Stages of demonic possession

Possession doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a process. There is not a scientific process for how this occurs, but by reviewing the stages I discuss below, you will see how the position happens at a slower pace over time.

Contrary to popular belief, possession is not demons entering a person’s body and taking over his or her soul. A person’s free will is never removed, only severely compromised. The goal is to break down the individuals’ free will, so they have no desire or ability to rid themselves of this parasitic style entity.

Stage 1: Manifestation

Manifestation is the first contact with a negative entity. This stage is quite non-invasive. However, it can leave deep emotional trauma.

At this stage, it is still quite easy to escape.

Stage 2: Infestation

The second stage called Infestation represents a state when the entity infests the life of its victim. It begins to affect His or her personal and daily life. The individual feels the entity is there even when not using the tools of communication, such as the Ouija Board.

This entity can also manifest itself through the home. This is “haunted house” type stuff: footsteps, voices, apparitions, furniture or other objects moving without human agency, odors with no discernible source.

It can affect property, objects, or even animals as well as people.

At this stage, the victim can start to feel really uncomfortable, even harassed.  Yet it can still be solved by simple cleansing of the individual or area.

Stage 3: Mounting or Oppression

During the third stage, the entity is preparing the vessel for complete inhabitation. The individual can feel as if the entity is entering the body. The more the victim fights it, the worse it will get. Those little episodes last only a few minutes or seconds. The whole stage can last for days or weeks… even months, depending on how strong the victim’s free will is.

Some sources call this stage “Oppression”. The entity will do and say anything in order to urge the individual to allow full possession. It will drive the victim crazy. The individual won’t be able to sleep or think clearly. Uncontrollable anxiety, anger or sadness are also very common. The goal is to break down the victim.

Occultists be warned – for individuals new to connecting with the Demons for short-term gain may be surprised that the Demon they summoned and have not been able to receive a magical result from, now desires to “take over” their body. They may feel the energy from the Demon and misunderstand this daemonic interest as the Demon desiring to help them with their spellcasting request. In actual fact the Demon has no interest in helping the individual, rather, taking over their body is the goal.

Stage 4: Riding or Obsession

The fourth stage is a state when the spirit or entity fully possessed the individual. At this stage the afflicted person has a hard time functioning, being constantly preoccupied with thoughts of the demonic activity commandeering his or her life, and frequently with thoughts of suicide as well. Sleep becomes nearly impossible.

The entity can live and speak through the body of the victim. The possessed is basically only a passenger in his own body. He or she is aware of all the actions, but either can do very little or nothing at all.

The Demon will trick people into thinking that it has left and the individual can return to having a normal existence. After a period of time (from days, to months, or even years), the Demon will return. It’s almost like it treats the victim like a portal, where it can come and go as it chooses.

Helping an individual during this time can be frustrating, as you may help the individual during a time when they are not under the daemonic attack. The individual feels free! But after sometime, the demon can return.  I like to say that people who are experiencing this type of spiritual attack need to think of “SPIRITUAL CLEANSING/CHECKUPS” a part of their annual health checks.

Stage 5: Full Possession

The final and the most dangerous stage – Full Possession. It is very rare, but it happens. After repeated episodes of short-term possessions, the victim fully allows the entity to take control, to merge as one, and permanently co-inhabit his or her body.

In possession, a person is so physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually broken down by going through the other stages that demonic spirits are able to seize occasional control over that person’s actions.

When clients come to us, or I should say when family members of individuals who fully possessed, alert us to the situation, it is dangerous for everybody.

I have seen only a few cases where an individual is born under the influence of full possession. In this case, it is often found that the individual has lived their life with the Demon. When the Demon is removed, the individual does not feel free or happy, as many feel they have lost a part of themselves, or a part of themself is missing. Sadly this individual has the ability to connect with other spirits of the same type to fill the void. Often individuals in this scenario are born, live their lives, and die under full demonic possession.

For us as a group, we have to assess the situation carefully and decide the best way to tackle the entity or legions.

With possession, the after care process is extremely important. The individual is still open for all different types of spiritual attack. The after-care program looks slightly different in each case.