Styles of Magick
Magick is quite simply, the art of working with energy. Either sending out energy to get your requests of love, money, health etc. answered as in spells or rituals or to sense energy coming in through your psychic senses of feeling, knowing, seeing or hearing.
Magick can easily be seen or felt in your life through paying attention to the things or signs that happen in your life. For example, If you are looking for love and you do a ritual or spell for love and then at work there is new person who just got hired and is introduced to you, then this is a sign. Every person you talk to, every place you go, everything you do is a sign for one thing or another so pay attention to these things in your life as these are doors opening in your world.
In order to send out stronger Magick you need to be able to focus your attention. Keeping the chatter mind or conscious mind quiet for even a few minutes and focusing takes lots of practice but will produce powerful Magickal results in your life.
In today’s world, black magick or malicious magic, practitioners are typically shunned by society and/or forbidden by law, as well as hated and feared by the general populace. White magick or (beneficial magic) is tolerated or even accepted by the people.
I will say, there is no discredit to those who call themselves “white witches” and their is no truth to the popular idea of “black magic” is stronger. The power of a witch is in his/her practice and skill mastery. For example a white magic spell for protection may kill one practicing black magic should they be unknowledgeable about the art of protection. Everyone has the right to practice as they desire.
Though magic itself is neutral, practitioners often distinguish between good, or white magic and bad, or black magic—though such distinctions are subjective. Bardon divided magic into three types:
- Lower magic, which deals with the laws of nature and control of forces in nature, such as the ELEMENTS
- Intermediate magic, which deals with the laws of human beings in the microcosm, and how the microcosm can be influenced
- Higher magic, which deals with the universal laws of the macrocosm and how they can be controlled
Other types of magic are known by their distinguishing characteristics.