Giving yourself to Satan or Lucifer

For many people, the idea of dedicating yourself to the Dark Gods is desirable. As one would baptize themself to the Christian God, it seems natural to one to consecrate themselves to Lucifer or Satan.

For the purposes of simplicity, we will use the name Satan during the rest of this article however you can use either name interchangeably.

One should not enter into such a dedication lightly. It is a serious step, psychologically as well as spiritually, into building a lifetime spiritual bond with Satan.

Why consecrate or dedicate yourself to Satan?

We suggest you should have a few reasons why this is significant to you before you do this Ritual, however here are a few to get you started:

  • To surrender your life in belief and allegiance to Satan.
  • To receive all possible benefits from Satan.
  • Consecration signifies to the individual their willingness to become a new person and cast off their old life or religious beliefs.

Consecration to Satan/Lucifer

It must be said that you do not need to have an elaborate setup or in fact any set up or any preparation to do simply make this statement to Lucifer or Satan. As within other religious systems, to change over from one belief system to the next, you simply make a statement of declaration. For example, to become a Muslim, there is one sentence that you should say, and in translation, this sentence is simply, “There is only one God, and Mohammed is the messenger of God.” To say this sentence out aloud means that you are a Muslim!

I suggest that you write down your statement prior to proclaiming the words to Satan himself. You should also keep a copy of what you said somewhere safe, where you will not forget the time and the date of your consecration.

This normally involves an agreement, and below I am going to give you a few sentences you are free to use for your own ritual, however you can also modify these words into something which fits into your language or into your desires.

Satan, from now on I belong to you,

In life, in death, and in after death.

Accept me as your acolyte.

I give you my body and my soul,

and I shall do what you wish.

After this statement, you may continue on to any other ritual you may wish to perform at this moment.

Should you only be consecrating yourself to Satan, you can simply just finish by having a celebration. This could be as simple as enjoying your favourite meal or having a libation of your choice.

Remember this is a very significant moment in your life. What can you do to make this consecration to Satan significant, special to you, and memorable?


You should consider this ritual a significant event in your life. As with all significant events, I suggest a yearly celebration on the date of consecration, to remember your consecration and dedication to Satan. Therefore, perhaps you should consider the date you perform such a ritual, and perhaps align it with your birthday or some other significant day of the year, so you never forget!


If you are only performing such a ritual as a temporary fad – I recommend you move on to reviewing spells and rituals. While you may forget the ritual you did at this stage of your life, the Dark Gods will not forget. The undoing any of these serious rituals is arduous and sometimes impossible.

Should Satan impart His gifts to you, and in the future, you forget about your allegiance to Him, you may have to return all gifts before you will be released. For example if you were promoted to a senior position, receiving higher financial rewards and status, you will need to remove yourself from the position and all the bells and whistles you have obtained. If you were given musical gifts such as voice or musical abilities, you would have to give back all the success, all the fame, etc… before you could be released…..And there is no guarantee you will be released.

A daemonic friend – Loneliness is definitely a modern issue that is only growing. Some feel having a Demon as a friend will fill the void. Make no mistake, Satan, Lucifer, or any other Demon has no interest in your friendship. They come, if they desire, only to share knowledge and wisdom, through the teaching of lessons.

Guaranteed Benefits post ritual – A common misconception is the belief you will benefit materially from the dedication or consecration to Satan. The benefit you receive is a congruency between your own spiritual beliefs and actions. Meaning that now you just don’t say you follow the left-hand path, you have declared it before Satan, and now have aligned yourself to your belief system.