Healing Spells for the Soul, Stress, Energy, & Aura
Some easy tips to remember for Healing Work:
The healing power of water
Your body is screaming for water, give it enough and many problems will be solved.
Correct breathing is the base for a healthier life
A large proportion of the adult population in the Western world breathes incorrectly. Includes a Reiki/Qi Gong exercise for abdominal breathing.
Meditation – how to bring the mind home
This is a very forceful and effective Reiki meditation that gives relaxation, mental calmness, clarity, increased ability to visualize, clairvoyance, increased healing power and a wider consciousness.
Helpful Spells
Energy healing spell
Place both hands on the wound and close your eyes. Visualize energy flowing into the wound. Do not put too much energy or it can be very harmful. Then watch the wound heal!
Aura Healing Tea
You will need the following items for this spell:
- 3 Sage Leaves.
- 5 rose petals.
- 1 Tsp ground Cinnamon.
- 1 Tsp Lavender Buds.
- 2 Tsp Sugar.
Heals your Aura in seconds. It makes you feel less stressed and It’s a Good Tea to Increase Self-Love.
1. Gather up all the Herbs, Crush them or ground them into a Powder.
2. After that boil 250ml (8 fl oz) of Water, and put 2 Tsp of Sugar into a Cup then add the Powdered mix into the Cup then pour in the Water and Before you Stir the Tea put your hand over the tea and say:
“May this sacred tea
Heal my Aura and bring me
a Healthier lifestyle.
Blessed be.”
3. Then Stir the Tea 3 times and say:
“By the Power of Three
So mote it be.”
4. Then Drink all of the Tea.
5. If you Don’t Choose to Cut or Ground them into a powder. Drain the Herbs out of the Water as you pour it into the Cup.
Soul Cleansing spell
“Cleanse my soul I call to thee,
Cleanse my soul of corruption please,
Cleanse it now leave only purity,
To give to me divinity.”
Soul Cleansing Directions
Step 1.) First go somewhere quiet and private. Then get your candle and place it in front of you then light it.
Step 2.) Have the cleansing spell written on a piece of paper so you can read it while casting the spell.
Step 3.) Now While saying the spell focus your energy towards the candle, fire represents purity this is why you will need the candle.
To Heal the Soul Spell
To heal your soul: soak up the Suns Blessing light, these words at length please do recite:
To Heal the Soul
“With these words, my spirit bright,
Take my soul and seize the light.
A helping hand to healing lend,
So I return to health again.”
Freedom from stress spell
You will need the following items for this spell:
- 1 red candle
- 1 white candle
- Lavender oil
- Cinnamon oil
- Piece of red jasper
- Piece of clear quartz
Place the red candle in front of you, and anoint it with the cinnamon oil. Light it, and think of all the things that currently stress you out.
Hold the red jasper in your hand, and let all the stressful things pour out of your mind and into the stone.
Move the lit candle farther away from you, and set the stone at the base. Then bring the white candle to you, and rub with lavender oil. Light the candle. Now think peaceful thoughts and focus on being relaxed and stress-free.
Leave both candles to burn down, and take the piece of clear quartz with you to remind you to leave the stress behind.
Healing Spell for Happiness
“Happiness, I call on you,
Bring with you your magick too.
For I am unhappy, I wish not to be,
Grant me your power
To live in peace and harmony.
So mote it be!”
After you say the spell, draw a pentagram on your power hand (right for a right-handed person, left for a left-handed person) and draw a happy face on your other hand. It doesn’t have to be big, just something to represent happiness.