Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Facing East:
The operator should take the knife (or, if he prefers, the crystal to be used for the circle) and touching his forehead with the point, say: ATOH (ah-toh).
He then touches the heart and says: LUCIFER (or, if you are a follower of Crowley: AIWASS; or if you are Christian: IHSHVH BEN JOSEPH.)
Touch the groin and say: MALKUTH (mal-kooth).
Touch the right shoulder and say: VE-GEBURAH (veh- ghee-boo-rah).
Touch the left shoulder and say: VE-GEDULAH (veh- ghee-dew-lah).
Cross the arms across the chest and say: LE-OLAM (lee- oh-lum) and vibrate: AUM.
Still facing east:
Trace a pentagram with the knife beginning with the bottom left point and tracing up to the top.
Visualize the pentagram glowing white. Say: YHVH (yee-ho-vah).
With your arm outstretched turn south, trace the penta gram and say: ADONAI (a-don-eye).
In the same posture, turn west, make the pentagram and say: EHIEH (eh-hay-yeh).
Same posture, turning north say: AGLA (ah-guh-la).
Arm still outstretched, return to the east. Imagine yourself surrounded by a circle of four flaming pentagrams.
Put your arms out to your sides in the form of a cross and say:
Before me RAPHAEL, behind me GABRIEL, on my right hand MICHAEL, on my left hand URIEL. About me flames the pentagram, and in the column [visualize a column of lightpassing vertically through your body] stands the six- rayed star.
Finally, repeat touching the knife to forehead, heart and groin saying: ATOH, LUCIFER, MALKUTH; right shoulder: VE-GEBURAH; and left shoulder: VE-GEDULAH.
Cross the arms over the chest and say LE-OLAM, and vibrate: AUM.
Now place the censer, knife, wand and candles within the area of the circle. The circle may be drawn or made physically, but whether it is or not, it must be drawn astrally with the stone that has already been prepared.
It may be a simple circle, or one done in one of the following forms:
The sealing must be done only when all participants are inside.
The censer may now be lit if it has not already been.
For this operation the censer should be of the charcoal burning type since the coals are used to torment a recalcitrant demon.
When the conjuration is recited, the operator should be facing east. Alertness should be maintained, however, since the spirit may manifest anywhere outside the circle, and may do so in a number of ways.
There might be a change in temperature or a tingling feeling (called “vibrations” by spiritists) or even some visual manifestation. Or one may simply experience a feeling of unease, of “being watched.”
IDEA – It might even be suggested that an ouija board be set up in the circle if there is more than one participant.
When a manifestation occurs that makes the operator suspect the presence of the spirit, he may visualize Lucifuge Rofocale.
When all are in the circle, and the incense is lit, the magician says:
I present Thee, O great Adonay, this incense as the purest I can obtain; in like manner, I present Thee this charcoal prepared from the most ethereal of woods. I offer them, O grand and omnipotent Adonay, Eloim, Ariel and Jehovam, with my whole soul and my whole heart. Vouchsafe, O great Adonay, to receive them as an acceptable holocaust. Amen.
Now you do the first conjuration.