Eastern Pact Making Practices

Eastern black magic practice can be a gruesome and terrifying practice, even for a seasoned western occultist. The goal is to free the occultist from the bonds and limitations that social programming has laid upon him/her. This goal is the same in all forms of left- handed practice—whether it is Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist or Islamic.

In practice, this entails the ritual desecration (deprogram­ming) of cultural taboos.

In Bengali Tantra this takes the form of the “rite of the five m’s” in which the occultist partakes of forbidden substances like beef, wine and drugs, and has sex with a woman (or sometimes a man or a boy) either not of his class, or forbidden in some other way.


A good example of this is the Hindu Aghori sect. These people are widely considered to be the most extreme practi­tioners of the Varna Marg.

In Aghora, At the Left Hand of God, the author describes his guru’s initiation as a young man. He was taken to a mountain village and instructed to do japa, ritual mantra repetition, sitting on the fresh corpse of a sixteen year old girl whose mouth had been filled with oil and a lit wick to make a lamp.

In this macabre setting, he received his first vision of the goddess Tara, one of the terror deities of the Hindu pantheon. This goddess became his patroness throughout his life (note again the similarity to the pact commitment) and he even claimed to have been teleported to Calcutta as a result of the experience.

All of this—the necromancy, the evocation of embodi­ments of violent aspects of nature (which, be it remem­bered, are all considered to be people in the magical view), the ceremonies in graveyards—are all for the purpose of uniting the sorcerer with all parts of the universe. There is no division between “Heaven and Hell.”

Kali, the goddess of destruction, is looked on by Tantriks as a mother god­dess.

It must be said here that what has been described is part of the occult or esoteric aspect of Eastern religion, and is often viewed with shock by the orthodox. Nevertheless, in the Orient, this is a living, if underground, tradition. In our own culture it has been much more effectively killed.

5 Interesting Facts about the Aghoris Black Magic Practices
  1. Aghoris consume poo, human fluids and also decaying Human Corpses because they believe in pleasing the Goddess Consort of Shiva by combining the live and dead!
  2. Aghoris Practice Necrophilia which is having sex with a dead corpse!
  3. Their women are smeared with ashes from the dead and public black magic rituals in presence of dead corpses are a common ritual!
  4. A true Aghora is symbolized with the possession of a skull or a “kapal” which may be used as a begging bowl or a bowl to drink from!
  5. All Aghoris indulge in Marijuana heavily with the bodies heavily sedated at all times. The hallucinations of course are considered to be divine interventions.