Spell to conceive a boy or a girl

Having a baby is an exciting experience that can bring immense joy to your life. Sometimes, however, you may have a specific gender preference for your child. Whether it’s because you want a partner for your son or a sister for your daughter, couples worldwide chase the dream of conceiving a boy or a girl. If you’ve always wondered whether it’s possible to choose the gender of your child, the answer is yes, but it’s not an exact science. Here we will explain how to cast a spell to conceive a boy or a girl that could increase your chances.

It’s crucial to understand that there are no guarantees when it comes to gender selection spells. However, many people have found success by following time-old traditions that have been in existence for centuries. One of the most popular methods used to conceive a boy is through diet. Eating a diet that is high in potassium and sodium can change the pH level of your body and increase the chances of sperm carrying the Y chromosome, resulting in a male child. Additionally, some people follow the Chinese Lunar calendar, which advises couples on the best days to conceive a baby boy based on the mother’s age and lunar month.

On the other hand, if you wish to conceive a girl, you may want to consider adjusting your diet to reduce your intake of potassium and sodium-rich foods. This adjustment would increase the odds of having a female child, as sperm carrying the X chromosome thrives better in a womb with an acidic pH level. Some people who want to have a baby girl also consult the Chinese lunar calendar and follow the suggested dates for baby girls’ conception.

Author suggests:

  • To conceive a boy, place a dagger in your headboard
  • To conceive a girl, put a dagger in the headboard with a bay laurel wreath around it
  • To conceive a boy, place arrows under the bed
  • To conceive a boy, charge a small gold knife charm with other yang materials. Wear it as a charm around your neck
  • To conceive a girl, place a spindle under the bed or mattress

Another popular method for gender selection is casting a fertility spell. These spells are known to help increase the chances of conceiving a boy or a girl. They usually involve rituals, including lighting candles, reciting incantations, and using various essential oils, crystals, and herbs.

While there’s no clinical evidence to support these claims, many couples who have used fertility spells have reported positive results. And if you got down this far, I will add that we don’t give a lot of testimonials on this website because we do not like to give out false hope. Magic works in mysterious ways. However, we have always had a 100% success rate with our fertility spells. 100%! Of course, our exact method is restricted to secrecy, however, that doesn’t mean our method is the only method. Here is the general outline for you to consider when planning your fertility magic.

How to Cast a Basic Candle Magic Fertility Spell for Conceiving a Baby

You will need some specific items such as a green candle, an image or symbol of fertility, and some herbs associated with fertility (i.e. rosemary, thyme, basil). The herbs that are used in this fertility spell each have their own unique properties which can help increase your chances of conceiving a baby. Rosemary is known to stimulate the reproductive system, while thyme helps ease stress and anxiety associated with infertility. Basil is believed to bring new life as it encourages fertility and conception. By combining these herbs together in a fertility spell, you are harnessing their collective powers to help increase your chances of conceiving a healthy baby.

Begin by holding the green candle in both hands, focusing on your intention to conceive a baby. Visualize the energy of the candle flowing through your body and into the universe. Speak aloud your intention to conceive a baby, then light the candle with a match or lighter.

Next, take each herb associated with fertility and hold it in both hands while repeating your desired outcome for conceiving a baby (e.g. “I will conceive a healthy baby”). Finally, place the herbs and the image or symbol of fertility on top of the candle. If that is not possible, place the herbs around the candle or burn them on a charcoal disc.

The last step is to close the spell by thanking the universe for granting your wish. Blow out the candle and keep it in a safe place until your pregnancy test comes back positive. It is also important to give thanks for the blessing you are about to receive.

Once your spell is complete, it is important to remain hopeful and positive. Visualize a healthy pregnancy and all the joy that will come with it!

How to Cast a Basic Gemstone Fertility Spell

  • White Candle – This symbolizes purity and is crucial for the success of this spell.
  • A Gemstone – Any type will work, but the best gemstones for this spell include moonstone, quartz, and opal.
  • A Sachet – To contain all of the ingredients and to focus your energy on the goal of conceiving a baby.
  • Sea Salt – This will be used to purify and cleanse the space you’re working in so that no negative influences disrupt your spell.
  • Herbs – These will be used to give your fertility spell extra power. Some of the best herbs for this purpose include basil, lavender, and jasmine.

