
Working With Satan:

Always determine what works for you and adjust accordingly.

  • His Day is Monday.
  • His Colors are Blue, Red, and Black
  • Animals that are sacred to him are the Peacock, the Serpent, the Goat, the Dragon and the Raven.
  • His numbers are 13, 666 and 4. [666 is perfection and everlasting life]
  • His Zodiac Signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer and Capricorn, the Goat. [The Age of Aquarius is the Age for the advancement of humanity]
  • His Planets are Uranus and Venus [the Morning Star].
  • His Directions are both South and East
  • His most Important Day of the year is December 23, when the Sun is one degree into Capricorn. The day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day, which should be observed by every dedicated Satanist.

A God by many names:

Satan is also Saturn (Cronus in Greek) and the Hindu god Shiva. Slavs call him Dia-vol (meaning “Marvelous Bull”).

He is the Golden Taurus, he is Zeus, he is Jupiter, and he is Perun among the Slavs.

He is the Sumerian God EA, also known as ENKI which means “Lord of the Earth.” He is also known as Melek Ta’us.

Satan & Witchcraft

The name Satan means “opposing,” that is, confronting God. Christians will say, “….his army is constantly striving to reestablish Satan on Earth by swaying people to his side. Satan is clever, strong, and cruel. He tricks people he considers two-faced.”

It is not easy to get his patronage. He gives it only to those who are truly loyal to him. Witches appeal to Satan and some may “give their souls” in exchange for his protection in sorcery and worldly life. However, many witches do not need to do this because they are under his patronage from birth. Meaning they have already worked with him in previous lives and when reborn, will work with Him once again.

Other people who are new to the art of sorcery or witchcraft must consciously stand by his side, and sometimes, make a contract with him. He can give them health, wealth, luck, success, protection, and so on, according to their wishes.

The History of Satan

From Wikipedia

Satan (Hebrew שטן-pronounced Śāţān, Satan and Aramaic שׂ טנא-pronounced Śiţnâ, Sitna: both words mean “Adversary; accuser”) is an angel, demon, or minor god in many religions.

Satan plays various roles in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocrypha and the New Testament. In the Hebrew Bible Satan is presented as an angel (messenger) sent by God to test mankind; in the Apocrypha and New Testament Satan is portrayed as an evil rebellious demon who is the enemy of God and mankind.

Satan is generally viewed as a supernatural entity who is the central embodiment of evil. Satan is also commonly known as the Devil, the “Prince of Darkness”, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, or Lucifer. In the Talmud and some works of Kabbalah Satan is sometimes called Samael; however most Jewish literature is of the opinion that Samael is a separate angel.

In the fields of angelology and demonology these different names sometimes refer to a number of different angels and demons, and there is significant disagreement as to whether any of these entities is actually evil. In Islam, Satan is known as Iblis, who was the chief of the angels until he disobeyed Allah by refusing to prostrate himself before Adam. In art and literature, Satan has been depicted in numerous ways throughout history. According to one interpretation of the book of Genesis, Satan is identified as the serpent to convinced Eve to eat the forbidden fruit; thus, Satan has been depicted as a serpent.

In the Hebrew Bible Satan is better understood as a “troublemaker” than as an embodiment of “evil.” The term is applied both to divine and human beings. The Hebrew word “Satan” is used in the Hebrew Bible with the general connotation of “adversary,” being applied to: to an enemy in war (I Kings v. 18; xi. 14, 23, 25), from which use is developed the concept of a traitor in battle (I Sam. xxix. 4) an accuser before the judgment-seat (Ps. cix. 6); and (3) to any opponent (II Sam. xix. 23). An antagonist who puts obstacles in the way, as in Num. xxii. 32, where the angel of God is described as opposing Balaam in the guise of Satan or adversary; so that the concept of Satan as a distinct being was not then known. As an angel who works for God, and acts as a prosecuting attorney against mankind (the Book of Job).

