Conjurations to Emperor Lucifer

Similar to the traditional conjurations, these can be modified when we make a pact.

  • The 1st Conjuration – said to Emperor Lucifer
  • The 2nd Conjuration – only done if the first conjuration is ineffective
  • The 3rd Conjuration – If the 2nd is ineffective
  • Grand Conjuration – done if the 3rd conjuration doesn’t work
  • The adept may choose to use the above conjuration in place of all others.

The 1st Conjuration

Emperor Lucifer, Master and Prince of Spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me.

I command and I conjure thee in the Name of the Mighty living God, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I shall ask thee, failing which, thou shalt be most surely compelled to obedience by the power of the divine Adonay, Eloim, Ariel, Jehovam, Tagla, Mathon, and by the whole hierarchy of superior intelligences, who shall constrain thee against thy will.

Venite, Venite! Submiritillor Lucifuge, or eternal torment shall overwhelm thee, by the great power of this blasting rod.

If, after this, the spirit does not respond, plunge your wand into the brazier or censer to torment him, and visual­ize this occurring. Then recite:

Second Conjuration

I command and I adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the representative of the mighty living God, and by the power of Emmanuel, His only Son, Who is thy master and mine, and by the virtue of His precious blood, which He shed to redeem mankind from thy chains, I command thee to quit thine abode, wheresoever it may be, swearing that.

I will give thee one quarter of an hour alone, if thou dost not straightway come hither and communicate with me in an audible and intelligible voice, or, if thy personal presence be impossible, dispatch me thy Messenger Astaroth in a human form, without either noise or evil smell, failing which I will smite thee and thy whole race with the terrible Blasting Rod into the depth of the bottomless abysses, and that by the power of those great words in the Clavicle—by Adonay, Eloim, Ariel, Jehovam, Tagla, Mathon, Almouzin, Arios, Pithona, Magots, Sylphae, Tabots, Salamandrae, Gnomus, Terrae, Coelis, Godens, Aqua.

Third Conjuration

I adjure thee, Emperor Lucifer, as the agent of the strong living God, of His beloved Son and of the Holy Ghost, and by the power of the Great Adonay, Eloim, Ariel and Jehovam, to appear instantly, or to send thy Messenger Astaroth, forcing thee to forsake thy hiding-place, whereso- ever it may be, and warning thee that if thou dost not mani- fest this moment, I will straightway smite thee and all thy race with the Blasting Rod of the great Adonay, Eloim, Ariel and Jehovam.

If the spirit should still not cooperate, plunge the wand once again into the fire and say.

Grand Conjuration

I adjure thee, O Spirit! by the power of the grand Adonay, to appear instanter, and by Eloim, by Ariel, by Jehovam, by Aqua, Tagla, Mathon, Oarios, Almozin, Arios, Membrot, Varios, Pithona, Majods, Sulphae, Gabots, Salamandrae, Tabots, Gingua, Janna, Etitnamus, Zariatnatmix, A. E. A. J.A. T. M. O. A. A. M. V. P. M. S. C. S. J. C. G. A. J. F. Z.

These initials represent the various names of God such as Adonay, Tetragrammaton, Metatron, etc.

Grand Conjuration Of Spirits

Emperor Lucifer, Master of all the revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favor me in the adjuration which I address to thee mighty minister, Lucifuge Rofocale, being desirous to make a pact with him.

I beg thee also, O Prince Beelzebuth, to protect me in my undertaking.

O Count Astarothl Be propitious to me, and grant that tonight the great Lucifuge may appear to me under a human form, free from evil smell, and that he may accord me, in virtue of the pact which I propose to enter into, all the riches that I need.

O grand Lucifuge, I pray thee to quit thy dwelling, wheresoever it may be, and come hither to speak with me; otherwise will I compel thee by the power of the strong living God, His beloved Son and the Holy Spirit.

Obey the potent words in the grand Clavicle of Solomon, wherewith he was accustomed to compel the rebellious spirits to receive his compact.

Then straightway appear, or I will persistently torture thee by the virtue of these great words in the Clavicle: Aglon, Tetragram, Vaycheon Stimulamaton Ezphares Retragrammaton Olyaram Irion Esytion Existion Eryona Onera Orasym Mozm Messias Soter Emmanuel Sabaoth Adonay, te adoro, te invoco.


Conjuration & Discharge Of The Spirit

O Prince Lucifer, I am, for the time, contented with thee.

I now leave thee in peace, and permit thee to retire where- soever it may seem good to thee, so it be without noise and without leaving any evil smell behind thee.

Be mindful, however, of our engagement, for shouldst thou fail in it, even for a moment, be assured that I shall eternally smite thee with the Blasting Rod of the great Adonay, Eloim, Ariel and Jehovam.


You’re Finished!

He now retires, or if he chooses, enjoys a feast.

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