The truth about the Demon Pazuzu

Pazuzu is the demon of the southwest wind known for bringing famine during dry seasons, and locusts during rainy seasons. Pazuzu was invoked in apotropaic amulets, which combat the powers of his rival, the malicious goddess Lamashtu, who was believed to cause harm to mother and child during childbirth. Although Pazuzu is, himself, considered to be an evil spirit, he drives and frightens away other evil spirits, therefore protecting humans against plagues and misfortunes.

While I was researching for information on the demon Pazuzu, I was quite surprised at how little information there actually is on this demon, since he is the star demon of the Exorcist movies. Pazuzu was portrayed as the demon responsible for human possession and devastating mayhem in all of the Exorcist franchises movies.

If I wasn’t into studying the occult and demonology, I would believe that the purpose of Pazuzu was to invade the human body and spirit for “evil” purposes. As a “black magick” witch, Pazuzu would be a fantastic go to demon, if the Hollywood research into the demon was in fact true – but it is not.

“(Pazuzu was the )….protector of the vulnerable and the innocent…. that he is possessing Regan only after another entity or entities had gotten there first……. what if he was actually in there to drive out the other demons and protect someone who wasn’t strong enough to protect herself……)”

Pazuzu is the protector of the vulnerable and the innocent

Pazuzu first appears in ancient Babylonian texts as the King of the Winds, with the purpose of protecting mankind from hardships, other demons, and the more vulnerable, such as pregnant women and children.

Pazuzu was married to Lamashtu. Stories about Lamashtu suggest she was response for illness and causing death to new born babies, and children. Lamashtu is often depicted as a mythological hybrid, with a hairy body, a lioness’ head with donkey’s teeth and ears, long fingers and fingernails, and the feet of a bird with sharp talons. She is often shown standing or kneeling on a donkey, nursing a pig and a dog, and holding snakes. “She thus bears some functions and resemblance to the Mesopotamian demon Lilith.”

Lamashtu was a female demon, monster, malevolent goddess or demigoddess who menaced women during childbirth and, if possible, kidnapped children while they were breastfeeding. She would gnaw on their bones and suck their blood, as well as being charged with a number of other evil deeds. She was a daughter of the Sky God Anu

Pazuzu used his status to protect human life from demons such as his wife. Therefore, the statues and plaques of Pazuzu were not possessed evil objects, but were commonly used by the people of ancient times to protect their loved ones. You will soon learn many people adorned their homes and beds with the statues and plaques of Pazuzu, to scare away other demons and lower level entities. Pazuzu was the good guy!

Just let me say that I have a connection here in New Orleans, that has original Pazuzu pieces in his collection – 22 of them to be accurate. He is a medical professional, a protector of human life, and finds great comfort and protection by having Pazuzu in his home, in the hospital where he works, and on his personal adornments.

Before anyone says these are fake, when you have a shit ton of money, you can buy whatever you like.