Where Satan does appear as an angel, he is clearly a member of God’s court and plays the role of the Accuser (possibly one of a number), much like a prosecuting attorney for God. Such a view is found in the prologue to the Book of Job, where Satan appears, together with other celestial beings, before God, replying to the inquiry of God as to whence he had come, with the words: “From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it” (Job i. 7). Both question and answer, as well as the dialogue which follows, characterize Satan as that member of the divine council who watches over human activity, but with the purpose of searching out men’s sins and appearing as their accuser. He is, therefore, the celestial prosecutor, who sees only iniquity; for he persists in his evil opinion of Job even after he has passed successfully through his first trial by surrendering to the will of God, whereupon Satan demands another test through physical suffering (ib. ii. 3-5).

It is evident from the prologue that Satan has no power of independent action, but requires the permission of God, which he may not transgress. Satan is not an opponent of God. This view is also retained in Zech. iii. 1-2, where Satan is described as the adversary of the high priest Joshua, and of the people of God whose representative the hierarch is; and he there opposes the “angel of the Lord,” who bids him be silent in the name of God.

In both of these passages Satan is a mere accuser who acts only according to the permission of the Deity. In I Chron. xxi. 1 Satan appears as one who is able to provoke David to destroy Israel. The Chronicler (third century B.C.) regards Satan as an independent agent, a view which is the more striking since the source whence he drew his account (II Sam. xxiv. 1) speaks of God Himself as the one who moved David against the children of Israel. Since the older conception refers all events, whether good or bad, to God alone (I Sam. xvi. 14; I Kings xxii. 22; Isa. xlv. 7; etc.), it is possible that the Chronicler, and perhaps even Zechariah, were influenced by Zoroastrianism, even though in the case of the prophet Jewish monism strongly opposed Iranian dualism. In Wisdom ii. 24 Satan is represented, with reference to Gen. iii., as the author of all evil, who brought death into the world; he is apparently mentioned also in Ecclus. (Sirach) xxi. 27, and the fact that his name does not occur in Daniel is doubtless due merely to chance. Satan was the seducer and the paramour of Eve, and was hurled from heaven together with other angels because of his iniquity (Slavonic Book of Enoch, xxix. 4 et seq.).

Since that time he has been called “Satan,” although previously he had been termed “Satanel” (ib. xxxi. 3 et seq.). The doctrine of the fall of Satan, as well as of the fall of the angels, is found also in Babylonia. Satan rules over an entire host of angels (Martyrdom of Isaiah, ii. 2; Vita Adæ et Evæ, xvi.). Mastema, who induced God to test Abraham through the sacrifice of Isaac, is identical with Satan in both name and nature (Book of Jubilees, xvii. 18), and the Asmodeus of the Book of Tobit is likewise to be identified with him, especially in view of his licentiousness. As the lord of satans he not infrequently bears the special name Samael.

It is difficult to identify Satan in any other passages of the Apocrypha, since the originals in which his name occurred have been lost, and the translations employ various equivalents. An “argumentum a silentio” can not, therefore, be adduced as proof that concepts of Satan were not wide-spread; but it must rather be assumed that reference to him and his realm is often implied in the mention of evil spirits. Satan figures much more prominently in the New Testament and in Christian theology generally.

In the New Testament, Satan appears as a tempter for Jesus for example (see Matt. 4: 3-9). In John Milton’s epic poem Paradise Lost, the theme is further developed — Satan is believed to have been an archangel named Lucifer who turned against God before the creation of man. (Prophesies in Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 are sometimes thought to be referring to Satan, rather than to the earthly king that a plain or literal reading of the text suggests.) According to this view, Satan waged war against God, his creator, and was banished from Heaven because of this. The creation story found in the book of Genesis reports that a serpent tempted Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

In the Jewish tradition, the serpent was always taken to be literally a snake; the story tells us the origin of how the snake lost its legs.

Later Christian theologies interpreted this serpent to be Satan, to the point where many American Christians are unaware that the actual Hebrew text does not identify the serpent as Satan.

