List of Demon Names
Links to the demons below are to external sources.
1. King Baël 2. Duke Aguarès 3. President Barbas 4. Prince/Duke Pruflas 5. Marquess Amon 6. Duke/Count Barbatos 7. President Buer 8. Duke Gusoyn 9. Count/President Botis 10. Duke Bathym 11. King Pursan 12. Duke Eligos 13. Marquess Loray 14. Duke Valefor 15. Count/President Morax 16. Prince/Count Ipes 17. President Glasya labolas 18. Marquess Naberius 19. Duke Zepar 20. King Byleth 21. Prince Sytry 22. King Paimon 23. King Bélial | 24. Duke Bune 25. Marquess Forneus 26. Marquess/Count Roneve 27. Duke Berith 28. Duke Astaroth 29. President Forras 30. Count Furfur 31. Marquess Marchocias 32. President Malphas 33. Duke Vepar 34. Marquess Sabnac 35. King Sidonay 36. Prince/President Gaap 37. Duke/Marquess Chax 38. Duke Pucel 39. Knight Furcas 40. Duke/Count Murmur 41. President Caym 42. Count Raum 43. Count Halphas 44. Duke Focalor 45. King/Count Vine 46. Count Bifrons | 47. Marquess Samigina 48. King/President Zagan 49. Marquess Orias 50. President Volac 51. Duke Gomory 52. King/Count Decarabia 53. Duke Amduscias 54. Marquess Andras 55. Marquess Andrealphus 56. President Oze 57. Duke Aym 58. Prince Orobas 59. Duke Vapula 60. Marquess Cimeries 61. President Amy 62. Duke Flauros 63. King Balam 64. Duke Alocer 65. Count Saleos 66. Duke Vuall 67. President Haagenti 68. Marquess Phoenix 69. Prince Stolas |
SOURCE: Pseudomonarchia Daemonum (Liber officiorum spirituum); Johann Weyer, ed. Joseph Peterson; 2000. Available online at Esoteric Archives
The Dictionnaire Infernal
Demons Listed: 65
Published: 1818
The Dictionnaire Infernal is a book on demonology, describing demons organised in hierarchies. It was written by Jacques Auguste Simon Collin de Plancy and first published in 1818.
Louis Breton created a set of 69 illustrations of demons, which were then engraved by M. Jarrault. J.A.S. Collin de Plancy then published the set with brief descriptions in his book “Dictionnaire Infernal.” The book was published in French throughout the 1800s in several editions.
Many of these demon illustrations were republished in S. L. MacGregor Mathers’ The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon,
- Abigor also known as Eligos
- Abraxas/Abracas
- Adramelech
- Aguares
- Alastor
- Alocer
- Amduscias
- Amon
- Andras
- Asmodee
- Astaroth
- Azazel
- Bael
- Balan
- Barbatos
- Behemoth
- Belphegor
- Belzebuth
- Berith
- Bhairava/Beyrevra
- Buer
- Caacrinolaas
- Cali
- Caym
- Cerbere
- Deimos/Deumus
- Eurynome
- Flaga
- Flavros
- Forcas
- Furfur
- Ganga/Gramma
- Garuda
- Guayota
- Gomory
- Haborym
- Ipes
- Lamia
- Lechies
- Leonard
- Lucifer
- Malphas
- Mammon
- Marchosias
- Melchom
- Moloch
- Nickar
- Nybbas
- Orobas
- Paimon
- Picollus
- Pruflas/Busas
- Rahovart
- Ribesal
- Ronwe
- Scox
- Stolas
- Tap
- Torngarsuk
- Ukobach
- Volac
- Wall
- Xaphan
- Yan-gant-y-tan
- Zaebos
Source: Dictionnaire Infernal
Goetic Demons
Demons Listed: 72
Date Listed: 17th Century
Note – Many of the demons found in the Goetia were initially published in the 16th century by Johann Wier. Popular common translation/compilation comes from SL MacGregor Mathers in 1904.
The Goetia is Book 1 of the Lemegeton (Lesser Key of Solomon), a grimoire that circulated in the 17th century and from the experiences of King Solomon. The illustrations from the Goetia come from Collin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal illustrations.
- King Bael (or BEELZEBUB)
- Duke Agares
- Prince Vassago
- Marquis Samigina
- President Barbas
- Duke Valefar
- Marquis Aamon
- Duke Barbatos
- King Paimon
- President Buer
- Duke Gusion
- Prince Sitri
- King Beleth
- Marquis Leraje
- Duke Eligos
- Duke Zepar
- Count/President Botis
- Duke Bathin
- Duke Sallos
- King Purson
- Count/President Marax
- Count/Prince Ipos
- Duke Aim
- Marquis Naberius
- Count/President Glasya-Labolas
- Duke Buné
- Marquis/Count Ronové
- Duke Berith
- Duke Astaroth
- Marquis Forneus
- President Foras
- King Asmodeus
- Prince/President Gäap
- Count Furfur
- Marquis Marchosias
- Prince Stolas
- Marquis Phenex
- Count Halphas
- President Malphas
- Count Räum
- Duke Focalor
- Duke Vepar
- Marquis Sabnock
- Marquis Shax
- King/Count Viné
- Count Bifrons
- Duke Vual
- President Häagenti
- Duke Crocell
- Knight Furcas
- King Balam
- Duke Allocer
- President Camio
- Duke/Count Murmur
- Prince Orobas
- Duke Gremory
- President Ose
- President Amy
- Marquis Orias
- Duke Vapula
- King/President Zagan
- President Valac
- Marquis Andras
- Duke Flauros
- Marquis Andrealphus
- Marquis Kimaris
- King Amdusias
- King Belial
- Marquis Decarabia
- Prince Seere
- Duke Dantalion
- Count Andromalius