Number 25
The 25 person is sometimes known to be very aloof and critical of others so it is hard to form close bonds with one. However, they possess a wonderful mind and are excellent researchers.
Number 25, due to its 2 + 5 = 7 vibration, is the thinker, dreamer and philosopher who can easily leave the world behind and enter into the world of creative imagination. Number 2 brings its influences of bringing things together and finding balance, number 5 resonates with changes and adaptability, and number 7 relates to mysticism, intuition, research and knowledge.
Number 25 are flexible in nature and are able to see things from different perspectives and angles, making them fair and balanced individuals.
Number 25 needs to investigate all things and come to their own conclusions, decisions and value system. 25 searches for its own belief system and wants to do its own investigation/s.
Female 25 people love anything ‘New Age’ – crystals, a pendulum, Tarot cards, scented candles and the like are ideal gifts for the 25 energy. 25s also enjoy reading, so books (particularly self-help books) are much appreciated.
Males would love a new bicycles, computer software, CD’s and good wine.
Both sexes like to relax, so a house cleaner for a month, a hammock or sun lounge for the garden, or renting a log cabin in the mountains for the weekend would be perfect gifts.
25 people have brilliant minds and make for excellent investigators, scientists and researchers.
Also see the energies and attributes of number 2, number 5 and number 7 (2+5=7)