In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, Satan is one of humanity’s three enemies, along with sin and death. According to most Christian eschatology, Satan will wage a final war against Jesus, before being cast into Hell for all eternity. The Unification Church teaches that Satan will be restored in the last days and become a good angel again. A few early Church Fathers are known to have prayed for Satan’s eventual repentance; it was not generally believed that this would happen. On the other hand, the Seventh-Day Adventist Church teaches that when Jesus returns to earth to reclaim the righteous dead and living to “meet Him in the air” (according to the book of First Thessalonians), Satan will be bound on this Earth for a thousand years, after which (according to the book of Revelation) “he will be loosed for a little season” (a short time)–this is when the battle of Armageddon (the final confrontation between good and evil) will be waged–and Satan and his followers will be destroyed once and for all, the Earth will be cleansed of all evil and there will be “a new Heaven and a new Earth where sin will reign no more” (also according to the book of Revelation).

In various Gnostic sects, Satan was praised as the giver of knowledge, sometimes with references to Lucifer, “the light-bringer.” Some claimed that the being imagined as God by Christians and Jews was in fact Satan, as a world as imperfect as ours could not be created by a perfect God. Particularly in the medieval period, Satan was often depicted as having horns and a goat’s hindquarters. He has also been depicted as carrying a pitchfork, and with a forked tail.

None of these images seem to be based on Biblical materials. Rather, this image is apparently based on the Horned God, specifically Pan/Dionysus, common to many western mythologies. Whether or not the horned Satan was created intentionally to discredit the God of other religions is unknown, but it has been alleged. There are historical records of people worshiping Satan, though their authenticity is sometimes questioned.

Today, some people identify themselves as Satanists. Of these, some claim that Satan is a real being, some view him as a symbol for the animal desires of humans, and some view him as a symbol for the rebellious or independent aspects of humanity.

Some Christians believe that most or all other religions are satanic, that is, influenced by and supported by the power of Satan. Some extreme Protestant Christians (such as Jehovah’s witnesses) believe that all forms of Christianity other than their own are actually disguised versions of Satanism. The Catholic Church is the most common, but by no means the only, target of such accusations.

Paganism is one of the religions most often seen as satanic by some Christians. However, this is a minority view and one not held by most mainstream Christians, and Neopagans are somewhat sensitive to these accusations. While Neopagans often include deities of other religions in their practice, they almost never include Satan.

Some individuals identifying themselves with the New Age thought process believe that Satan, or Lucifer, was the leader of extraterrestrials who came to Earth and waged a galactic war with another extraterrestrial group led by one now referred to as “God”. This is not necessarily the belief of those standing behind that system of thought.

Early rabbinic Jewish statements in the Mishnah and Talmud show that Satan played little or no role in Jewish theology. In the course of time, however, Judaism absorbed the popular concepts of Satan, which doubtless forced their way gradually from the lower classes to the most cultured. The later a rabbinic work can be dated the more frequent is the mention therein of Satan and his hosts.

The Palestinian Talmud, completed about 450 CE, is more reticent in this regard; and this is the more noteworthy since its provenience is the same as that of the New Testament. In a midrash (Genesis Rabbah) Samael, the lord of the satans, was a mighty prince of angels in heaven(Gen. R. xix.). Satan came into the world with woman, i.e., with Eve (Midrash Yalk., Gen. i. 23); so that he was created and is not eternal. Like all celestial beings, he flies through the air (Genesis Rabbah xix.), and can assume any form, as of a bird (Talmud, Sanhedrin 107a), a stag (ib. 95a), a woman (Ḳid. 81a), a beggar, or a young man (Tan., Wayera, end); he is said to skip (Talmud Pesachim 112b; Meg. 11b), in allusion to his appearance in the form of a goat. In some works some rabbis hold that Satan is the incarnation of all evil, and his thoughts are devoted to the destruction of man. In this view, Satan, the impulse to evil and the angel of death are one and the same personality. Satan seizes upon even a single word which may be prejudicial to man; so that “one should not open his mouth unto evil,” i.e., “unto Satan” (Talmud Berachot 19a).

