Demon Gaap: The President of Hell
Gaap is a High Prince and President of Hell. In the Lesser Key of Solomon, he is one of the four cardinal spirits that rule the south and in the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum, he rules the west. This demon also has an empire over the demons Amaymon commands.
Gaap is the 33rd Spirit of Solomon. Prior to his fall, he was a member of the Angelic Order of Power. He rules over 66 ( or 60 according to some authors) legions of spirits.
Names: Gaap, Tap, Goap, Coap, Taob
Zodiac Position: 10-14 degrees of Virgo
Rank: President/Prince
Archangel: Auriel
Date: September 2nd-7th(Runyon), February 9 – 18 (Day Time)( Connolly)
Element: Earth, Air (Under Ziminiar)
Tarot Card: 9 of Pentacles
Planet: Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury
Metal: Lead
Plant: Moss
Color: Black, Orange, Red, Purple, Light Green
Gematria: 153; 873
Incense: Storax
Attributed Items: Balsam, Moss, Storax, Camphor, Mercury, Chamomomile, Lead, Tin.
Demonic Enn: Deyan anay tasa Gaap
When the Sun is in its Southern Signs, Demon Gaap appears in a Human form. He appears like a little man with green aura.
He is accompanied by Four Great and Mighty Kings and riding before them he seems like a guide to those kings.
According to the illustration of Collin de Plancy, Gaap appears as a winged giant with horns and a tail and he carries a man on his shoulders while moving through the air.
- He can either make men ignorant and insensible or he makes them all knowing in Philosophy and Liberal Science.
- He can cause hatred or love.
- He teaches one to consecrate things that belong to Amaymon, his king.
- He set familiars free from the custody of other magicians.
- Demon Gaap is a divinatory spirit and can tell the past, present and foresee the future.
- When commanded by the exorcist, he transports men speedily from one kingdom to the other.
- He helps the witch in astral and dreaming projection.
- This demon assists in accelerating the social behavior of an individual.
- You can invoke him to make your rivals’ magick inactive while enhancing your own magickal works.
- He guides the witch in the pursuit of Qliphothic initiation.
- He imparts her with insight into Qliphothic paths of sorcery and in esotericism too.
- Along with Amy and Radahel, this demon rules over vaping.
- Demon Gaap gives the talent for writing of music and other literature.
Similar Demons
- Buer
- Gremory
- Balam
- Malphas
- Paimon
Other demons related to Traveling
- Bathin
- Aglasis
- Sagatana
- Merfilde
Other demons related to Divination
- Barbatos
- Eligos
- Botis
- Amon
- Purson
Other demons with the Knowledge of Philosophy
- Buer
- Sogan
- Furcas
- Murmur
- Vapula
According to the Munich Manual, this demon provides medical care for women and he also makes them beautiful so it would be easier for them to find love.
In addition, he can render them infertile and he rules over twenty-five legions of spirits. According to Johann Weyer, this demon is also related to necromancy and alongside with Beleth, he was first summoned by Noah’s son Ham. If a summoner knows the art of King Beleth then it would be easier for Gaap to cooperate with him.
Demon Gaap, Bileth, Belial and Asmoday are the four chief demons that are in charge of the 72 Spirits commanded by Solomon into the vessel of brass.
He controls and reigns over the elements of water including the water demons. When summoned he loves to be offered tobacco or incense.
The following are some of his Magickal Chants:
Traditional enn: Deyan anay tasa Gaap
Liftoach Pandemonium, et germinet Tap
Which means:
Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth Tap
“Io Tap Rex Pandemonium”
Which means:
“Hail Tap, King of Pandemonium.”
“Invoco Goap In Nomine Qliphoth”
Which means:
“I Call Gaap in the Name of the Qliphoth!”
“In Nomine Adamas Ater, Aperiatur Acharayim, Et Germinet, Et Germinet Gaap”
Which means:
“In the Name of the Black Diamond, Open the Infernal Plane, and Bring Forth, and Bring Forth Gaap!”
“Aperiatur Qliphoth; Invoco Goap”
Which means:
“Open the Qliphoth; I Call to Gaap!”