Grey / Black / Silver candles
  • Quartz / Jasper / Petrified wood
  • Herbal teas

Ritual Time: There are no preferred ritual times for this demon as he operates full time like a proper physician. He operates 24 / 7 and can be called forth during any medical emergency.


  • Like other demons, Uphir should be accorded the proper respect despite of lack of a malevolent element.
  • The conjuror should protect themselves from otherworldly energies by mentally visualizing a protection circle and entering it.


  • The precious stones and aromatic flowers should be liberally sprinkled upon the altar.
  • The demon’s sigil should be prominently displayed in the center of the altar in advance.
  • The candles should be placed in the center of the sigil and lit. Others can be placed at the cardinal points of north, east, west, and south.
  • The herbal tea and incense offering can be done while chanting the demon’s enn until he manifests. It is important to treat the demon with respect as previously mentioned.
  • After listening to the wishes of the conjuror, he should be praised in a closing prayer.
  • He can then be dismissed and the candles snuffed out as opposed to blowing as this normally angers demons.