In times of danger likewise he brings his accusations (Palestinian Talmud, Shabbat 5b). While he has power over all the works of man (Talmud Berachot 46b), he can not prevail at the same time against two individuals of different nationality; so that Samuel, a noted astronomer and teacher of the Law (d. at Nehardea 247), would start on a journey only when a Gentile traveled with him (Shab. 32a). Satan’s knowledge is circumscribed; for when the shofar is blown on New-Year’s Day he is “confounded” (R. H. 16b; Yer. Targ. to Num. x. 10). On the Day of Atonement his power vanishes; for the numerical value of the letters of his name (See gematria) is only 364, one day being thus exempt from his influence (Yoma 20a). If Satan does not attain his purpose, as was the case in his temptation of Job, he feels great sorrow (B. B. 16a); and it was a terrible blow to him, as the representative of moral evil, that the Torah, the incarnation of moral good, should be given to Israel. He endeavored to overthrow it, and finally led the people to make the golden calf (Shab. 89a; Yer. Targ. to Ex. xxxii. 1), while the two tables of the Law were bestowed on Moses of necessity without Satan’s knowledge (Sanh. 26b). One rabbi notes that Satan was an active agent in the fall of man (Midrash Pirke R. El. xiii., beginning), and was the father of Cain (ib. xxi.), while he was also instrumental in the offering of Isaac (Tan., Wayera, 22 [ed. Stettin, p. 39a]), in the release of the animal destined by Esau for his father (Tan., Toledot, 11), in the theophany at Sinai, in the death of Moses (Deut. R. xiii. 9), in David’s sin with Bath-sheba (Sanh. 95a), and in the death of Queen Vashti (Meg. 11a). The decree to destroy all the Jews, which Haman obtained, was written on parchment brought by Satan (Esther R. iii. 9). When Alexander the Great reproached the Jewish sages with their rebellion, they made the plea that Satan had been too mighty for them (Tamid 32a).

According to Toward the Light, Satan was a fallen angel – he fell in darkness, and is very much responsible for the pains and sufferings in our world. One important task of Jesus was to pray for Satan – and through the prayer deliver him from darkness, but he failed. Satan has now returned to God (through the never failing patience of Jesus and the neverfailing love of God), and asks mankind for forgiveness through Toward the Light.

His words are: “And I say unto you all: fear me not, hate me not, curse me not!  For I am no longer the Prince of Hell, and Hell is no more!  And I pray you from the depth of my heart – if you can overcome your hatred, if you can overcome your anger – to forgive me that which I have sinned against you all! Forgive me, that the peace of our Father and His blessing may be with you now and for all eternity! Amen.”

Skeptics, influenced by science and rational thinking stemming from the Enlightenment have come to question whether Satan exists.

Their criticisms rest on three main themes: theodicy, naturalism, and mythology.

1– It is unclear how Satan, in the traditional notion, could defy or defeat an omnipotent opponent.  Spinoza argued that it is unclear why an all-powerful Good God allows Satan to do evil deeds and go unpunished, and then turns around and punishes humans who are victims of Satan’s evil deeds to an eternity of hellfire.

2– The existence of supernatural beings conflicts with naturalism.  It is unclear how Satan, which is supernatural, interacts with the human world.  It is unnecessary to explain bad events such as the black plague or more modernly, AIDS or 911 or Holocaust by appealing to Satan.  Furthermore, from a humanist point of view, it is unnecessary to require a supernatural source for human behavior that arises from normal animal urges -i.e. lust, adultery, theft, lying, etc.

3– Satan’s origins can be fully explained and traced through comparative mythology.  Secular humanists have observed that historically, Christianity has vilified its enemies as being aligned with Satan, and proceeds to persecute their enemies using the most dreadful torture.  As a result, many secular humanists not only do not believe that Satan exists, they also hold the view that a belief in Satan is a serious obstacle to human progress, peace, and a just world, and that the belief itself should be eradicated through education and scientific thinking.

Others understand the Satan figure to be a metaphor for evil—the personification of a tendency of mankind to do evil, in contradiction to its moral values, which tend to require a sophisticated process of positive social indoctrination.  An educated secular humanist view often sees and appreciates the symbolism of Satan and other religious personifications, but holds some skeptical reservations about the dangers of literal belief, and of the literal believer —whom to secularists tend to appear as under the spell of a dogma, rather than being inspired with the meaning of the symbolism.

