
The Demon Leviathan is an ancient and powerful being that has been revered in the practice of Black Magic for centuries. It is said to be a monstrous creature with scales like armor and sharp horns on its head, capable of wreaking havoc and destruction on those who are foolish enough to summon it.

A practitioner of Black Magic may choose to invoke the Demon Leviathan as part of their ritual work. This could involve calling upon the entity’s immense power to assist in aspects such as achieving success or protection from negative energies. They may also use invocations, offerings, or other sacrifices to honor the Demon Leviathan during their rituals.

It is important to be aware that invoking a Demon Leviathan comes with serious consequences. The most powerful demons are not always willing to give up their power easily and may put up a fight if they feel threatened. It is best to approach this entity with caution and respect, making sure you have all the rituals and spells necessary to complete your summoning properly.

Overall, working with a Demon Leviathan is not for the faint of heart; however, when done safely and correctly, it can bring great rewards both spiritually and physically. Those brave enough to invoke this powerful demon must be prepared for anything – success or failure. The results of the summoning will depend largely on the skill and knowledge of the practitioner, as well as their dedication and commitment to the work.

Risks Invoking the Demon Leviathan

Invoking the Demon Leviathan can come with great risks, however – if not done correctly, it can result in severe consequences for the practitioner. For this reason, it is important to understand exactly what one may be getting into when entering a relationship with such an entity.

The Demon Leviathan is seen as a powerful force of chaos and destruction – its power should not be taken lightly and any attempt to do so will likely result in disaster. When working with the Demon Leviathan, one must have absolute faith in their own abilities as well as respect for the entity itself – failure to do either could spell doom for both parties involved.

Although summoning the Demon Leviathan carries great risk, it can also bring great rewards if done correctly. Those who manage to successfully invoke and work with this powerful demon can find themselves blessed with immense strength, wealth, luck and more. Some have even reported that it can grant them special abilities such as the power to control large amounts of energy or manipulate the forces of nature.

Ritual to Summon the Demon Leviathan #1

To begin your summoning ritual of the Demon Leviathan, you will need to gather certain items.

You will require:

  • a red candle
  • incense of sandalwood and myrrh
  • some black salt
  • paper or parchment
  • Frankincense, oil, or leviathan oil

Begin by carving the Sigil of Leviathan into the red candle and then anoint it with a mixture made up of equal parts of black salt and frankincense oil – this is done while focusing on what you want from the invocation. Once that is complete, light both incense and the candle in a safe place where no one can disturb you during your ritual.

Now that everything is prepared, you can start your summon ritual.

Speak aloud the words

“I call to thee, Leviathan of the Abyss. I summon you here with my will and command. Come forth from the depths that you inhabit and answer my call”.

Once this is said, remain in a still state for several moments awaiting a response (it may come as visions or words). If nothing happens right away, allow yourself to relax and meditate on the situation before trying again at another time.

When finished with your ritual, close it by thanking Leviathan for their presence and offer them an offering of incense or thanks that can be placed somewhere near your altar.

When all of that is done, snuff out the candle and store it away in a safe place until it’s time to do another invocation again!

Ritual to Summon the Demon Leviathan #2

In order to summon Leviathan, you will need some supplies: incense, a black candle, and an athame or other blade. When it comes to incense, something with a smoky aroma is ideal – copal resin or frankincense are both excellent choices. The colour of the candle should be black in order to represent darkness and strength – this will further emphasize the power of your summoning.

Finally, if you have an athame (a ceremonial knife) then use that as your blade for this ritual. If not, any sharp object such as a kitchen knife may be used instead.

Once these items are gathered, it is to start the ritual. by spreading out your items on flat surface and setting up a comfortable space for yourself – this could be on the floor or wherever else you find suitable.

You will need:

– 1 black candle (to represent Leviathan)

– Incense of your choice (preferably sandalwood or patchouli)

– A sharp object, such as a dagger, for drawing lines and circles on the ground. Personally, I like to use chalk to create any circle on the ground, if it is on a hardwood floor, but other black magicians like to use their dagger.

– An offering of gratitude for Leviathan


Begin by casting a circle around yourself with either the sharp object or using words. You may also like to call a Demon to each of the corners to protect you during the ritual, or see it as observing your Ritual, like a group of elders would if you were performing a spell in front of them.

When that is done, light the incense and then place it in an appropriate holder.

Light the candle and incense and take a few moments to clear your mind and focus on what you want to achieve with this summoning. Now focus all your energy into the flame while concentrating on what exactly it is that you wish to summon Leviathan for. Visualize Leviathan appearing before you in whatever form they choose, while repeating an invocation of their name.

Once you have completed that, begin to chant the following:

“In the name of the Supreme Being, I call upon thee, O Leviathan! Come forth from your realm and unto mine. Hear my voice, attend me now!”

Repeat this three more times in order to fully invoke the Demon.

After that is done, give thanks and gratitude to Leviathan for coming into your presence.

When you feel ready, speak aloud and clearly any requests or questions that you have for Leviathan. Then, open yourself up to receive any wisdom or guidance that they may offer in return.

This is where it gets tricky, if you are absolutely new to summoning any type of spirit. If you haven’t done work to open up your senses, it will be very hard for you to even observe if you have a spirit in your presence. If this is the case, just assume it is there and carry on. It can take months and even years before you can understand the differences between something being present in front of you, or something being not present.

Be sure to thank Leviathan once again before completing the ritual by allowing the incense and candle flame to go out on their own accord.

Afterward, take care to ensure that your ritual area is clean and free from any trace of the offering or summoning.


When it comes to black magic, few entities are more powerful than a Demon Leviathan. For those willing to take on such an immense task, they can reap great rewards if they succeed in invoking this powerful demon correctly and safely. Although it is not for everyone, those brave enough to venture down this path can gain access to unparalleled power and insight into dark forces that can open up tremendous opportunities.

As always, remember that with great power also comes great responsibility – using black magic should not be taken lightly! With proper caution and preparation, a Demon Leviathan summoning could provide you with incredible growth.

Good luck with your summoning – may Leviathan grant you the answers and insight you seek!