
Demonology is the study of demons or demonic belief. The word demonology is from the Greek word daimōn, meaning “divinity, divine power, god.”

You may be wondering how many Demons are there? If you’re new to the studies of the ancient gods, you may be surprised that the number of Demons is more than the 72 listed in the Goetia.

During an exorcism, a priest asked the attending Demon, “How many are are you?”

The Demon answered, “…we are so many that if we were visible we would have obscured the sun.”

In the past, demons were not “evil” entities. Due to the establishment and ongoing spiritual tyranny of the Church, most spirits were demonized and labeled as evil. It was common practice to take anything that was “pagan” or not useful to the Church and label it as evil.

Demonolatry means “the worship of demons” but also is a practice of working with these ancient Gods, Goddesses, and non-human spiritual entities.

Our journey is to understand these amazing Gods, and learn how to draw their energy closer.