Goetia Ritual Tools for Summoning Demons

The ritual provided in the Goetia book of the Lesser Key of Solomon is elaborate and specific. The tools required to perform the ritual continue to be one of the main obstacles to practice, is that the materials are obscure. Anyone having success with this ritual, and there have been many, have obtained the tools as required. To substitute a particular item is one of the first steps taken toward stripping the system of its integrity. You may also find yourself in harms way if you should being the ritual without the correct tools. One report states, “… the spirits took it upon themselves to give me some personal affliction.”

The list of tools required is listed below:

  • Anointing oil
  • Brass vessel
  • Hexagram of Solomon
  • Linen
  • Lion skin
  • Names of God
  • Pentagram of Solomon
  • Protective circle
  • Ring of Solomon
  • Scepter
  • Secret Seal of Solomon
  • Sword
  • Triangle of Solomon

The success from this ritual is derived from the precise making of the tools.

If you are new to reviewing this area of study, you will become quickly overwhelmed, and quite disappointed to find the many interpretations of this ritual.

The chief differences relate to the power and placement of the spirits, and to the ritual procedures and tools. These are critical elements in all the books, and this is why many authors (like Waite) throw up their hands in confusion and despair when trying to fit them together as a system comprehensible beneath one philosophical umbrella.

The books do have some common elements:

  1. The magician acts as an agent of God.
  2. The magician acts through spirits.
  3. The spirits respond to specific rituals.

In almost all cases, the magician must undergo a period of purification, followed by a consecration of the tools and/or area of practice, and finally the verbal conjuration of the spirit. In most, but not all cases, the spirit must comply under penalty of pain or forfeiture of some of its power. The specific terms, including the names of God and the elements of the other tools of practice, relate vaguely to what one might call Kabbalah, but the connection is weak and usually very corrupted from its original form.

Thoughts on these tools


The Magical Circle is to be made 9 feet across, and the Divine Names are to be written around it, beginning at EHYEH, and ending at LEVANAH, Luna.

The Magical Triangle, into the which Solomon did command the Spirits. It is to be made at 2 feet distance from the Magical Circle and it is 3 feet across. Note that this triangle is to be placed toward that quarter where the Spirit belongs. And the base of the triangle is to be nearest unto the Circle, the apex pointing in the direction of the quarter of the Spirit.


The space between the outer and inner circles, where the serpent is coiled, with the Hebrew names written along his body, is bright deep yellow.

The square in the centre of the circle, where the word “Master” is written, is filled in with red.

All names and letters are in black.

In the Hexagrams the outer triangles where the letters A, D, O, N, A, I, appear are filled in with bright yellow, the centres, where the T-shaped crosses are, blue or green.

In the Pentagrams outside the circle, the outer triangles where “Te, tra, gram, ma, ton,” is written, are filled in bright yellow, and the centres with the T crosses written therein are red.”

For the triangle…

Triangle outlined in black; name of Michael black on white ground; the three Names without the triangle written in red; circle in centre entirely filled in in dark green.


THIS is the Form of the Hexagram of Solomon, the figure whereof is to be made on parchment of a calf’s skin, and worn at the skirt of thy white vestment, and covered with a cloth of fine linen white and pure, the which is to be shown unto the Spirits when they do appear, so that they be compelled to take human shape upon them and be obedient.

(Colours. Circle, Hexagon, and T cross in centre outlined in black, Maltese crosses black; the five exterior triangles of the Hexagram where Te, tra, gram, ma, ton, is written, are filled in with bright yellow; the T cross in centre is red, with the three little squares therein in black. The lower exterior triangle, where the Sigil is drawn in black, is left white. The words “ Tetragrammaton” and “Tau” are in black letters; and AGLA with Alpha and Omega in red letters.)


THIS is the Form of Pentagram of Solomon, The necklace is to be either Gold or Silver, and worn upon thy breast; having the Seal of the Spirit required upon the other side thereof.

It is to preserve thee from danger, and also to command the Spirits by.

(Colours. – Circle and pentagram outlined in black. Names and Sigils within Pentagram black also. “Tetragrammaton” in red letters. Ground of centre of Pentagram, where “Soluzen” is written, green. External angles of Pentagram where “Abdia … .. Ballaton, Halliza, “ etc., are written, blue.)


THIS Magic Ring, or rather Disc, of Solomon, is to be made in gold or silver. It is to be held before the face of the exorcist to preserve him from the stinking sulfurous fumes and flaming breath of the Evil Spirits.

Many have found it make little to no difference the cost of this ring, and those who have experimented responded with comments such as, “…I have used four rings over the course of the years, making alterations depending on my budget. I have noticed no difference in effect among them.”


This is the Form of the Secret Seal of Solomon, wherewith he did bind and seal up the aforesaid Spirits with their legions in the Vessel of Brass.

This seal is to be made by one that is clean both inwardly and outwardly, and that hath not defiled himself by any woman in the space of a month, but hath in prayer and fasting desired of God to forgive him all his sins, etc.

It is to be made on the day of Mars or Saturn (Tuesday or Saturday) at night at 12 o’clock, and written upon virgin parchment with the blood of a black cock that never trodden.

Note that on this night the moon must be increasing in light (i.e., going from new to full) and in the Zodiacal Sign of Virgo. And when the seal is so made thou shalt perfume it with alum, raisins dried in the sun, dates, cedar and lignum aloes. Also, by this seal King Solomon did command all the aforesaid Spirits in the Vessel of Brass, and did seal it up with this same seal. He by it gained the love of all manner of persons, and overcame in battle, for neither weapons, nor fire, nor water could hurt him. And this privy seal was made to cover the vessel at the top withal, etc.


Circle and pentagram outlined in black. Names and Sigils within Pentagram black also. “Tetragrammaton” in red letters. Ground of centre of Pentagram, where “Soluzen” is written, green. External angles of Pentagram where “Abdia … .. Ballaton, Halliza, “ etc., are written, blue.


THIS is the Form of the Vessel of Brass wherein King Solomon did shut up the Evil Spirits, etc.

Somewhat different forms are given in the various codices. The seal in Figure above was made in brass to cover this vessel with at the top. This history of the genii shut up in the brazen vessel by King Solomon recalls the story of “The Fisherman and the Jinni “ in “The Arabian Nights.” In this tale, however, there was only one jinni shut up in a vessel of yellow brass the which was covered at the top with a leaden seal. This jinni tells the fisherman that his name is Sakhr, or Sacar.


The Athame or “ritual dagger” “black handled ritual knife” is used to point to the 4 directions and invoke the 4 Crowned Princes of Hell. It is used to direct energy and the will. It is associated with the element of air. It is also phallic and symbolizes the male energies of the rite.