How To Cast The Spell:

  1. Begin by purifying your space with the sea salt. Sprinkle it around the room that you are working in and allow it to settle.
  2. Place the white candle in the center of your space and light it. Allow it to burn for a few moments.
  3. Take the gemstone and place it on top of the lit candle. This will help focus your energy towards achieving a successful spell.
  4. Add the herbs to the sachet along with your desired intention. Focus on the goal of conceiving a baby while adding each herb to the sachet.
  5. Now that everything is in place, begin chanting the following words:

“My heart desires a blessing, born out of love and true feeling. Grant me this wish I ask of you; conceive a child for the world anew.”

  1. Repeat this chant three times, focusing on the energy of your intention as you do so.
  2. When you are finished chanting, place the sachet in a safe and secure location until your wish is granted – it will serve as a reminder of what you have asked for and a symbol of faith in yourself that it will come true.

Cleansing The Space After Casting The Spell:

Once you have completed the spell and feel that it has been successful, it is important to cleanse the space of all residual energy. This can be done by smudging with sage. Light the bundle of sage and let its fragrant smoke fill your room. As you do this, envision any negativity or excess energy leaving your space as the smoke dissipates. Once you have cleansed the entire room, it is important to open the windows and let some fresh air in – this will help reset the energy of your space, and ensure that all negativity has left.

Now that your space has been purified and re-energized, you can rest easy knowing that the spell was successful! Congratulations on taking this powerful step and trusting in the power of your own intentions.

Take some time to reflect on the journey that you have taken – whether you receive a positive result or not, it is important to recognize yourself for having the courage to take action and follow through with your desires. Enjoy this special moment as you look forward to whatever comes next.

Spell to Give Birth to a Healthy Baby

If you are worried that your unborn child may be ill or be born with an inherited problem, cut an apple in half.

Take one half and rub the fruit over your belly. Envision any sickness being drawn out of your womb and out of your child, and into the fruit.

When you are done, bury that tainted half an apple in the ground, away from your baby’s nursery window. Then go wash up, you are probably all sticky.

If a tree grows from the seeds left in the buried apple, this is an indication that your child will be very strongly linked to the element of Earth, and will never know hunger.

Eat the remaining half while envisioning your baby being born happy and healthy.

You may wish to light a green, pine-scented candle while doing this. Green candles are great for healing spells, and pine is associated with Earth and fertility.

If you are allergic or can’t eat apples, throw it out, but take the time to do the visualization.

Spell to Conceive a Son

During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle.

At the top should be a yellow one (Sun), to the left a green one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Rain).

These are the symbols of the Father.

Take a dried Oak Leaf and in red ink write the following:

“Sow in my womb a son as tall and healthy as the mighty Oak”.

Place the leaf in the center of the triangle. Next, place an acorn on top of the leaf, repeating the following:

“From this seed is born the Sacred Oak
From this union is born my beloved Son”

Visualize a tree growing, from the first shoots pushing through lush soil, the slender sapling, all the way up until the tree stands strong and proud. Its leafy arms spread above you.

Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, the sun shining through here and there.

Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the tree, gently cradled in the protruding roots. Picture him as you would like your son to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.

When you are ready, take the acorn and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down. Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat, using new candles but the same leaf and acorn.

Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.

Spell to Conceive a Daughter

During your most fertile time arrange three candles in a triangle. At the top should be a silver one (Moon), to the left a brown one (Earth) and to the right a blue one (Water).

These are the symbols of the Mother. Take a rose (blossom only) and place it in the center of the triangle.

Using a thorn from the rose stem, prick your finger and squeeze three drops of blood on top of the bloom.

Repeating the following:

“Sweet as the rose may be, and as strong as the thorn
From this union of flesh and spirit, my daughter is born”

Visualize a rose bush growing and flowering before you. Its blossoms smell sweet and the thorns are proof that woman is both beautiful and powerful. Soft and strong.

Hold this image in your mind for a few minutes. Picture the leaves rustling with the breeze, butterflies drifting around the blooms.

Now, picture an infant lying at the base of the bush, gently cradled by the curling stems and buds.

Picture her as you would like your daughter to be, happy, healthy, smiling. Hold this image for a few moments.

When you are ready, take the rose and place it under the mattress before making love. Let the candles burn down.

Each night before attempting to conceive, repeat using new candles and a new rose blossom.

Keep in mind, this spell increases the likelihood of conceiving the gender you seek. This means you may not conceive at all if the potential child was of the opposite gender! So think long and hard about using this spell.