
Other Names:

  • Also known as the Egyptian God “OSIRIS” – God of the underworld, death, and resurrection. He bestows stability, strength, and renewed power after death.
  • Also spelt Oriax.


  • 59th of the 72 SPIRITS OF SOLOMON.
  • Orias is a marquis who has 30 LEGIONs of DEMONs.

Classic Description of Appearance:

  • He is depicted as a lion with the tail of a serpent or a man with the face of a lion, holding two hissing serpents in his right hand, and riding a horse.
  • Other depictions show him as a man with serpents instead of legs, carrying two snakes, one in each hand, and riding a mule.


  • He teaches the virtues of the planets and stars.
  • He helps in gaining respect and in securing positions of high esteem
  • He transforms men; grants dignities, prelacies, and confirmations; and confers the favour of friends and enemies.
  • Demon of divination


Tarot Card – 4 of Pentacles

Candle Color – White

Planet – Mercury

Metal – Mercury

Element – Earth

Time – Night


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