Other Demons also considered to be “Satan”


The word leviathan has become synonymous with any large monster or creature.  The Biblical leviathan is often considered to be a demon associated with Satan or the Devil.

  • (Roman) The Light Bringer.  Often misconstrued as being Satan.  In Christianity, Lucifer has become synonymous with Satan.

“They are two separate demons”

– S.Connolly

  •  Hebrew synonym for Satan.
  • The name Mastema is probable derived from the Hebrew, Mastim, the Hiphil participle of Satam, and it means ‘one who is adverse’ or ‘inimical.’ The word is equivalent to Satan (adversary). The term is sometimes used in the plural, which indicates that there was a class of ‘the Mastema’ as well as one prince, Mastema. This is similar to the chief Satan and his class of Satans (see 1 Enoch 40:7).  Because of these similarities with the traditional role of Satan as portrayed in the Old Testament, it is probable that Mastema is just an apocalyptic name for Satan.

Mephistopheles (“he who loves not the light”), also Mephisto, Mephistophilus, and Mephist, is a name given to one of the chief demons in Western religious traditions.  The name is frequently used as an alternative form of Satan or the Devil.  However, as the name Mephistopheles evolved during the Renaissance, Mephistopheles makes no appearance in the Bible.  Rather, Mephistopheles appears in various literary works which tell the tale of the legendary Faustus, a man who sells his soul to the Devil.  One notable reference to this fable is found in the commencement of Bertrand Russell’s celebrated essay “A free man’s worship”, which has as a central theme a callous, omnipotent creator, who creates man for his play.

  • Japanese name for Satan.
  • Welsh name for Satan.
  •  Enochian equivalent of Satan.
  • Another name for Satan. Samael is Satan.

Samael is an important figure in Talmudic and post-Talmudic lore, a figure who is accuser, seducer, and destroyer.  Legends referring to Satan refer equally to him, such that Samael is often taken to be the true or angelic name of the Devil, as opposed to the epithet Lucifer or the job title Satan (Adversary).  Samael is etymologized as “the venom of God,” since he is sometimes identified with the Angel of death.

  • Another name for Satan (Greek).

Typhon was a powerful Egyptian demon who stood in constant opposition to the beneficent Osiris. This was during the time when Osiris was a god of fertility (later he was brutally murdered, and his soul became the just lord of the underworld.) When Osiris brought water to an arid tract of Egypt, Typhon made the greatest effort to bring heat and drought. Typhon’s consort, Nepthys, fought against Isis, Osiris’ wife. As the land of Egypt, fertilized by the waters of the Nile, was the kingdom of Isis, so the desert which lay beyond the influence of the river, remained in the power of Nepthys.

Typhon was also associated with the wind that came up from the Sahara, the southern blast that destroyed everything that was vulnerable to its heat. Thus, a forceful wind became called a typhoon.

Typhon was often depicted as a monster of enormous bulk. He had several heads, wings sprouting from his shoulders, and his legs ended in a tangle of serpents. Having imprisoned Osiris in an ark, he drove Osiris’ son, Horus, onto the island of Chemmis. There, he compelled all the other deities to flee and save their lives or to take refuge in the guise of various animals; these later became sacred to the Egyptians in memory of the gods’ transformations. At the same time, all animals whose disposition was fierce or untameable, such as the crocodile and the hippopotamus, came to be known as Typhon’s beasts. Typhon was finally conquered by Osiris, who chased the monster to Sicily, and hurled him onto Mount Etna which belches blood-red lava to this day.

Satanchia – (Hebrew/Greek) Devil.  Same as Satan.

Shaitan – Arabic name for Satan.

Sidragasum – One of Satan’s assistants, whose mission is collaborating with him in seducing women, incite them to a demonic dance during the Sabbath, and create the illusion that they are more beautiful than what they actually are to exacerbate the carnal desire in men.

Tchort – (Russian) The Black God.  Another name for Satan.